By Patick Ocarroll

(Copyright 2017, Patrick Ocarroll – All Rights Reserved)
  1. There is no such animal as a “conspiracy theory” except in the minds of “The Great Brainwashed.”

    Conspiracy never had anything to do with theory, and theory was never even remotely related to conspiracy.

    When confronted with the task of naming one “conspiracy theory”, most brainwashed people fail to provide a single example. The NLP-brainwashing term “conspiracy theory” was invented by Tavistock in the mid-1960s to apply to anyone who got too close to the most topical item of truth at the time. This was of course that President John F Kennedy was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy and on the orders of the London-NY-Axis (the Beast [i.e. the English monarch], the City of London and the House of Rothschild).

    Yet, the mass media shills (MSM) cannot name one genuine “conspiracy theory” because none ever existed in all of human history.

    Conspiracies are the engine of history.  Every major event in history came to pass as a result of at least one conspiracy, sometimes multiple conspiracies.  And that “secret tradition” continues today.

    Pursuits that deal with conspiracy on a daily basis include judge, lawyer, policeman, politician, professor, historian, biblical scholar, dramatist, screenplay writer, newsreader, newspaper-reader, TV viewer, web-surfer, therapist and counselor.

  2. Because the NASA disinformation technologiss are really a bunch of “NAS-holes, “this document regrets that it must refrain from dignifying them with the term “scientist”. The NASA disseblers need to be fired and replaced by proper scientists. This document also prefers to call that whole military psychological-operation by its proper name, which is Project Apollo Hoax, and not by any terms the professional deceivers at NASA may or may not prefer to call it.

    The Project Apollo Hoax is itself a prime example of a conspiracy, which has brainwashed mass media shill shills (anchormen and reporters) over the years tried, but failed, to classify as a “theory”.

    The hoax was really an intelligence test run by the “NAS-holes” to ascertain which Earthlings were clever enough to spot the fraud. Nowadays, the fact that Project Apollo Hoax was a fraud is regularly up for debate.

    For decades now, forensic proof has been available that the NASA never even went near the moon during Project Apollo Hoax. The hoax has long been an established fact. If you have not yet passed the “Project Apollo Hoax Intelligence Test” set by the NASA, you may need to get some updates or change gear.

    How come the Apollo Hoax worked so well?

    Answer: Because It Is Actually Quite Easy To Convince Somebody Of Something When Somebody WANTS To Believe It And WANTS It To Be True!

    Still, adamant “Apollogists” (those wacky nuts who believe Project Apollo Hoax really landed men on the “moon”) are at times very sad people who want to believe “Thunderbirds” is real or simply refuse to even entertain the notion that Santa might not be.

    Question: How has the NASA disinfo so far kept the hoax going?

    Answer: They have only managed to do so in the English-speaking world, where the debate was framed by the monopoly-media (themselves teeming with CIA agents from the still-ongoing Operation Mockingbird), framed by many CIA-maintained websites such as “WickedPedia,” and framed by CIA-sponsored “tell-lie-vision-shows” like Myth Busters.

    Framing the debate means the regime and NASA only permit discussion of those dozen or so questions to which they have ready but contrived “answers” to “explain” maybe two-percent of existing objections to audiences who are perhaps less-sophisticated.

    By contrast, this document pinpoints well over a hundred anomalies, paradoxes, ambiguities, absurdities and downright errors in the official-truth narrative still maintained by the NASA Disinfo and defended by their media shills, gophers and by “Apollogist” websites.

    It is also the case that, decades ago, many countries outside the English-speaking world recognized the Apollo movies for the hoax they really were. Today, only 20 percent of Russians and about 40 percent of Germans believe that the NASA astronauts ever went to the moon.  So, one can see, the NASA Disinfo were more effective in the English-speaking world.

    They were permitted also to lie to the public and to hide facts using the smokescreen of “national security.”  The number of Americans who believe that NASA never made it to the moon now exceeds 20 percent in 2017, and there is great hope that people, especially the younger generation, are waking up and that the US regime will soon be forced to tell the truth. If the NASA Disinfo agency had ever been compelled to actually PROVE they had been to the moon, then the tables would have turned long ago and “Apollogists” would have been crushed overnight.

    So far, the public has been forced to take the NASA disinfo at their word, but their thousands of lies over the decades have shaken all public trust in them for ever. Now that the internet overwhelmingly backs a hoax, it is only a matter of time before the vast majority will be saying:  “I always KNEW it was a hoax.”

    Many people have claimed the astronauts reached the “Moon” but that they deliberately faked all photos and films in order to deceive potential military enemies such as Russia or China.

    Indeed, prominent NASA critic Richard Hoagland admitted that the Apollo photographs were in fact faked.  In many talks, prominent NASA critic Dr Steven Greer (head of the Disclosure project) stated that the US regime was forced to hide space-alien craft visible in “real” film shot on the “Moon” and that Armstrong and Aldrin, plus their families, were forced to keep this huge secret under pain of death.

    But the first issue with this whole argument is: Why Not Just Go To The Moon And Tell No One About It?  Why take laborious and ridiculous steps to fake the whole “trip”?

    A second major issue with this argument is: Where’s The Proof? Could the NASA start by describing and proving scientifically how they got through the VARB (the Van Allen Radiation Belt)?  Their claim of spending only an hour or two in the VARB is like claiming they only spent a short time in the Fukushima core so they’re totally radiation-free, or they only spent an hour in torrential rain so they’re totally dry.

    If the NASA astronauts reached the “Moon”, would they please provide the first plausible evidence of their “trip”?

    A third major issue with this argument is of course: Why has NASA been caught lying hundreds of other times in areas totally unrelated to Project Apollo Hoax?

    Finally, another major issue with this argument is: It contradicts what we already know about how the world really works; many people have long realized that the world is more akin to a system of Organized Crime centrally controlled by the London-NY-Axis (the Beast [i.e. the English monarch], the City of London and the House of Rothschild).  That means that the whole “space race” was a con-job to hoodwink humanity and steal tax money. It also means the whole “cold war” was a con-job to extract taxes from countries of both eastern and western blocs for about five decades to pay for probably never-even-tested military apparatus.

    The Apollo Hoax was one of the biggest scams of the Twentieth Century.  The NASA Disinfo Agency set out to willfully defraud the American people from the start as they knew all along that a Moon landing was NOT a goal that could actually be achieved. But the NASA leaders were under orders from the CIA and the London-NY-Axis (the Beast [i.e. the English monarch], the City of London and the House of Rothschild) to fake the “moon landings” as a propaganda tool for the US regime.

    By naming the program “Project Apollo”, the agency may have let slip that the Apollo Hoax was intended as an extension of the MKULTRA mind-control experiments run by Tavistock, the NSDAP (Germanb National Socialist Party, aka “Nazis”) and the NSDAP’s successor organization, the CIA, aka the Central intelligence Agency, which derived its name from the Nazi’s “Mittelwerks” (The Central Works) that amalgamated the their intelligence, security and espionage agencies into One System with the rocket science and advanced technologies industry.  Studying that organization, we find the identical structure in Nazi Germany to what President Eisenhower exposed and dubbed “The Military Industrial Complex” or MILINT.

    Film footage taken inside the capsule on all Apollo-Hoax movies shows a light-blue haze and only a tiny Earth-curvature through the capsule window, but this is seen when the astronauts were claiming to be thousands of miles from Earth. So the NASA Disinfo Agency were and still are effectively claiming that this light-blue haze was visible when the astronauts were supposedly located “in the blackness of space” and that the relatively tiny Earth-curvature was what is seen far away from Earth.

    The light-blue haze and tiny curvature are the biggest smoking guns indicating that the Apollo-Hoax capsules never even left Low Earth Orbit.  In the official Apollo 13 Hoax coverage taken inside the lunatic-module capsule, you can clearly see the bright blue of an earthly sky through the triangular windows of the capsule while the astronauts were simultaneously claiming in their live radio broadcast to be currently witnessing the “blackness of space,”  So far, the “NASA experts” have failed to explain any of this.

    In reality, the film footage was created either in the Moonset Studio at Langley Research Center in Hampton Virginia or else in Stanley Kubrick‘s set at Elstree Studios London.

    Many photographs of the apparatus and equipment used on the Moonset Studio for Project Apollo Hoax are very easy to find on the internet.  NASA showed the fake Apollo craft allegedly circling the “moon” by using a rail-mounted camera which slowly moved toward a rotating Plaster Of Paris model of the “moon”. This lunatic-module was suspended from a huge traverse crane and was gently lowered while it simultaneously traversed over the said “moon” surface constructed beneath it.  NASA claimed the Moonset Studio was “for test purposes only” (a likely tale, given the hundreds of other lies they have been caught telling).;

    A film taken on the Moonset Studio at Langley Research Center clearly shows the props the NASA was using to fake the sinuous rill called Rima Hadley.

    Project Apollo Hoax later showed this sinuous rill as if it was really on the surface of the “moon”.  Subjectively, the NASA was perhaps bragging that they could even move mountains.

    Many researchers have concluded that some insiders in NASA were white-hats who were making deliberate mistakes (for instance with these “moon” mountains) so as to try to go unnoticed but still blow the whistle on Project Apollo Hoax as a whole, and thus expose it as a mere sound-and-light show.

    If that is the case, then we need to say a big Thank You to these white-hats.  In most of the glitzy “moon” photos, the horizon on the surface of the “moon” is visible both behind the astronaut and in his visor.  But that could never happen on the real moon because it would mean that the size of the “moon” would only have been roughly the size of, say, the Moonset Studio.

    A famous mid-1960s photograph shows Stan Kubrick and Arthur C Clarke with high-level NASA figures, Deke Slayton, Frederick Ordway and George Mueller, as they stroll through studio grounds at Elstree London.  Kubrick’s “2001; A Space Odyssey” movie was released on 12 May 1968, roughly 14 months before the NASA launched the Apollo 11 Hoax.

    The “2001” movie prepared the public to accept the Apollo-11-Hoax movie in the best traditions of predictive programming.  It made timely propaganda about the Moon and its budget may also have spun off a special London Moonset Studio for NASA.

    Dr Roel van der Meulen of the Leiden Observatory in the Netherlands said
    “…the moon landings never happened” and suggested they were in reality filmed by Stanley Kubrick in a sound stage in Huntsville, Alabama, soon after he finished “2001; A Space Odyssey”.

    The claim is that NASA approached Kubrick offering him exclusive access to alien artifacts and autopsy-footage from the Roswell crash site.  They also threatened to “reveal that his younger brother Raul Kubrick was heavily involved in the US Communist Party.” Van der Meulen claimed that Kubrick wrote the scripts for each of Project-Apollo-Hoax movies 11 to 13, but that he was well aware that his viewers would grow very tired by Apollo 12.

    This scared the NASA leadership because it probably meant they would have to buy time from TV networks instead of TV networks paying them for the privilege.  So Kubrick suggested making the script for Apollo-13-Hoax a semi-failure, with the NASA “heroically” bringing the boys home safely.

    At first, the NASA leaders objected, but then ended up agreeing with Kubrick’s plan.

    Dr van der Meulen concluded: “the Apollo 13 disaster was actually an expert simulation”. 

    The final upshot was that the Apollo 13 Hoax succeeded in focusing renewed attention on Project Apollo Hoax so as to keep those tax dollars rolling in for whatever the NAS-holes were really spending them on.;

    On the “moon”, the astro-nuts never managed to do either of the two most logical camera moves in all of cinema history: namely a 180-degree or a 360-degree turn. That can only be because the NAS-holes explicitly forbade the astro-nuts from turning the camera 180 or 360 degrees because it would have immediately exposed their Moonset Studio and shown Project Apollo Hoax up as a total fraud.;

    This is because the NAS-holes forgot the one movie special-effect that might have made the splashdowns credible, namely an enormous billowing steam-cloud visible for dozens, if not hundreds, of miles around. At the time, the monopoly-media were telling viewers the capsule was “reentering” Earth atmosphere at at very high speeds.

    The final upshot was that the Apollo 13 Hoax succeeded in focusing renewed attention on Project Apollo Hoax so as to keep those tax dollars rolling in for whatever the NAS-holes were really spending them on.

    On the “moon”, the astronauts never managed to do either of the two most logical camera moves in all of cinema history: namely a 180-degree or a 360-degree turn. That must be because the NASA explicitly forbade the astronauts from turning the camera 180 or 360 degrees because it would have immediately exposed their Moonset Studio and shown Project Apollo Hoax up as a total fraud.

    All color photographs of the equipment used in the Apollo 11 Hoax reveal myriads of fine details to today’s computer users armed with powerful software tools.  When these computer users zoom in, they see all the cheap foil, tape and curtain rods the “NASA engineers” used.

    In reality, the Apollo 11 Hoax was quite a low-budget movie, and NASA never expected ordinary people to be able to look so closely at their amateurish work. This of course begs the question: Where did all that money really go?

    By pure “coincidence”, these “NAS-holes” now claim that they “lost” all the video footage from the “moon” landings.  Their clear motivation for “losing” all video coverage was to spare themselves both lawsuits and even further endless embarrassment.;

  3. The NASA leaders has never given any credible explanation whatsoever as to how the astronauts could cope with huge temperature fluctuations on their long journey to the “moon” and back.

    Space is extremely cold, having a temperature of minus 270.15 degrees centigrade or roughly 3 degrees Kelvin.  In space (which means a vacuum or the absence of any atmosphere), the only way heat can be transmitted is by thermal radiation that comes through photons in electromagnetic waves.

    In the 1980s, the space-shuttle astronauts made a discovery that severely embarrassed the NASA, who had to admit the shuttle was “frozen on one side and scorching on the other”.  This, of course, raised even more questions about Project Apollo Hoax as alert earthlings realized that the lunatic-module would have had a temperature of perhaps minus 50 degrees centigrade just inside its dark side, but maybe plus 60 degrees centigrade or more just inside its light side.

    The NAS-holes try to restrict this discussion to the “average temperature inside the lunatic-module”, but if my head is in the freezer and my feet are in the fire, why would I care about my “average statistical temperature” when that would be of zero help? The NAS-holes really need to provide some specifics here. How did the astro-nut on the freezing side of the capsule keep himself warm? How did the astro-nut on the scorching side avoid being cooked medium-rare? Did the third astro-nut revive his comrades to preserve their normothermia? If not, then how exactly did the NAS-holes solve this particular conundrum? And what did they do if one astro-nut needed to sleep? The NAS-holes still insist that the Apollo 11 Hoax featured a flying Model T Ford or deepfreeze with an outer shell made of aluminum of one-eighth-inch thickness. If the NAS-holes had some great system combining heating and air-conditioning, which was able to simulate “Mild Hawaii” all the way to the “moon” and back in such a thin shell, then should they not release the details of this “system” because car and equipment manufacturers could still benefit from such leading-edge technology. Or is the real reason why the NAS-holes never released this “system” perhaps because it never even existed in the first place?;

  4. On the moon, micrometeorites rain down at up to 30,000 MPH all the time on everything and on anyone who happens to be there. This was also confirmed by all Russian data. However, the NAS-holes have never explained how no micrometeorites managed to kill any of their astro-nuts, never managed to smash any windows in the lunatic-module, never dented any equipment, or never smashed any cameras. Furthermore, the micrometeorites are not even visible as falling streaks in any of the photos on the “moon”. Why did the astro-nuts mysteriously “forget” being pelted and pierced by micrometeorites while on the “moon”? And why do the NAS-holes have no explanation for any of this?;

  5. The photographs of Apollo capsules splashing down in the ocean are not credible because the NAS-holes forgot the one movie special-effect which might have made them credible, namely an enormous billowing steam-cloud visible for dozens, if not hundreds, of miles. At the time, the monopoly-media were telling viewers that the atmosphere of Earth into which the capsule was “reentering” at very high speeds would cause severe friction, thus turning the capsule literally “red hot”. In the Apollo-13-Hoax movie script, the heat-shield is even credited with saving the day because the reentry angle is too shallow and the blackout for Apollo-13-Hoax reentry lasted 87 seconds longer than expected. Kubrick’s movie script attempted to heighten the tension by claiming the heat-shield might also have been damaged from the hoax “accident” on board with the oxygen tank. In any case, the most conspicuously absent actor in all of the splashdown sequences of Project Apollo Hoax was a single enormous billowing cloud of steam because when a red-hot command-capsule strikes an ocean having a temperature of perhaps 10 degrees centigrade, rigorous science demands the red-hot capsule to instantly turn a massive volume of seawater into steam, just like the enormous flashing of steam you expect when you pour cold water into an empty red-hot stove-pot. But all photographs of the Apollo capsules hitting the water show zero indication of any steam whatsoever.;

  6. The Apollo-17-Hoax movie shows astro-nut Harrison Schmitt kangaroo-hopping on the “moon”, except that a wire is clearly visible about 8 feet above his head, which means that he was suspended in some way. The Apollo-17-Hoax movie also shows wires suspending the astro-nuts during the flag scene. The Apollo-14-Hoax movie shows an astro-nut with a wire above his head, betrayed by several momentary glints of light. Clearly, these wires were for simulating the effects of one-sixth gravity expected on the “moon”. In one Apollo-Hoax movie, the astro-nut actually pushes the flagstaff all the way through the “moon” surface until its visible length is only about 12 inches. In reality, the “moon” surface was made of Plaster Of Paris.;

  7. In the “jump-salute” scene of the Apollo-16-Hoax movie, the still-photographs do not match the TV-camera coverage. In fact, they actually contradict each other significantly. This is one of the hundreds of continuity errors in Project Apollo Hoax. The video film of the so-called “Apollo-16-Hoax jump-salute” contradicts the still-photos allegedly taken by the other astro-nut at the very same time (John Young jumps while Charles Duke allegedly snaps the still-photos, the only problem being that the two records contradict each other radically).;

  8. In the Apollo-16-Hoax movie, astro-nut John Young is seen to expose his naked hand by taking off his left-hand glove. The NAS-holes in Ground Control are then heard saying: “After taking a picture of the motor package there, we’d like a picture of that left thumb imprint”. But proper scientists know that bare skin must never be exposed to a vacuum environment (such as on the real moon) because the blood would rush to the exposed skin causing rapid swelling and resulting in severe injury.;

  9. Why did the NAS-holes ignore as serious concerns the risk and danger posed to the astro-nuts by solar flares, which are as unpredictable as earthquakes? Books written by proper scientists state that whenever the sun throws a little solar flare out in space, then the amount of radiation is so vast that any astro-nut would need six-feet of shielding all around to keep him alive by protecting him from X-Rays (because they diffract). This would apply even for a tiny solar flare or a tiny solar storm. The NAS-holes were supposedly sending the astro-nuts outside of the Earth’s protective magnetic field and atmosphere for a very long time. A solar flare is an outburst of material from the sun, often containing large amounts of protons traveling at very high speeds, which means the astro-nuts would be hit by lethal radiation. In his 1992 self-published book “The NAS-holes Mooned America!”, Ralph René pointed out the high solar-flare activity in the years 1967-73 (when Project Apollo Hoax was running) but in particular the extremely high solar-flare activity in the year 1972 which, he stated, “would have fried both Apollo 16 and 17”. AL MacKinnon wrote a whole book about solar-flare activity in 1972. One single solar flare during a trip to the moon would have killed everyone on board. Still, the NAS-holes keep insisting they “got lucky” and none of their astro-nuts were killed despite having zero protection from solar flares. The NAS-holes still maintain they “hoped” no solar flares would occur during their trips to the “moon”. But we know they did occur so we now want to know their explanation. So far, all the NAS-holes have ever said to René’s powerful contradictory evidence has been “No Comment”.;

  10. During the Apollo 11 Hoax, the NAS-holes made little mention of the fact that the Earth’s sunspot cycle would peak in 1969. Was that really so irrelevant to the NAS-holes, the astro-nuts or their wives?;

  11. The lunar surface has a temperature of up to 130 degrees centigrade. So how did the astro-nuts manage to remain uncooked? Even the shadow-side of their spacesuits was being bombarded with heat radiation from the sun and from the surface of the “moon”. And even if they landed on the “moon” at sunrise on a “moon”-day lasting two weeks, the temperature would have risen to 100 degrees centigrade in just a few minutes. If you add the insulation effect to that, then even higher temperatures, say up to 150 degrees centigrade or even higher, would have been possible inside the spacesuits. Some NAS-holes have stated that the spacesuits were “water-cooled”. But would it not be impossible to have a water-cooled spacesuit on the “moon” where the outside temperature already exceeds the boiling-point of water so that there would be nowhere for the heat to dissipate? So why do the NAS-holes still refuse to explain how the astro-nuts managed to remain uncooked and untoasted while strolling around the “moon”?;

  12. The temperature of the lunar surface varies between 130 degrees centigrade (after sunrise) and minus 150 degrees centigrade (before sunrise) so how come the Kodak Ektachrome film in the Hasselblad 500 camera did not melt or freeze? Eastman Kodak and Hasselblad AB both stated that they had supplied standard equipment having no special modifications to the NAS-holes, i.e. they did not do anything special to the products they gave the NAS-holes. Yet everyone knows that, at temperatures above say 50 degrees centigrade, heat will cause chemical changes in the photographic emulsions and cause the mechanical parts of the camera to expand, thus loosening the lens and other important components. Extreme cold would render the batteries and the exposure meter useless and would freeze the film. Such film would shatter like glass at minus 80 degrees centigrade. The X-Rays from the sun would fog the film, while ultraviolet rays would distort the colors. Yet the colors came out perfect. Also, Eastman Kodak stated that their Ektachrome film will melt at 150 degrees centigrade, so how did it survive inside the lunatic-module where the temperature must have been like an oven, i.e. up to 200 degrees centigrade? Surely it should have been crisp, curled, melted or even worse? Critics of the NAS-holes have long pointed out that if you just place Kodak Ektachrome film or a Hasselblad 500 camera in an oven for a couple of hours at 130 degrees centigrade, this experiment is always guaranteed to yield disastrous results. So how did the NAS-holes ensure that their “moon” holidays were still Kodak Days? Was it perhaps by faking the whole thing?;

  13. One photograph was allegedly taken as the lunatic-module was coming in to land on the “moon”. The only trouble is that the shadow of the lunatic-module as seen on the surface of the “moon” just happens to be around 30 times larger than the massive Maskelyne Crater, which is a solitary lunar crater that lies in the southeast part of the Mare Tranquillitatis and has a known diameter of around 15 miles or 24 kilometers. How did the NAS-holes get the shadow of the tiny lunatic-module to look 30 times bigger than the Maskelyne Crater? This would be the equivalent of the shadow of your airplane covering the whole northeast corner of the USA along with parts of Ontario and Quebec as it approached JFK International Airport in NYC. Was it maybe by placing their “sun” spotlight too close behind the lunatic-module in their Moonset Studio? This is totally ludicrous but, if you ask them, the NAS-holes will just bark “No Comment”.;

  14. In many books and articles, the astro-nuts of the Apollo 11 Hoax were quoted as claiming that they found it difficult to sleep “because of the cold” around the time they arrived on the “moon” but this simply does not add up. They claim they arrived on the “moon” in early lunar morning, just as the sun was rising. We all know that they were in what, for all practical purposes, resembled a metallic oven. When the sun rises on the real lunar surface, it will drive the temperature of the dusty soil up to 130 degrees centigrade. Also, the sunlight on the moon is at least 20 percent hotter than on Earth because there is no atmosphere or water vapor to act as a barrier. Furthermore, being in a metallic oven meant that they would have been cooked like sausages in less than 20 minutes. So how could the astro-nuts claim that they could not sleep in a metallic oven in the full-bore sunlight on the “moon”? This has to be a total lie. If you still believe the NAS-holes, then place a frozen sausage in an oven at 130 degrees centigrade and simply verify that it will cook in less than 20 minutes. Then ask yourself how the astro-nuts could complain that, at this particular time (sunrise on the “moon”), it was so cold they could not sleep? Inside the lunatic-module, the air would have transferred by convection from the lunatic-module walls and quickly warmed the astro-nuts up. Clearly, the NAS-holes are lying about this and about their contrived “moon” landings. So what’s new?;

  15. In the Apollo-11-Hoax movie, the lunatic-module is shown traveling almost horizontally over the surface of the “moon” as it comes in to land. The NAS-holes who “designed” the lunatic-module intended the thruster to push the lunatic-module down while two rocket-jets on either side propelled it forward. Hence, its “design” was like a garden swing except without any crossbar holding it up. If the lunatic-module was “floating” on 10,000 pounds of thrust and the side rockets shot off, then how could the lunatic-module have flown horizontally without tipping over and crashing? What was the magic aerodynamic principle the NAS-holes “designed” for this? The NAS-holes say the thrust engine was supposed to keep the lunatic-module afloat while two tiny jets on either side steered it. But aerodynamic experts keep asking the question as to what specific mechanism the NAS-holes used to keep the lunatic-module from spinning out of control and crashing. The lunatic-module used for Project Apollo Hoax was built by Grumman Aerospace of Bethpage NY to specifications dictated by the NAS-holes. In 1996, James Collier visited Grumman on a fact-finding mission that acutely embarrassed the NAS-holes. There, Collier verified that the lunatic-module had never even had one successful flight on Earth but had actually crashed on its first test-flight with astro-nut Neil Armstrong forced to bail out, almost breaking his neck. Then, after failing its first test-flight on Earth, the NAS-holes simply decided to run a second test-flight on the “moon” totally sure that it would work. But that is absolutely preposterous. Did the wives of the astro-nuts agree to let them go to the “moon” unprotected and just test it out?;

  16. We need to drain the science swamp so that we can extract and punish all swamp-creatures who hide behind soviet peer-review censorship and who lie for a living. To discourage “scientists” from lying, one suggested improvement would be for any PhD “scientist” who endorsed the “moon” landings to be stripped of his qualifications. This is fair given that any schoolboy can prove that the “moon” landings were faked.;

  17. In 1996, in an open letter to Frank Hughes of Space Center Houston (also copied to Allan Needell, curator at the Space History Department), James Collier did provide conclusive proof that Project Apollo Hoax had been filmed on Earth. In his letter, he started off noting that, on the basis of the manifest and weight as a whole, the lunatic-rover could never have been brought to the “moon” in the lunatic-module because it simply did not fit either on the inside or folded-up on the outside. He then went on to cite some of the major differences rigorous science (alien to the NAS-holes) demands between the Earth (having an atmosphere) and the moon (having no atmosphere). One of the differences is that dust disturbed from the lunar surface must jump up behind the lunatic-rover and head skyward and then fall back down with roughly the same briskness with which it went up in something akin to a perfect and progressive parabolic (or rainbow-like) arc given that there is no atmospheric wall there to block it. But the sequences of the lunatic-rover driving around the “moon” in Apollo-Hoax movies prove beyond all doubt that it could only have been filmed on Earth. Why? Because the “moon” dust goes up and comes down just like it would on Earth. The whole sequence shows clumps, clouds, waves, lines and all the earthbound tell-tale signs that the dust is in reality hitting the Earth’s wall of thick atmosphere in which it is being suspended. The dust then falls too quickly for the sequence to have been filmed on the real moon. These tell-tale signs should be absent on the real moon where no lunar atmospheric wall is there to cause them. There is no rainbow-like arc in sight in the movie. The clumps, clouds, waves and lines of dust are the very ones you would expect to see when a dune buggy rides up and down a beach here on Earth, or up and down the Moonset Studio for that matter. The only explanation is that the NAS-holes never even went to the moon. But all they could do in response to James Collier’s open letter was to refuse to comment or hang up the phone exasperated. James Collier’s observations are widely credited by proper scientists as very important work.;

  18. In order to escape the atmosphere of the “moon”, the NAS-holes designed the lunatic-module to use hypergolic propellant, with unsymmetrical di-methyl-hydrazine (UDMH, fuel) combining with di-nitrogen-tetroxide (as oxidizer) to burn and give off dark-red murky opaque fumes. But no such dark-red murky opaque fumes can be seen when the lunatic-module “blasts off” in any of the Apollo 15, 16 or 17 movies. These are so obviously just “Thunderbirds” movies and the NAS-holes are so obviously lying.;

  19. The next problem was how could the astro-nuts get in and out of the lunatic-module? One overlooked part of the “design” of the lunatic-module was that its main door opened inward, making it almost impossible for the astro-nuts to get out. Also, the area inside the lunatic-module was barely the size of two phone-booths, namely 24 inches by 36 inches in total. This was supposed to suffice for two astro-nuts carrying suitcase-sized backpacks. If it really did, then these men would not have been able to move at all. Frank Hughes of Space Center Houston and Jeffrey Kluger both described how the astro-nuts could only get out on their hands and knees, that they were so ballooned up with their spacesuits and backpacks, and that they were forced to wriggle and waddle. Obviously, in this artless “design”, Grumman had totally failed to cater for user-friendly egress and even ingress.;

  20. It would have been impossible for the astro-nuts to get from the lunatic-module into the conical space capsule, called the command-module, because this section was occupied by the three large reentry parachutes, which ejected from the conical end. This also makes many aspects of the “missing amperes story or yarn” in the Apollo 13 Hoax highly questionable.;

  21. How did the poor astro-nuts survive if they had to spend long periods huddling around the rocket engine? How did they handle the noise and vibration, not to mention the heat?;

  22. All the paperwork for the lunatic-module had been “destroyed”, so Grumman had none, the NAS-holes had none, and the Washington archives had none. But the NAS-holes had eulogized the work to invent such a lunatic-module as Ig-Nobel-prize material, and somehow the NAS-holes “lost” all precious paperwork. That just does not figure. Was this carelessness, or did the NAS-holes actually have something huge to hide?;

  23. The engines used throughout Project Apollo Hoax are extremely noisy, even louder than 140 or 150 dB, but this is totally inaudible on the faked radio transmissions allegedly broadcast by the astro-nuts. One astro-nut is heard to say “quiet ride”, but that has to be a preposterous lie. The astro-nuts were probably broadcasting from a makeshift studio next-door. Maybe Nixon was in the third studio over when he called to talk blarney about “heavenly bodies”. Nixon never even visited Houston during any of the hoaxes. That might be another indication that Nixon knew it was all being faked and feared a backlash if he first overcommitted himself to it and it was later exposed as a hoax.;

  24. The US Air Force and the NAS-holes conspired very closely together to produce Project Apollo Hoax. The US Air Force actually has the largest movie studios and more equipment in San Bernardino CA than any other Hollywood movie producer. That also accounts for propaganda movies such as Top Gun, which was able to recruit thousands of terrorists-in-blousons to take part in the empire-building or profit-making wars the London-NY-Axis already had planned for its aftermath.;

  25. In the Apollo-11-Hoax movie, how did the camera go from inside the lunatic-module to suddenly be on the outside to Armstrong’s left as he descended the dustless ladder for the “One Giant Lip” scene? Did they throw a camera out the lunatic-module onto the “moon” and just hope that it landed upright to stand in the exact position required to focus precisely on Armstrong? Or was the cameraman there before Armstrong? Maybe the official-truth history books need to be revised to name the cameraman as the first man on the “moon”? On the “moon”, the astro-nuts could not have had an easy job lining up the TV-camera to point in the proper direction because it did not have any viewfinder. In fact, the astro-nuts always needed feedback from Ground Control to set the field of view for any TV-camera. The NAS-holes have never explained how the astro-nuts managed to line up the TV-camera so perfectly before the famous “One Giant Lip” scene.;

  26. In the Apollo-11-Hoax movie, after the lunatic-module has landed but before Armstrong climbs down the ladder for the “One Giant Lip” scene, it is clearly seen that the ladder in the “live” tell-lie-vision simulcast is much different to the ladder shown in all still-photographs of the Apollo 11 Hoax. The ladder in the “live” tell-lie-vision simulcast is much thicker and resembles an extension ladder one uses for painting outdoors, i.e. strong enough to support an astro-nut and his backpack on Earth. In the still-photos, the ladder is not only very weak, its bottom rung is also level with the astro-nut’s hip. This is a major a continuity error in the whole Apollo-11-Hoax movie. It is also powerful evidence that the “live” tell-lie-vision footage was faked in a studio and then simulcast. This needs to be reiterated: The Most Famous Movie Scene In The Whole Apollo 11 Hoax And The Scene Most Often Repeated In Historical News And Documentary Programs Is Very Likely (Probability Over 99 Percent) A Total Fake. Apart from that, we see an enormous design error in the ladder shown in the still-photos which begs the question: Why did the NAS-holes not design the ladder to extend downward almost to the ground to prevent possible injury or death? If an astro-nut had trouble bridging the gap between the bottom rung and the surface of the “moon”, a cracked visor or helmet or a ripped spacesuit could have meant a very quick death.;

  27. On the “moon”, it was also very hard to line up the still-camera to point in the proper direction because it did not have any viewfinder either. But Ground Control could provide no feedback on how good the field of view of the ordinary still-camera currently was. How did the astro-nuts manage to make such professional still-photographs without any viewfinder on their still-camera? In reality, the NAS-holes must have enlisted the support of the very best professional photographers, maybe some Madison Avenue veterans, to shoot truly amazing photos. So ask yourself: Exactly which photographers could have taken the photos on the “moon”? Was it astro-nuts who had no viewfinder, or was it professionals from Madison Avenue? Surely this question is very easy to answer.;

  28. How did the astro-nuts adjust the settings of the TV-camera or the still-camera when their pressurized gloves or gauntlets were built so that they could grip nothing less than about an inch in diameter? Because of the gloves, they could only have had very dull feeling in their fingertips. This would have been just like wearing thimbles. Yet another contradiction arises because the NAS-holes claim the gloves or gauntlets were pressurized, yet they look like unpressurized gardening-type gloves in all those still-photographs.;

  29. One six-second sequence of the Apollo-11-Hoax “landing” seems to show the camera waiting on the “moon” before the “Thunderbirds”-like spacecraft called the lunatic-module arrives. On the other hand, the whole movie looks so much like an episode of “Thunderbirds” that it is very hard to tell for sure if the camera preceded the lunatic-module or not. Perhaps the camera was sent out of a secret opening in the lunatic-module? Perhaps its focus had been pre-set? The NAS-holes have never explained this key point.;

  30. In one 16-mm-camera photograph of an astro-nut on the “moon”, you can see the reflection in the visor of the astro-nut’s helmet showing a cameraman wearing a black cloak from head to toe, presumably intended to hide him against the black background or sky. But this cameraman is standing at such a level that his camera is about 10 feet up and looking down on the astro-nut. That is impossible because all crew members were supposed to be on level ground on the “moon”. Why did the NAS-holes fail to explain this cameraman hitching a ride to the “moon”? And why was this cameraman not wearing a spacesuit? How was his black cloak made fire-resistant against the lunar-surface temperature of up to 130 degrees centigrade? In several still-photographs of astro-nuts on the “moon”, the shadow of a cameraman wearing no spacesuit can be seen clearly in the visor reflection. Yet the NAS-holes have never explained how extra cameramen not listed in the manifest got to the “moon” and how they survived without spacesuits.;

  31. In all episodes of Project Apollo Hoax (11 through 17), the visors of the astro-nut helmets on the surface of the “moon” betray the presence of multiple large studio lights in the Moonset Studio. These lights were the leading-edge technology at the time and were similar to the floodlights used in Shea Stadium NYC. If this had been the sun reflecting on the convex visors, it would have been tiny, having a diameter of less than an inch. Instead, the reflection is enormous, having a diameter of up to seven inches, which conclusively proves that the NAS-holes were using at least one studio light.;

  32. The US flag is seen to be flapping in the alleged vacuum on the “moon”. In reality, this would have been caused by the huge amounts of air-conditioning required in the Moonset Studio. But why have the NAS-holes so far refused to give any credible reason for a US flag flapping on the surface of the “moon”? All supposed “reasons” the NAS-holes supplied so far are total nonsense and garbage.;

  33. The faked Apollo film footage and still-photographs all show a very dry dusty surface many inches deep. If there is no wind on the “moon” (apart from the wind which continually blew the US flag), then why is there no dust on top of the rocks and boulders? If there is no wind to blow away the dust, then there should have been dust on top of those rocks and boulders too. So where was that dust and why was it missing? If you ask the NAS-holes to explain this one, they will just bark their “No Comment” routine.;

  34. In the Apollo-11-Hoax movie, the lunatic-module is shown coming in to land on the “moon” just prior to the “One Giant Lip” scene. But, the NAS-holes forgot just one thing: a vast, billowing dust-cloud. The 10,000 pounds of thrust from the lunatic-module’s thruster should have blown a huge dust-cloud off the “moon” surface, and this cloud should have gone hundreds of yards skyward and blocked camera visibility for anything from 0.5 to 4 hours. So did the NAS-holes forget this special movie-dust-cloud effect, or did they just decide against it because American TV viewers would have quickly lost patience with the movie and switched channels? Of course, the NAS-holes feared them switching channels more than anything else because the whole reason behind Project Apollo Hoax was to embezzle 30 billion USD from US taxpayers (equivalent to over 1.5 trillion USD in 2017 terms). Internet footage of a 7,500 pound thruster in the Nevada desert throws up veritable tons of dust. In reality, the NAS-holes were filming a repeat episode of TV series “Thunderbirds” (produced in 1964, aired in 1965) in their Moonset Studio which everyone knows was made of Plaster Of Paris. Any nagging questions posed to the NAS-holes ever since regarding this conundrum (the total absence from their movies of vast, billowing dust-clouds) have met with their ancient “No Comment” routine.;

  35. Maybe it is high-time the NAS-holes were really compelled to testify. One expert proposed sending the NAS-holes to Guantanamo Bay for sensory deprivation to force them to tell the truth. We need a situation where the NAS-holes are scared out of their panties of being sued for embezzlement and fraud. We no longer need the same old situation where the NAS-holes are permitted to parry and lie with total impunity.;

  36. In the Apollo-11-Hoax movie, after the lunatic-module has landed on the “moon” and just before the “One Giant Lip” scene, the shadow of the lunatic-module is seen to suddenly sharpen dramatically because the NAS-holes had moved or switched the “sun” spotlight in the Moonset Studio. Such a sudden sharpening of shadows could not occur within milliseconds on the real moon, in particular because the sun would have been in its proper place and not just a spotlight a matter of yards behind the lunatic-module. Another problem is that Neil Armstrong’s shadow is about three times his own height, whereas the lunatic-module is roughly the same length as its own shadow, except that the lunatic-module’s shadow points in a different direction to Armstrong’s. Many have asked was Project Apollo Hoax a comic tragedy or a tragic comedy?;

  37. In the film footage on the “moon”, there are several sequences in which two astro-nuts of roughly the same height have different shadow lengths. This is easy to explain. The astro-nut closer to the studio spotlight (which the NAS-holes keep claiming was the “sun”) had a longer shadow, and vice versa.;

  38. When the lunatic-module takes off from the “moon” in the Apollo-11-Hoax movie, it seems as if movie special effects are being used. Some cinematographers have pointed out that the TV-camera might actually be motionless while a picture of the “moon” surface is being carried past it. The reason they state this is because the bottom left portion of the “moon”-scape manages to stay in perfect focus for up to 20 seconds, while other portions lose focus rapidly. The sequence also indicates a take-off that used partly horizontal movement, like “Thunderbirds”, but this is a total contradiction to what the NAS-holes claimed, namely that the lunatic-module took off vertically from the “moon” using a purely linear trajectory.;

  39. Perhaps “Thunderbirds” was really a Tavistock project specifically intended for preparing the Apollo 11 Hoax. Although the TV series aired first in 1965, the real start of “Thunderbirds” may have been closer to 25 May 1961, when JFK announced the dramatic and ambitious goal of sending astro-nuts to the “moon” before the end of the 1960s.;

  40. In private White House conversations, JFK was recorded saying he wished he had never made his Moon Speech but had instead earmarked the money for water-desalination projects to provide clean drinking-water to all Africans. That would have been better, but we would still all love to know where the NAS-holes really spent their enormous budget.;

  41. If it had been so easy to go the “moon” then, already in the 1970s, the NAS-holes would have been claiming that they had bases on the “moon”. Because it is a thousand times more difficult to reach the real moon than to reach Earth Orbit, the NAS-holes sought instead to temper expectations by stating it would be another 70 years before they went to the “moon”. So why did they allegedly go to the “moon” before even learning how to do a space-walk? Ultimately, was it because JFK’s speech on 25 May 1961 spoke of the landing men on the “moon” rather than merely walking in space?;

  42. The following scientists and experts all view the “moon” landings as a total hoax: Jim Fetzer, Ralph René, Bart Sibrel, Jack White, Jarrah White and astro-nut Dr Brian O’Leary. The following professors view the “moon” landings as a total hoax: Prof James McCanney (US), Prof Luke Sargent (US). Prof André Balogh (GB). Prof Colin Rourke (GB), Prof Krassimir Ivanov Ivandjiiski (BG), Prof Takahiko Soejima (JP), Prof Li Zifeng (CN), Prof Federico Martín Maglio (AR). The NAS-holes have never explained why.;

  43. Aldrin’s “moon” walk exhibited major inconsistencies in lighting, proving conclusively that it could only have been shot in the Moonset Studio with portions of the set being lit from above, the astro-nut lit from behind and the lunatic-module lit from the front. This particular paradox has long been dubbed “Lights, Camera, Hoax”. Artificial light is apparent from ALL Apollo Hoax photographs because all subjects are expected to have parallel and never-intersecting shadows from the only possible source of light on the real moon which was the sun (the exact same as for sunlight on Earth), yet most photographs exhibit shadows intersecting, going in multiple directions and also exhibit isolated hotspots (often call halos by professional shutterbugs). The NAS-holes stated that no artificial lighting was taken to the “moon”. But such effects could only have been achieved using multiple light sources, so they must be lying yet again.;

  44. The sun appears to be originating from a spotlight because there is a halo around it, but there can be no halo where there is no atmosphere. Often, of course, the sun appears to be coming from many spotlights, which is the only sane explanation for those long intersecting horizontal shadows.;

  45. The astro-nuts do not seem to jump very high on the “moon”, considering its one-sixth gravity compared to Earth. An astro-nut must be expected to jump at least three times higher on the “moon” for the same legwork applied. Or why could the astro-nuts not jump any higher on the “moon” than you or I can jump here on Earth? Clearly, the astro-nuts were really kangaroo-hopping on Earth. Some black critics said the NAS-holes were only proving what they already knew, namely that white men cannot even dance on the “moon”. In reality, in order to “demonstrate” one-sixth gravity on the “moon”, the NAS-holes were using good-old-fashioned Slow-Motion, which was still leading-edge technology in 1969. The use of this amateur technique strongly suggests that, in 1969, the NAS-holes never expected their audience of scammed victims ever to acquire powerful software tools with which they could easily double the film speed on their desktop computer and prove that the NAS-holes had faked astro-nut motion on the “moon” because, in reality, we can all see that the astro-nuts are no more leaving the ground than they would on Earth. This particular feature of the Apollo 11 Hoax was one of the easiest to spot.;

  46. All the Project Apollo Hoax clips that show objects being thrown on the “moon” actually prove the astro-nuts threw these objects on Earth, with the NAS-holes then halving the speed of the film via slow-mo. This is most visible in the Apollo 16 and 17 hoaxes. Clearly, the NAS-holes did not want their scammed victims to see an astro-nut simply throwing up a ball because viewers would immediately expect him to throw the ball maybe ten times higher than on Earth for the same physical effort applied. Six times higher would be for the one-sixth gravity, but even higher still would be for the lack of atmosphere blocking the ball’s rise. Because the NAS-holes did not allow the astro-nuts to run this experiment, the viewers did not spot the hoax as quickly as they would have otherwise. In reality, the astro-nuts never left Earth.;

  47. Many Apollo still-photographs use the same repetitive background for scenes at very different locations on the “moon”. That means that two photographs taken many miles apart on the “moon” actually feature the exact same background while showing different visual subjects or events. What are the odds against the same background repeating at points on the “moon” allegedly several miles apart? This problem, with the same repetitive backdrop, shows the pathetic way in which the photographs were composed and doctored. But why have the NAS-holes so far refused to give any credible reason for this? Also, the NAS-holes have whole websites showing “moon” photographs. But these photographs often have backdrop scenes pasted-in or black lines penciled-in where the “moon” background meets the sky, but with the sky blacked out completely. Such composite photographs are one of the most ridiculous features of Project Apollo Hoax and were one of the easiest things to spot in the whole hoax.;

  48. The NAS-holes have a website for the Apollo 8 Hoax, which shows a photo of the “moon” allegedly taken by astro-nuts orbiting it. But the date on the photo is the exact same date as when the Saturn V allegedly blasted off the launch-pad to send the Apollo 8 to the “moon”. But how could the NAS-holes have taken a photo from close to the “moon” on the same day they left Earth?;

  49. It is now a well-known fact that the Saturn V rocket could never actually have had enough fuel to ever leave Earth Orbit.;

  50. Space-rocket and propulsion engineer Bill Wood asserted that the Saturn V could not have operated as claimed, and therefore could not have delivered the lift capability stated by the NAS-holes. The NAS-holes claimed on paper that the Saturn V had five F-1 engines but that could never have been the configuration that was shown in films of the Saturn V leaving for the “moon”. Instead, the NAS-holes must have used less powerful engines and simply added fuel to make it appear that the Saturn V was using five F-1 engines. The F-1 engine was tested at Edwards Air Force Base and was found to suffer from combustion instability, so that shock waves occurred inside of the rocket’s expansion chamber which then resonated mutually until the rocket chamber finally exploded. But the color of the jet coming out of the actual Saturn V was wrong. It should have been white-hot, but instead it was red so that it was really operating fuel-rich.;

  51. Russian scientist Dr Stanislav Pokrovsky carried out a series of rocket speed estimates and concluded that Apollo 11 could never have flown to the moon. His first study showed that the velocity achieved by the Apollo 11 Saturn V was significantly lower than that required to satisfy the stated flight plan to propel the mission to the moon. His second study concluded that no more than 28 tons, including the Apollo 11 craft, could have been placed into lunar orbit (significantly less than the 46 tons claimed by the NAS-holes). Dr Stanislav Pokrovsky’s work also reconfirmed Bill Wood’s previous claims.;

  52. The Saturn V engines never had the power to escape the Earth’s gravity in order to send craft to the “moon”. According to CIA-maintained WickedPedia, the Rocketdyne F-1 engines of the first stage had an exhaust velocity of 2390 meters per second, or 1.48 miles per second, hence 5352 MPH. But the CIA’s WickedPedia also states that the rocket traveled 58 miles downrange and climbed to 42 miles in altitude, where the first stage burned out after 150 seconds. The rocket thus covered a distance of 72 miles from the launch pad. Its speed could only have been 0.48 miles per second, or 1728 MPH, not 5352 MPH as the NAS-holes claim. The ascent of the first stage was well within the view of eyewitnesses on land and sea, so the 72 mile distance must be correct. But the official-truth figure of 5352 MPH for the exhaust velocity of the F-1 contradicts observation. If the speed of the rocket was only 1728 MPH at the end of the first stage, it is not clear how the Rocketdyne J-2 engines of the second and third stages could have accelerated the rocket to the 24,000 MPH needed to escape the Earth’s gravity, even if their exhaust velocity of 9374 MPH were the correct value. The suspicion arises that the exhaust velocity not just of the F-1 engine, but also that of the J-2, were inflated by the official-truth narrative. In that case, the Apollo rockets could only reach, at best, Low Earth Orbit. The NAS-holes still cannot explain how the Saturn V accelerated to 24,000 MPH given all the facts mentioned here.;

  53. Clearly, the Saturn V was incapable of delivering the full payload. This also explains why the Russians had preferred unmanned missions given that they weighed much less by carrying no water, no oxygen tanks, no crew, no spacesuits, no food, no emergency supplies, no cabin seats and less fuel.;

  54. The reticles (or crosshairs) shown in the photographs are very often covered by the photographic subjects themselves (as if the subjects got added in after retouching), but the specifications of the instrumentation the NAS-holes claim to have used actually demand that all reticles must overlap all photographic subjects, i.e. be superimposed over the photograph in its entirety. In reality, a picture where photographic subjects overlap the reticles is a composite of two pictures into one, a composite that was strung together in a very unprofessional manner. So why have the NAS-holes so far refused to give any credible reason for this?;

  55. NAS-hole Brian Welch claimed that the purpose of the reticles was to gauge distances from the photos. But Hasselblad called that complete nonsense because, in order to measure distances, the photos would have had to have been taken as stereo-pairs giving a stereoscopic effect, but that no such stereo-pairs were used by the NAS-holes. Hence, the NAS-holes did not even properly understand the purpose of the reticles or the benefit they were intended to provide.;

  56. In cases where the NAS-holes claim that the exact same camera was used for color and monochrome photographs, why do the color photographs feature reticles while their monochrome counterparts feature none? The specifications of the instrumentation the NAS-holes claim to have used actually demand that recticles be shown in both the color and monochrome cases. Why have the NAS-holes so far refused to provide a credible reason for this?;

  57. There was no independent press coverage of Project Apollo Hoax, although it was billed as a “historical event”. It was as if only the supreme soviet was allowed to report on Project Apollo Hoax. During Project Apollo Hoax, whatever pictures and sound that were distributed to the media were first strictly censored, controlled and previewed by the US federal regime. They were then broadcast and actually remained largely unchecked until the internet arrived around 1995. In 2017, everyone knows that bullshit is what the US federal regime does for a living. But, unlike today’s monopoly-media, the 1960s still featured some proper independent journalism which the US regime still feared immensely. Very few duped people realized that the unthinkable, namely A TOTAL HOAX, was not only possible but absolutely the case.;

  58. When the so-called “C Rock” was pointed out to the NAS-holes, they quickly airbrushed one letter “C” originally seen printed on a “moon” rock lying on the surface of the “moon” and a second letter “C” seen printed in the “moon” dust. After these two perfectly-symmetrical letters “C” were gone from all subsequent versions of the same photograph, the NAS-holes only tried to explain away the first letter “C” on the “moon” rock but provided no explanation for the second letter “C” in the “moon” dust. The NAS-holes also failed to explain what the two letters “C” visible on the original signified? Had the Romans perhaps left a marker to indicate 100 miles?;

  59. The “C Rock” and many other “moon” rocks in the photographs seem to be rounded (in reality they were of course made of Plaster Of Paris or paper-mâché), but the NAS-holes never explained how rocks could be rounded on the “moon” where there is no atmosphere, nor wind nor rain to round them.;

  60. The lunatic-module used on later Apollo hoaxes had the exact same specifications as the one used for the Apollo 11 Hoax, so there had been no modifications for subsequent hoaxes. This all means that it would have been impossible to carry the lunatic-rover vehicle to the “moon” in the same confined lunatic-module even if the vehicle collapsed into a more compact form. Or would the NAS-holes like to claim that they had somehow managed to make the lunatic-rover weightless and invisible during the “trips” there and back?;

  61. The lunatic-rover vehicle was built by Boeing who, by pure “coincidence”, also managed to “destroy” all documentation about it. Shucks, what a “coincidence”, eh?;

  62. If the enormous lunatic-rover was so “easy” to get to the “moon” in the Apollo 15, 16 and 17 hoaxes, then why was the Mars Rover so enormously difficult by comparison? Remember, the NAS-holes claim that the Mars Rover was only one-hundredth the weight of the Apollo lunatic-rover. Even if Mars is further away, how come the Mars Rover caused problems but the lunatic-rover caused none?;

  63. Some NAS-holes claimed the lunatic-rover had no compass because a compass would not work on the “moon”, there being no magnetic poles. Other NAS-holes claimed the lunatic-rover was fitted with a flashy computer which constantly plotted a straight line guiding the astro-nuts back to the lunatic-module. But, the NAS-holes were not satisfied with only two versions, so astro-nut Charles Duke from the Apollo 16 Hoax had to go and claim a third version when he stated that, if an astro-nut driving the lunatic-rover ever got lost, he just followed his tracks back through the “moon” dust to get back to the lunatic-module. So many inconsistencies.;

  64. The onboard computers they had in 1969 had less power than a 2017 pocket calculator. In 1969, computer chips were still in their infancy. The maximum computer memory was 256 KB and that was housed in a large air-conditioned building. In 2017, a top-of-the-range PC requires at least 64 MB of main memory to run a simulated “moon” landing, and that does not include the memory required to take off again after the lunatic-module has landed on the “moon”. But the computer on board the lunatic-module in the Apollo 11 Hoax only had 32 KB of main memory. So how did the NAS-holes even get this to work? Even the ridiculous claim that the lunatic-rover had a guidance computer seems totally absurd.;

  65. The lunatic-rover could not have been capable of negotiating the terrain on the “moon” because it did not have the necessary suspension and ground clearance to negotiate the uneven surfaces and rocks. Also, the lunatic-rover would have had a big problem with traction due to the one-sixth gravity of the “moon”. The lunatic-rover had to endure a rough ride that must have damaged all its delicate onboard equipment.;

  66. When the lunatic-rover scoots across the surface of the “moon” in the movies, it seems to get awesome traction despite being on a one-sixth-gravity surface with thick dust and sand. On Earth, pickup trucks carrying no load will have very little weight over their rear axle and thus have a bad tendency to swerve or skid from side to side (fishtailing), so they become hard to control on a sandy or shifting surface, such as a beach. Surely the lunatic-rover would be nearly impossible to control on the “moon” given that its weight would be one-sixth of its weight on Earth? Yet, the only thing the lunatic-rover seems to have problems with is the bouncing caused by the Plaster Of Paris craters. If the NAS-holes have the secret to such great traction in one-sixth gravity, then why have automobile manufacturers not clamored for it, especially if it would save them money in lawsuits? Is that because automobile manufacturers already knew all along the NAS-holes faked the “moon” landings? If the NAS-holes really had such technology and released it, then many accidents in hydroplaning or caused by hitting soft gravel, sand or ice would all have been a thing of the past.;

  67. While Project Apollo Hoax was still running, the monopoly-media told the world that the astro-nuts carried a cyanide tablet for quick death in case anything went wrong and they could not come home. But later on, Eugene Cernan stated he “did not know” what he would have done if the lunatic-module had not started as he prepared to leave the “moon” and go home. Yet more inconsistencies.;

  68. The lunatic-rover had inflatable tires which, if pre-inflated, would have exploded on arrival. But there was no air on the “moon” to inflate them. So how did the NAS-holes manage to get the inflatable tires onto the “moon” and keep them inflated? Clearly, the NAS-holes are lying again. The Russians built a proper rover having a caterpillar track made of metal, so we know the Russian rover at least looked authentic.;

  69. Many mil-intel whistleblowers have testified that the USA and communist Russia were secret allies after 1945 during the “cold war”, and that the “cold war” was staged. Both countries actually used their excess funds to invest in population control and major population-control experiments. Hence, the argument that the Russians never objected loudly to assertions by the NAS-holes regarding Project Apollo Hoax is irrelevant since, after 1945, both the USA and communist Russia were under the Marxian UN, which spent its time implementing the totalitarian “new world order” for its owner, the London-NY-Axis (the Beast [i.e. the English monarch], the City of London and the House of Rothschild).;

  70. How could the lunatic-rover drive on the surface of the “moon” without leaving any tracks behind? Several of the Apollo Hoax photographs show the lunatic-rover as if it had just been planted there with the help of a studio-crane. But then, come to think of it, the Moonset Studio did have at least one crane. The lunatic-rover was said to weigh more than the astro-nuts. If the astro-nuts were able to make visible footprints, then why did the lunatic-rover fail to leave clear tracks over most tracts?;

  71. In the Apollo 16 Hoax, a pole or flagpole in the “moon” soil was apparently hammered into the “moon” soil without the astro-nuts ever getting near it. This is because the footprints are all too far from the pole to be consistent with placing it there, only consistent with walking past it. In the photos, the footprints are all around the pole but never close enough for an astro-nut to have hammered the pole into place. The footprint closest to the pole is about 2 feet away from it but also at roughly a 90-degree angle to it. The footprint angle would be correct for an astro-nut walking past the pole, but not facing it to hammer it in. So who hammered that post in? Was it the Moonset Studio crew?;

  72. Some film footage allegedly taken by the Apollo 8 Hoax as it supposedly circled the “moon” was the exact same film the NAS-holes reused for the Apollo 11 Hoax, except that the film had been reversed to run backwards. Whenever questioned about this, the NAS-holes bark back “No Comment”.;

  73. One reporter asked: “Are you really going to stand there all day giving us this ‘No Comment’ crap?”. But the NAS-holes just replied “No Comment”.;

  74. The NAS-holes forgot to airbrush out an object suspended in the sky above the “moon” which they also refused to explain. On closer inspection, it is easy to make out ceiling beams too. The spooky suspended object is most likely either a lighting unit in the Moonset Studio or a reflection thereof. Some wags joked that it was a flying saucer that space-aliens had sent to scare the NAS-holes off the “moon”.;

  75. The NAS-holes actually reconstructed their “moon” rock from basalt and from meteorite samples gathered in Antarctica. The NAS-holes manufactured simulated “moon” rock for over three years before the Apollo 11 Hoax was launched. An abstract published in 1966 described how the NAS-holes were manufacturing simulated “moon” rocks and displaying them at their biggest studios. The “moon” rocks for the Apollo 11 Hoax came from meteorites collected on Earth (von Braun gathered the rocks himself) before the Apollo 11 Hoax was staged. In the local summer of 1966-1967, von Braun participated in a US expedition to Antarctica. The expedition was one of the first to systematically search the ice surface for meteorites that were believed to originate from the moon. At the time, the NAS-holes claimed this expedition was “for obtaining reference material”. In a ceramics lab, the outer surfaces of the “moon” rocks were then treated with an abrasive to hide the fact that they had in fact fallen through the Earth’s atmosphere. The simulated “moon” rock was, and still is being, dispatched to universities around the world under the fraudulent label of real “moon” rock. These simulated “moon” rocks are, of course, totally different from any rocks found on Earth and they were intended to be that way. Thus, geologists are actually telling the truth when they say these “moon” rocks cannot be found anywhere else on Earth. Of course they cannot, because the NAS-holes manufactured them to fulfill that very requirement. In fact, the NAS-holes are able to manufacture the simulated “moon” rock and the simulated “moon” dust so cheaply that they do not even charge for it. If you order some, the NAS-holes will invoice you for transportation costs only. Nowadays, everyone knows the NAS-holes are useless at science but are at least fairly good at public relations.;

  76. In 2009, the Netherlands national museum (Rijksmuseum) announced that a “moon” rock presented by astro-nuts during their “Giant Lip” Goodwill Tour was just a piece of petrified wood from Earth. The adept researchers from Amsterdam’s Free University said they could see at a glance the rock was not from the “moon”. But the Rijksmuseum resolved to keep the “moon” rock anyway as a curiosity. This was a piercing embarrassment to the NAS-holes, who were very annoyed because they had not given explicit permission to Dutch scientists to test props from their Moonset Studio. One thing the NAS-holes do NOT like is covert testing of their movie props.;

  77. Thomas Ronald Baron was an inspector at Cape Kennedy Pad 34, where the NAS-holes murdered Gus Grissom. Prior to Grissom’s murder, Baron had written a report documenting the incompetence of the NAS-holes and of their prime contractor North American Aviation. At the same time, General Sam Phillips (who headed the Apollo movies for the US Air Force) wrote his own report to Lee Atwood, president of North American Aviation, saying much the same as Baron. After Grissom’s murder, Baron was called before a congressional investigating committee and asked to tell about his experiences. Baron told all, mentioning inept work, mismanagement, total incompetence, flouting of safety regulations, people drunk on the job and basically sounding the alarm that the NAS-holes were failing badly. Four days later, Baron and his entire family were killed in an alleged car accident at a rail crossing near Titusville Florida. If Baron told all and then got killed, it seems VERY likely that he could only have been telling the truth.;

  78. Thomas Ronald Baron also testified that Marvin Holmberg told him that Gus Grissom and his two Apollo 1 colleagues tried to escape the Apollo Hoax Simulator five minutes before their alleged time of death. This is further indication that the NAS-holes actually murdered all three Apollo 1 astro-nuts by flooding the capsule with cyanide gas. After the fire, all three astro-nuts were found wearing their seatbelts and this is evidence that they were not in fact killed by the fire as the NAS-holes still maintain.;

  79. Paul Jacobs was a top investigator who queried the NAS-holes about their “moon” rocks. When Jacobs asked the geologist heading the US Department of Geology to comment on the authenticity of the “moon” rocks, the geologist just laughed. 90 days later, both Jacobs and his wife had died of fast-acting cancer.;

  80. Why did the astro-nuts not take pictures of the stars while they were on the surface of the “moon”? How could they not have seen any stars when all they had to do was turn away from the sun or even just hold up their hand to block the sun’s rays? The proper exposure-setting for the camera-iris to photograph the astro-nuts would have been “mostly-closed” or “almost-completely-closed” to compensate for the bright sunlight on the surface of the “moon”. Such an exposure-setting would have completely diminished the faintness of relatively distant specks of diminutive light, so the black backdrop is fairly plausible. However, the latter does not explain why the NAS-holes never took any photographs of the stars separately, i.e. stars on their own, with a special star-appropriate exposure-setting. If the NAS-holes claim to have taken three automobiles to the “moon”, then how come they “forgot” to take a photographic telescope? Had they done so, they would have been able to see further into the universe than ever before realized. But because the whole project was a hoax, the alleged presence of a photographic telescope would have forced the NAS-holes to invent, sketch and parade galaxies visible from the “moon” but not from the Earth, and such invented galaxies would have been unmasked as fakes by astronomy buffs as soon as more-powerful telescopes became available following the Apollo hoaxes. That main fear forced the NAS-holes to simply shut down all discussion of the stars. In their press conference, the astro-nuts claimed they “could not remember seeing any stars”. But, in the non-atmosphere of the moon, the stars look like the headlights of oncoming trains, totally in your face. “Not remembering any stars” is so absolutely implausible that it has to qualify as one of the biggest red flags indicating a total hoax. The NAS-holes want us to believe that they “forgot” the stars due to “bad planning”. Shucks, the stars just slipped our minds guys.;

  81. The Earth is up to 250,000 miles from the moon. The reflected sunlight from the lunar surface is strong enough to illuminate the darkness on the Earth. Thus, anyone close to or hovering just above the surface of the real moon would be blinded by the high intensity of the light reflected back. So how come none of the astro-nuts ever suffered any blindness or eye problems after their “trips”?;

  82. The lunatic-module’s descent-engine left no landing crater, though its engine allegedly had a thrust of 10,000 pounds. It left no burn-crater because the NAS-holes forgot to fake one in the Apollo 11 Hoax. That meant they had to retain the absence of a burn-crater for all remaining “moon” landings in Project Apollo Hoax and were forced to offer a ludicrous explanation based on zero lunar atmosphere. An impact-crater under the lunatic-module would at least have been an indication of a landing on the surface of the “moon” supposedly covered with multiple layers of dust. But the total absence of any landing crater under the lunatic-module is proof that the NAS-holes were scamming the public. In reality, the NAS-holes made the “moon”-scape from Plaster Of Paris and did not want to ruin all that hard work with an additional impact-crater. Or else they ran out of time and were forced to abandon the idea of presenting an impact-crater in their “moon” movie.;

  83. The lunatic-module’s feet never showed a single speck of “moon” dust. This can only happen if they never landed on the “moon” in the first place. A proper landing would have caused a billowing dust-storm and a lot of dust would have landed on the top and on the feet of the lunatic-module.;

  84. Beginning at an altitude of 1,000 miles above the Earth and extending an additional at least 15,000 miles, lethal bands of radiation appear called the VARB (Van Allen Radiation Belt). Any astro-nut passing through the VARB would have been made extremely ill or even killed by the radiation within a short period. In order to survive the hour-and-a-half journey through this lethal radiation field so as to reach the moon AND return, a 6-foot layer of solid-lead shielding would have been required between the astro-nuts and the exposure outside. The Saturn V rocket carried all craft used for the Apollo 11 Hoax, but it was already as big as a battleship. So adding additional tonnage in the form of a lead barrier completely surrounding the astro-nuts would have made it impossible for the vehicle to get off the ground. The FIRST AND ONLY missions in history to have claimed that they actually sent humans through the deadly VARB field were the NAS-holes during their Project Apollo Hoax. All other missions told the truth on this point by stating that they had maintained altitudes well below the fatal 1,000 mile altitude and never dared to even attempt to go through the VARB. These included Mercury, Gemini, Soyuz, Skylab and even the space-shuttle.;

  85. The NAS-holes claimed that the astro-nuts were only in the VARB for two hours per “trip” so it was thus of no serious danger to them. But that is like saying that you get less wet in a torrential downpour if you stay in it for less than two hours. Dr John Mauldin stated: “Solar flares or protons can give off doses of hundreds-of-thousands of roentgens over a few hours at Earth distance [25,000 miles]. Such doses are fatal …”. So clearly, the NAS-holes were and still are lying about the real dangers of the VARB.;

  86. The US satellite Explorer 4 was launched on 26 Jul 1958. It carried a Geiger counter in a one-centimeter lead casing. When the radiation it measured was recalibrated, it was found to be greater than what later occurred when the Chernobyl core melted down. Hence, you would have expected some or all of the astro-nuts to have died or at least to have been sick for months or years after each Apollo movie.;

  87. There is now absolute proof available that the main stumbling block foiling the NAS-holes was in fact the very same lethal radiation of the VARB field. Passing through the radiation of deep space is not just a major problem, it is a complete showstopper which totally prevents human space travel until a solution can be found, not by NAS-holes but by proper scientists. Beyond the Earth’s protective magnetosphere, the deadly radiation of space renders human space travel impossible. Proper scientists have not yet found a way to protect astro-nuts from this deadly radiation. The NAS-holes will never be able to find a solution to this problem because they are a bunch of NAS-holes. It can only be done by proper scientists.;

  88. In 2014, a spokesman for the NAS-holes talked about the VARB and finally admitted: “We must solve these challenges [with VARB radiation levels] BEFORE we send people through this region of space”.;

  89. Bart Sibrel’s 2001 documentary “A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon” shows all three astro-nuts of the Apollo 11 Hoax faking an Earth-view while claiming to be 130,000 miles away from the “moon”, or roughly halfway there. This sequence stemmed from raw (or unedited) footage released by mistake by the NAS-holes to the documentary crew. It shows Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins planning and making a very deceptive film depicting the Earth at a distance (along with a one-foot-diameter picture of Earth and a cardboard crescent-insert) in order to falsely demonstrate their journey “far from” the Earth and their impossible “survival” after the lethal VARB, all with particularly clear behind-the-scenes audio. At the very same time, the real Earth is actually visible from a different capsule window although the NAS-holes never explained the two different Earth images. An atomic clock at the Goldstone Tracking Station dated the reel to 18, 19, 20 Jul 1969, the very days of the Apollo 11 “trip” when the NAS-holes claimed the very same astro-nuts were starting their orbit around the “moon”. It is also apparent that the astro-nuts are in genuine zero-gravity. But because the real Earth is visible, the astro-nuts are proven to be no further than Low Earth Orbit, or a couple of hundred miles out. Later that evening, the NAS-holes claimed the same astro-nuts were walking on the “moon”. But how could that be when they were in Earth Orbit only nine hours earlier and the moon would have been a three-day trip away? This provided the first absolute forensic proof that the astro-nuts of the Apollo 11 Hoax could never have been near the moon on 20 Jul 1969, thus providing solid legal grounds for suing the NAS-holes and the US regime for embezzlement, deception and fraud. This absolute proof was obtained on account of a chance mistake by the NAS-holes when they inadvertently gave raw or unedited footage to Bart Sibrel’s documentary crew. Why all this trickery with the window, the crescent-insert and the Earth-view? If the astro-nuts of the Apollo 11 Hoax had really gone to the moon, then why would they be faking any part of their “journey”?;

  90. Prof Lawrence Pinsky stated: “The radiation dose received by crews on space missions is not just another nuisance-type problem that just needs to be estimated and tabulated. In planning for longer-duration missions, it is one of the major limiting factors and must be a baseline consideration in the design of any vehicle-mission combination where planners anticipate either very long durations or exposure outside the geomagnetic environment”.;

  91. The VARB field has been dubbed God’s Electronic Fence, or His way of saying “Thus far, and no further”. Indeed, Acts 17:26 confirms: “and God made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the Earth, having determined their appointed times and THE BOUNDARIES OF THEIR HABITATION”. Should the NAS-holes not have spent more time reading their Bible? Maybe they did and were afraid of being ridiculed, given that Luke 14:28-29 states: “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him”. Unfortunately for the NAS-holes, those mocking times are here to stay.;

  92. In the 1960s, calculated in hours of spaceflight, the Russians were five times more experienced in space than the Americans, but the Russians never even dreamt of putting a human through the VARB. The Russians were shrewd enough only to dare to send unmanned probes to the moon instead. On 12 Sep 1959, the Luna-2 achieved the world’s first lunar impact. On 31 Jan 1966, the Luna-9 achieved the world’s first unmanned soft-landing on the moon. On 21 Dec 1966, the Luna-13 soft-landed on the moon and studied it. On 13 Jul 1969, one week before the NAS-holes hoaxed a “manned soft-landing” on the “moon” in their Apollo 11 Hoax, the Luna-15 crashed on the lunar surface. And on 10 Nov 1970, Luna-17 placed the world’s first rover on the moon. But these successful missions were punctuated with failed missions, which tells us that the Russians were being much more truthful about what they were achieving. The big difference was that the Russians were far ahead of the USA but were also documenting their many failures as well, instead of claiming nothing but successes as the NAS-holes were doing during the entire Project Apollo Hoax. The NAS-holes only ever admitted one single failure, and even that turned out to be a movie about Apollo 13 which was ridden with occult symbolism. The lunar successes of the Russians had galvanized the London-NY-Axis into trying to level the score. We now know for sure that they could not do so legitimately and that the only way they could “succeed” in getting to the “moon” was to totally fake it.;

  93. If the NAS-holes actually sent men to the “moon” six times, then why did they find it necessary to fake still-photographs and film clips shot during the Apollo “missions”. The NAS-holes actually created most of the faked “moon” landing photographs in the mid-1990s and not in the late 1960s as many were led to believe. But why?;

  94. In 1998, the US space-shuttle flew to an altitude of 350 miles above the Earth, one of its highest altitudes ever, but still 650 miles below where the VARB (Van Allen Radiation Belt) commences. Even at this relatively low altitude, the VARB still had harsh adverse effects on the astro-nuts even inside their shielded spacecraft and inside their shielded spacesuits (the suits had shielding of glass-fiber, some aluminum fiber and silicone rubber). With their eyes shut, the space-shuttle astro-nuts saw flashes of light that they described as shooting stars due to radiation penetrating first the shuttle’s shielding, then their spacesuit shielding, then their skulls and finally the retinas of their closed eyes. As a result, CNN reported the “unpredicted surprise” on the part of the NAS-holes stating: “The radiation belt surrounding the Earth may be more dangerous for spacewalking astro-nuts than previously believed. Scientists say the phenomenon known as the Van Allen Belts can spawn killer electrons when the Earth’s magnetic field changes. These electrons, that are being studied, could have an important effect not only on satellites which has happened in the past but could also affect astro-nuts by creating large doses of radiation that could [adversely] influence their health. The electrons can penetrate through various materials including spacesuits, and can in fact pass through the walls of the space station, and can create high charges deep inside of these objects”. In other words, the NAS-holes could never have gotten through the VARB field in 1969 without dozens of astro-nuts being killed or severely afflicted. The official-truth narrative maintained by the NAS-holes is that the Apollo Hoax astro-nuts were protected by a very thin layer of aluminum. But we all know that, on Earth, a lead shield is given as protection to every patient, even before a small dental X-Ray.;

  95. The whole idea of taking 70 mm Kodak Ektachrome film unscathed through three Van Allen Radiation Belts was always nonsense. The whole idea of taking Ektachrome photographs on the surface of the “moon” while you’re being bombarded by gamma rays was more utter nonsense. Because the pictures would have all been fogged on account of the VARB, solar flares and lunar gamma rays. Both the Swedish camera manufacturer Hasselblad AB and the US camera manufacturer Eastman Kodak verified they had done nothing to enhance the cameras or the film, and that the film was just regular Ektachrome. So given that you can fog your own Ektachrome film when you go through an airport X-Ray machine, it seems exceedingly odd that the same film would not even get even slightly fogged after passing through the Van Allen Radiation Belts and spending a whole five days being massively bombarded with gamma rays on the “moon”. I am afraid this all smacks of Moonset Studio.;

  96. The anomalies from the Apollo hoaxes included thousands of obviously faked photographs, the lack of damage to the photographs from the immense temperature variations, no fogging or discoloration from radiation, no lightning streaks from micrometeorites passing by, no stars visible. Conclusion: Photographs obviously taken using artificial lighting in a Moonset Studio. These and hundreds of other anomalies show the Apollo story maintained by the NAS-holes to be a complete and utter fraud. The vast expanses of space over the “moon” look completely black and empty. The NAS-holes were forced to leave out the stars because amateur astronomy buffs or keen observers would have been able to discern the inaccuracies of their hoax all the more quickly, and the NAS-holes simply did not have the expertise to map out the stars properly. Normally, on a moon having no atmosphere, you would expect the stars to be a quite a sight to behold. Yet none of the NAS-holes ever even mentioned the stars.;

  97. Each Apollo Saturn V rocket lifted a payload into Earth Orbit. The NAS-holes explained that this payload included a functioning lunatic-module and command-module, and that these were later sent on a trajectory to the “moon”. However, if no “moon” landing actually took place, which seems the most likely scenario, then it is a pretty safe bet that no lunatic-module or command-module capable of functioning as advertised was ever on board a Saturn V rocket during lift-off. One must thus wonder exactly what payload was actually placed into Earth Orbit during each Apollo mission. Could it be that these payloads were of a military nature? Lacking congressional support for their plans, perhaps the Pentagon and the NAS-holes found another means of achieving their goals. If legislators would not support their vision, then the NAS-holes only had to dress their vision as one that would be supported. By igniting the public’s imagination with a vision of landing astro-nuts on the “moon” and returning them safely back to Earth (a goal which conveniently encompassed that of placing a military payload into Earth Orbit), the Pentagon and the NAS-holes easily obtained the 30 billion USD funding they sought from unwary US taxpayers (equivalent to over 1.5 trillion USD in 2017 terms). While TV viewers were watching pre-recorded film footage being simulcast worldwide, in reality a crew of NAS-holes was busy sending a shiny new military satellite or spy satellite (or other military capsule) into orbit. So was Project Apollo Hoax really only about space exploration, as the NAS-holes claimed, or was it a deception employed in pursuit of the unauthorized, unilateral control of space? If each Apollo was only for depositing a space-capsule in Earth Orbit, then we can gauge what that space-capsule might have been from its weight because the Saturn V rocket would have shed 97 percent of its weight upon reaching Earth Orbit with the remaining 3 percent representing the permanent space-capsule the NAS-holes must have placed in Earth Orbit.;

  98. Many aerospace insiders have pointed out that if the Saturn V had really worked, then there would have been no need to replace it with the highly inefficient space-shuttle. If the Saturn V had really worked, then the space-shuttle could have started not in 1981 but about 5 years sooner. Hence, it is highly likely that the NAS-holes are telling lies even about the abilities of the Saturn V. Because the claimed performance of the Saturn V was a total hoax, the NAS-holes were forced to scrap it and start over from scratch, so they designed a whole new system that would actually work for the space-shuttle, even if the space-shuttle put up only one-sixth as much payload and cost three times as much to launch.;

  99. Using rocket technology, a manned soft-landing on Earth has NEVER YET been achieved … EVER. A manned soft-landing means backing up onto the surface without a parachute and using the thruster rockets to slow yourself down. In fact, Neil Armstrong almost broke his neck trying to land the lunatic-module on Earth prior to the 20 Jul 1969 hoax. However, the NAS-holes today still claim the first manned soft-landing in history using rocket technology was on the “moon” and that the only other five times manned soft-landings were achieved in history were all on the “moon”. In other words, the NAS-holes claim the only six times in history when a manned soft-landing was achieved using rocket technology were on the “moon”. That is so amazing that it is beyond belief. It defies technological logic because it normally takes hundreds of tries before you get it right and yet the NAS-holes tell us they risked the lives of all those “moon” astro-nuts to achieve the only six manned soft-landings in all history using rocket technology. In late 2015, an “ISS” astro-nut said in an interview “the challenge is getting past 400 miles; it’s the radiation, it’s the Van Allen Belt and that’s the challenge we need to try to overcome before we can try to get to the moon“. That sounds very much like conclusive proof that the NAS-holes were previously purveying nothing but total nonsense about ever having landed on the “moon” in the first place. It appears we need to go back to square one and start again by asking either the NAS-holes (total liars really) or, better still, asking some proper scientists: Exactly how do you get near the “moon”, orbit the “moon”, land safely on the “moon”, and then take off and get back to Earth?;

  100. There were no “independent” tracking stations during Project Apollo Hoax. The only entities which had such capability were the USA’s own regime agencies (who had themselves orchestrated the hoax) and countries who profited from keeping the secret. So the regime and the NAS-holes had put the fox guarding the henhouse. Additionally, shortly before Project Apollo Hoax, the NAS-holes launched the Tetra-A Satellite, which was specifically designed to simulate transmissions coming from the “moon” so that the ground crews could rehearse the “landings” during their many simulations. By pure “coincidence”, it was purported that the Tetra-A Satellite “accidentally burned up” in the Earth’s atmosphere just before the Apollo 11 Hoax. But, in reality, and just because we know what dirty liars the NAS-holes are, it was much more likely that the Tetra-A Satellite was still secretly in service and performing the very same simulation function during the Apollo 11 Hoax, so as to convince even the NAS-holes on the ground of the “validity” of all the data they were receiving and of the Apollo 11 “landings” as a whole. A retired ground-crew member recently admitted: “Our computers could not tell any difference whatsoever between a real or simulated mission to the moon”. So this is very probably the actual method the NAS-holes used to deceive even their own teams in Houston, Cape Kennedy etc.;

  101. Because Project Apollo Hoax was compartmentalized with each contractor working on only a small portion of the hoax, only a handful of NAS-holes could see the overall picture and could know it was all a hoax. Bill Kaysing was one such person and he was the first major voice to declare the emperor unclad.;

  102. Nowadays, the clear general consensus among contractors working for the NAS-holes is that mankind has NEVER been to the moon. This can easily be verified by e-mailing the contractors for their opinions.;

  103. If you look carefully at the astro-nuts in the films and photos, you see many wrinkles in their spacesuits as they walked on the “moon”. The NAS-holes claim that the spacesuits of the astro-nuts had 5.1 pounds of pressure which implies that all the spacesuits of all the astro-nuts would have been ballooning out. This would have severely restricted their movements and made the astro-nuts look like the proverbial Michelin Man. None of the astro-nuts would have been able to tighten his fists at all. But that would have made for very bad TV and even worse PR. Clearly, the NAS-holes decided against showing a “real Michelin Man”. The film and photos of the astro-nuts all show the very opposite, i.e. they are not ballooning out, the astro-nuts are able to move flexibly and even able to make minor modifications and repairs to equipment. They are even able to focus the TV-camera and the still-cameras (which had no viewfinders). This shows that the films and photos were never actually shot on the “moon”. The NAS-holes are claiming total nonsense.;

  104. Nexus magazine editor Marcus Allen contacted ILC Dover, the spacesuit manufacturer for Project Apollo Hoax. Allen asked if the spacesuits could be used for radiation-protection at radioactive clean-up sites like Fukushima, Chernobyl or Three Mile Island. ILC Dover told Allen: “No. The spacesuits do not provide any radiation protection at all”. To stop radiation penetration, you need molecular density, which typically means multiple inches of both solid lead and solid aluminum for starters. This all means the astro-nuts had zero protection when they allegedly passed through the VARB and could never have survived. Hence, the NAS-holes are lying when they claim that they sent literally dozens of astro-nuts through the VARB on the way to the “moon” and back. In any one of the “trips”, the VARB would have in reality killed everyone on board.;

  105. One Interpol agent stated that Aldrin and Armstrong actually feared for they lives, and that the CIA was prepared with a “solid-medical-reason scenario” if Aldrin or Armstrong ever decided to sill the beans about Project Apollo Hoax to proper journalists in the alternative media (who are the only journalists left given that the monopoly-media abandoned proper journalism around 1980).;

  106. In the Apollo 14 Hoax, astro-nut Alan Shepard was filmed driving a golf ball across the “moon” with the camera right behind him. The ball is driven hard and is seen to slowly curve off to the right. Of course, this cannot happen on the real moon because a golf ball cannot curve in the vacuum of space where there is no air to curve it. As usual, the NAS-holes have no comment to explain this. Because the NAS-holes are a bunch of NAS-holes, their specialty is lying and PR. Their specialty has never yet been real science.;

  107. The first mention of Stan Kubrick faking the moon landings was made by the great Bill Kaysing in a 1970 interview. Kaysing had worked as a technical writer for Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne and he had a special pass called a “Gray Pass” which meant that he could go to any department run by the NAS-holes and be allowed to see absolutely anything he wanted. Kaysing was one of the few who could see the big picture because he was never compartmentalized off (via the “Need To Know” censorship technique). Kaysing testified that he saw an internal memo circulated by the NAS-holes in the early 1960s which declared that they had a one-in-ten-thousand chance of making it to the moon on their first try. He later authored the book “We Never Went to the Moon: America’s Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle”, which he was forced to self-publish in 1975. But the 1969 leading-edge technology the NAS-holes claim to have used for the Apollo hoax was closer to fire-wagons than to tin-can spaceships. While Bill Kaysing was being interviewed on live radio, a pilot for a major airline called the radio station and stated that Kaysing must be right because he had actually seen the Apollo 11 capsule, the astro-nuts and their big parachute being dropped from the cargo hold of a Lockheed C-5 Galaxy while he was piloting a nonstop flight from San Francisco to Tokyo at the very time the monopoly-media said they were due to return to Earth. Bill Kaysing also stated that none of the Apollo Hoax documents were classified and yet they were all still unavailable to the public. He also emphasized the importance of exposing Project Apollo Hoax so as to unravel the truth in so many other areas too because, once you finally open Pandora’s Box, the US regime would be forced to capitulate and stop hiding behind its sham smokescreen of “national security”. This does indeed sound plausible. As soon as an open admission is made that the NAS-holes lied and that the whole “scientific” establishment covered up their lies, then they (i.e. both the NAS-holes and the “scientific” establishment) would lose legitimacy very quickly and that would bring down a whole house of cards.;

  108. After Bill Kaysing published his book in 1975, he did a live radio interview with Victor Boc on Radio KOME San José California. Halfway through the interview, a helicopter dropped napalm on the radio station causing the interview and the whole radio station to go off the air. This was Kaysing’s first real indication that it might be perceived as un-American to tell the truth about Project Apollo Hoax.;

  109. Why do so many photographs on the surface of the “moon” exhibit a feature-rich foreground that abruptly terminates in a featureless, blurry background? In real life, as any photographer knows, the background never starts right after the subject of interest but continues in perspective for ever. This indicated that the NAS-holes had decided to use a grade-Z movie backdrop. So did luciferian-Freemason Stan Kubrick use a front-projection screen like he did in his “2001; A Space Odyssey” movie, as so many have claimed? Kubrick’s creepy movie called “The Shining” seems to clearly hint that he did indeed suffer at least one nervous breakdown while filming the Apollo 11 Hoax. In the typewriter scene, close scrutiny of the note typed on the German Adler Universal typewriter (which perfectionist Kubrick insisted on) and its font shows “A-Eleven Work And No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy” (i.e. not “all work …”) repeated hundreds of times. Here, “Jack” stands for both Kubrick and lead Torrance. In another major departure from the book penned by luciferian-Freemason Stephen King, Torrance (representing Kubrick) actually murders Halorann with an ax, leading many to suspect that Kubrick was confessing that somebody actually died in real life due to some indiscretion or mismanagement on his own part. Kubrick also insisted his creepy movie Eyes Wide Shut be released on 16 Jul 1999, exactly 30 years after the launch of the Apollo 11 Hoax.;

  110. The movie “Apollo 11 Hoax Moon Landing”, simulcast worldwide on 20 Jul 1969, may have been Stan Kubrick’s most famous movie although it still remains unlisted by IMDB. As soon as IMDB finally agrees to list it, fans will be aching to see the “Goofs” section for which IMDB is so famous. The “Goofs” section will of course be far longer than for any other movie in all of history because it was made under the stress of enormous interference by the NAS-holes. Maybe that is one reason why Kubrick hinted he had at least one nervous breakdown while filming it. One old inside joke about Kubrick’s perfectionism went: “In six days, God created the heavens and the Earth. On the seventh day, Stanley Kubrick sent everything back for modifications”.;

  111. The NAS-holes claim there are still artifacts on the “moon” having been left behind by many of their astro-nuts. If there are such artifacts, then they might have been placed there by unmanned missions. Hence, artifacts were never “proof” that the NAS-holes sent astro-nuts to the moon. Also, why don’t they point the Hubble telescope at the moon to view the artifacts left behind? Or why do they not point other telescopes (those even more powerful than the Hubble) at the moon to show us what is there? The NAS-holes own and operate the Hubble. But, because they were the ones who made the Apollo Hoax in the first place, there is little chance they would choose to expose it. In order to cover up for the NAS-holes, paid shills like Phil Plait and Jay Windley claim that the Hubble cannot resolve down to view the landing sites. But how much resolution do they actually need? As it happens, the Hubble will in fact resolve down to 50 meters on the surface of the moon and that would be more than enough to view the “artifacts” allegedly left behind by the astro-nuts. In reality, the NAS-holes do in fact have very-high-resolution photographs of the moon, but they do not want to release them to the monopoly-media because the first thing readers and viewers would ask to see would be the “artifacts” left behind by the astro-nuts from Project Apollo Hoax (which are either nonexistent or were left by unmanned missions). Overall, the NAS-holes do not want people finding out that they actually scammed well over a trillion USD from US taxpayers over the decades and may have used the money instead for implementing the police state for the London-NY-Axis (the Beast [i.e. the English monarch], the City of London and the House of Rothschild). In this context, the excuses supplied by paid shills like Phil Plait and Jay Windley can only be regarded as the paltry fig leaves given by those having ulterior motives. All this keeps repeating the question: Why have the NAS-holes so far refused to give one credible reason for not pointing the Hubble at the moon?;

  112. Even using today’s military technology (i.e. disregarding the loads of undisclosed or secretized technology already being deployed by the NAS-holes and the power-elite), it is very difficult to achieve an altitude of even 62 miles. Astro-nut Gus Grissom was a man of great integrity and was very outspoken about Program Apollo Hoax. On 22 Jun 1967, Grissom held an unauthorized press conference in which he told reporters that the US was “at least a decade away from even contemplating a lunar mission”. The NAS-holes murdered him for giving that interview without permission and for being too honest. The NAS-holes intended his murder to serve as a warning to all other astro-nuts to keep in line and keep quiet. Just before his murder, Grissom also remarked “how are we going to get to the moon if we can’t even talk between three buildings?” and famously hung a lemon on the Apollo Hoax Simulator. Here was a prominent insider in the midst of the NAS-holes who was telling us the truth, that Program Apollo Hoax was doomed to total failure.;

  113. In a 1994 interview with Sheena McDonald of BBC, Dan Goldin (who was head of the NAS-holes at the time) openly admitted that “mankind cannot venture beyond Earth Orbit, until they can overcome the dangers of cosmic radiation”. He managed to say this without making any mention of Project Apollo Hoax twenty-six years prior and was of course never properly cross-examined by this monopoly-media shill. The NAS-holes still officially maintain Project Apollo Hoax went 250,000 miles outside of Earth Orbit.;

  114. In the March 1959 edition of Scientific American, James Van Allen stated: “Our measurements show that the maximum radiation level dated to 1958 is equivalent to between 10 and 100 roentgens per hour, depending on the still-undetermined proportion of protons to electrons. Since a human being exposed for two days to even 10 roentgens would have only a 50 percent chance of survival, the (VARB) radiation belts obviously present an obstacle to space flight”. Hence, Van Allen doomed Project Apollo to failure, so that it had to be replaced by Project Apollo Hoax which the NAS-holes ran to scam everyone, but most of all US taxpayers.;

  115. James Van Allen also pointed out how ridiculous it was that the astro-nuts could ever have taken off from Cape Kennedy. In WW2, the German space program favored taking off from the Antarctic. And Van Allen also verified the German method saying: “Manned space rockets can best take off through the radiation-free zone over the poles”.;

  116. In his 1953 book “Conquest of the Moon”, Wernher von Braun stated: “It is commonly believed that man will fly directly from the Earth to the moon, but to do this, we would require a vehicle of such gigantic proportions that it would prove an economic impossibility. It would have to develop sufficient speed to penetrate the atmosphere and overcome the Earth’s gravity and, having traveled all the way to the moon, it must still have enough fuel to land safely and make the return trip to the Earth. Furthermore, in order to give the expedition a margin of safety, we would not use one ship alone, but a minimum of three … each rocket ship would be taller than New York’s Empire State Building (1250 feet) and weigh about ten times the tonnage of the Queen Mary, or some 800 thousand tons”. This was Wernher von Braun, the so-called father of the Apollo Space Program, explaining to the world why ALL the Apollo Hoax missions were a plain impossibility until such time that such an enormous craft could be built. But Project Apollo Hoax used a 3-stage Saturn V (an expendable rocket the NAS-holes used between 1966 and 1973) which weighed 3,000 tons, i.e. 266 times smaller than it needed to be according to von Braun’s 1953 calculation. It has been argued that Wernher von Braun wrote the above words before the invention of the 3-stage Saturn V, and that its invention invalidated his 1953 statements. But that is not the case because the sheer size of the craft the NAS-holes needed to reach the moon would have been hundreds of times that of the Saturn V and the lunatic-module combined.;

  117. Werner von Braun also stated that, for man to get to the moon, a space station would FIRST have to be built and a specially constructed spaceship would have to be launched from that space station before even setting out for the moon.;

  118. Dr Carol Rosin first met Wernher von Braun in Feb 1974, roughly three years before he died. Von Braun confided to Rosin the details of multiple hoaxes pulled off by the power-elite (which he referred to as “a secretive transnational power”). One was the secret agenda to weaponize space, which he said was for world control under an oppressive one world regime. He said the power-elite were moving to permanently take control of the Earth. According to von Braun, space weapons were really for controlling the world but would be justified first as a defense against the Russians, next against terrorists from rogue nations, then as protection against asteroids and meteors, and finally against a threat from outer-space (today often called Project Blue Beam). The crucial aspect of this was that von Braun was an insider who really knew how the world really works. He said all these publicly-announced threats were lies and stated that, in 1974, nuclear suitcase-bombs were already available, as were chemical, viral, bacterial and biological terror-weapons against which such space-based weapons would anyway be useless. He also stated that, in 1974, the USA had the technology to build anti-gravity craft and entire transportation systems which would render pollution by fossil fuels unnecessary. However, von Braun did not explicitly blow the whistle on Project Apollo Hoax but he certainly did reveal the extent of hoaxing by the power-elite. He implied the whole “cold war” and the coming “war on terror” were staged events and that the power-elite were willing to exaggerate bogus threats to achieve greater control over humanity. In that way, von Braun certainly did confirm that the power-elite were easily able to pull off major hoaxes.;

  119. Arthur C Clarke was a 33rd-degree luciferian-Freemason and child-rapist who moved to Sri Lanka to pursue his depraved lifestyle with impunity. He is credited with being a “genius” for inventing the geostationary satellite by writing about it in one of his creepy short stories. But, to the total dismay of all the NAS-holes, supposed “expert” Arthur C Clarke referred to Apollo 11 Hoax as “A Hole In History”.;

  120. At a public lecture to some 200-300 people, PhD astrophysicist Prof James McCanney acknowledged that the 1969-1972 “moon” missions were “a gigantic hoax”.;

  121. Award-winning cinematographer David Percy stated: “All the photos [in Project Apollo Hoax] were faked and taken on Earth”.;

  122. On 28 Jul 2005, Prof André Balogh of the Beast’s astronomical society said: “The problems the NAS-holes are having with the space-shuttle show the true reality of space travel in Low Earth Orbit. Visions of manned space travel to the moon, to Mars and beyond are still pure science fiction”.;

  123. Historian AJP Taylor referred to the Apollo 11 Hoax as “The Biggest Nonevent Of My Lifetime”.;

  124. John Lear said that the only gas giants in the solar system were organizations run by the NAS-holes.;

  125. In a C-SPAN interview on 19 Jul 2012, astro-nut Buzz Aldrin stated that a moon called Phobos circles Mars once every seven hours and it has its very own monolith (like in Kubrick’s movie). But this monolith idea must be total nonsense. Why? We must remember that, like all astro-nuts, Buzz Aldrin was a senior luciferian-Freemason. This makes it much more likely that he wanted to promote the creepy “2001” story of fellow-Freemasons Arthur C Clarke and Stan Kubrick and, more broadly, the whole luciferian agenda.;

  126. Prior to each Apollo-Hoax movie, the astro-nuts never had any tension in their voices or their movements prior to taking off. It was as if they were all going on vacation to Honolulu, and not heading off to be men on the “moon”. It is most likely they did not dread the journey because they secretly knew it was just another routine trip into Low Earth Orbit (or else because studio-filming was already complete).;

  127. By insisting that mankind went to the “moon” in 1969, the NAS-holes are claiming illogical, bizarre and farfetched fantasies to be true. But rocket technology could not have surged from small V2 rockets to giant Saturn V rockets in only 30 years. That would be like saying that, in only 30 years, aviation technology jumped from the Sopwith-Camel biplanes in 1918 to Concords. It just does not happen that way, and it just did not happen. The NAS-holes are lying, but theirs is a lie few intelligent people believe anymore.;

  128. How come the NAS-holes decided to risk human lives rather than first sending an animal around the “moon” and then maybe to the “moon”? The many dangers from radiation, micrometeorites, solar flares etc. Why would the NAS-holes decide to send several humans to the moon before they even knew for certain that it was safe? Even though the US regime at the time was headed by genociders Kissinger and Nixon, you would still surely have thought that they feared a public backlash from losing humans in “space”? Or was that the real reason they decided to fake it? Because they knew it was impossible?;

  129. Whenever the NAS-holes launch a satellite or a space-shuttle from Earth, the majority of the launch-craft have first-stage and second-stage rockets and thousands of gallons of fuel, but that is only for launching them into Earth Orbit, perhaps two-hundred miles up. Also, each craft is launched from a specially-constructed launch-pad. Yet the NAS-holes expect us to believe that anyone can just hop off the “moon” without much fuel or any of the other paraphernalia they clearly require on Earth for a proper lift-off. Even with moon gravity at one-sixth that of the Earth, the NAS-holes have never managed to make their blast-offs from the “moon” seem plausible. Apart from resembling “Thunderbirds”, we really need some proper reason here as to why no specially-constructed launch-pad was ever needed on take off from the “moon”;

  130. Each Apollo “moon” hoax claimed to set up experiments as part of their mission and that objects left behind were “proof” that their astro-nuts had been on the “moon”. But that is total nonsense because any number of unmanned missions could have placed any number of objects on the moon. The NAS-holes often cite the presence of the Lunar Laser Ranger as “evidence” their astro-nuts were on the “moon”. But because unmanned missions could have placed it there, that is more nonsense. It is also a well-known fact that the Lunar Laser Ranger is not absolutely necessary for international wireless communications because it was always possible, even before Project Apollo Hoax, to bounce signals off the moon. On 9 May 1962 (over 7 years before the Apollo 11 Hoax), a high-powered pulsed ruby laser was successfully aimed at the moon and reflected back off the moon’s surface.;

  131. The NAS-holes are a private military corporation (DUNS® number 003259074) which has largely failed to masquerade as a civilian organization. The corporation was formed by Psych Eisenhower in 1958 with the task of scamming the US taxpayers and preserving the status quo. Its biggest mistake was to immediately declare the existence of the VARB (Van Allen Radiation Belt), which was to become the biggest proof that the NAS-holes faked the Apollo 11 moon landing and simulcast a movie worldwide on 20 Jul 1969. The NAS-holes could have used electrogravitic propulsion (and thus increased speed enormously) for their space-shuttle but instead decided to use outdated technology (which they also gave to the Russians for free, released in Russia as the Buran). The NAS-holes have scammed the public for decades.;

  132. On 10 Sept 2001, one day before the London-NY-Axis attacks on NYC, Donald Rumsfeld admitted to a 2.3 trillion USD “un-documentable adjustment” in the Pentagon and stated that, for one year, the NAS-holes had an “un-documentable adjustment” of 500 billion USD. This report was deliberately released the day before the London-NY-Axis attacks because they knew the 11 Sept story would easily bury it.;

  133. Although the US military claims that the HAARP program has been shut down, its Alaska HAARP facility is still up and running. The USA first deployed covert weather weapons in Vietnam in 1967, for instance to increase rainfall over North Vietnamese positions. Documents written by the NAS-holes reveal that so-called “climate change” was caused by the same weather-weapons program. That makes the NAS-holes complicit in the alarmist climate-change scam being deployed by the London-NY-Axis to create a world tax system.;

  134. luciferian-Freemasons love astronomy, numerology and geometry, and also the sadistic mockery of their victims. This final aspect mentioned, the sadistic mockery of their victims, explains why they took special delight in launching Program Apollo Hoax. Sirius is important in luciferian-Freemasonic lore. Sirius was at its zenith when the words “The Eagle Has Landed” from the Apollo 11 movie were simulcast worldwide on 20 Jul 1969. This was in the “dog days” of the summer of 1969, these dog days being so called because they correspond with the rise of Sirius (also known as the dog star).;

  135. How do we know for sure that Freemasonry is luciferian? Because the writings of top Freemasons such as Albert Pike and Manly-Palmer Hall made this admission and expounded in great detail about how the Freemasonic godhead is in fact lucifer.;

  136. All NAS-holes wear mission patches full of occult and luciferian-Freemasonic symbolism, but maybe none more so than the Apollo crews. The names of the missions and craft are almost always those of ancient gods or astrological signs; they always use complex Sacred Geometry (the secrets of which are kept by luciferian-Freemasons). Why was it “the eagle” that landed on the Moon? Eagles have long been used to symbolize the crown chakra. Many mission patches feature the caduceus, serpents, eagles and other occult symbols. The STS-58 patch shows a snake coiling up a pole with a V under it on one side and a caduceus on the other.;

  137. Although the NAS-holes and the monopoly-media reported that the Challenger blew up in Jan 86, at least six of the seven Challenger astro-nuts are still alive in 2017. Ellison Onizuka now goes by Claude Onizuka and claims he is his own “identical twin”. Challenger pilot Michael J Smith never even bothered to change his name and is now a professor emeritus at University of Wisconsin-Madison. SC McAuliffe is now law-professor SA McAuliffe at Syracuse University. Challenger commander Frank Richard Scobee is now the CEO of Cows in Trees Ltd. Judith Resnik is now a law-professor at Skull & Bones University (sometimes called Yale). Ronald McNair now goes by Carl McNair and also claims he is his own “identical twin”. No one knows why the seventh astro-nut, Gregory Bruce Jarvis, did not opt to be his own “identical twin” too, or what he went on to become after “dying” along with all the other astro-nuts in the “Challenger Fireball” movie. The well-known shuttle-name hoax can be abridged as: “The ENTERPRISE called COLUMBIA [pseudonym for the USA] will ENDEAVOR for the DISCOVERY of ATLANTIS and all CHALLENGERs shall be destroyed”. Given that space-shuttles Challenger and Columbia were destroyed, that may mean the USA is next slated for destruction in the Grand Plan of luciferian-Freemasonry.;

  138. The NAS-holes are luciferian-Freemasons of the 32nd-degree or higher. It would appear that they are also involved in the drugs business because the states in which they have a strong presence (Florida, Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona) also became the biggest drug states. An inordinate number of NAS-holes and astro-nuts are and were open luciferian-Freemasons or from luciferian-Freemasonic families. It is likely that even more astro-nuts and NAS-holes of key importance are affiliated with Freemasonry too, but were not so open about their membership. C Fred Kleinknecht, head of the NAS-holes at the time of Project Apollo Hoax, was later the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Council of the 33rd-degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of luciferian-Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction; James Webb, second head of the NAS-holes, was a 33rd-degree luciferian-Freemason; Buzz Aldrin was a 33rd-degree luciferian-Freemason of Montclair Lodge 144 in NJ; Gordon Cooper (Mercury 9, Gemini 5) was a 33rd-degree master luciferian-Freemason of Carbondale Lodge 82 in Colorado; Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14 Hoax) was a 33rd-degree luciferian-Freemason of Artesta Lodge 29 in New Mexico; Donn Eisele (Apollo 7 Hoax) was luciferian-Freemason of Luther Turner Lodge 732 in Ohio; John Glenn (Mercury 6) was luciferian-Freemason; Gus Grissom (Apollo hoaxes 1 and 15, Mercury 5, Gemini 3) was a master luciferian-Freemason of Mitchell Lodge 228 Indiana; James Irwin (the last man to lie about walking on the “moon” in the Apollo 15 Hoax) was a luciferian-Freemason of Tejon Lodge 104 in Colorado Springs; Walter Schirra (Apollo 7 Hoax, Sigma 7, Gemini 6, Mercury 8) was a 33rd-degree luciferian-Freemason of Canaveral Lodge 339 in Florida; Thomas Stafford (Apollo hoaxes 10 and 18, Gemini 7 and 9) was a luciferian-Freemason of Western Star Lodge 138 in Oklahoma; Paul Weitz (Skylab 2, Challenger) was a luciferian-Freemason of Lawrence Lodge 708 in Pennsylvania; Neil Armstrong, Alan Shepard, William Pogue, Vance Brand, and Anthony England all had fathers who were luciferian-Freemasons too (because luciferian-Freemasonry is very big into bloodlines).;

  139. luciferian-Freemason Charles Taze Russell invented the Jehovah’s Witnesses and stated that the world would start to end on 2 Oct 1914. luciferian-Freemason Jack Parsons was born on 2 Oct 1914 and he founded Jack Parsons Laboratory (JPL, called Jet Propulsion Laboratory by the NAS-holes). Along with L Ron Hubbard (Scientology inventor), Parsons conducted the creepy “Babalon Working” rituals, designed to invoke the Thelemic goddess Babalon onto Earth. From all this, it seems very likely that the luciferians at the very top of the London-NY-Axis (the Beast [i.e. the English monarch], the City of London and the House of Rothschild) intended Project Apollo Hoax as a psychological-operation to hoodwink humanity.;

  140. The NAS-holes appear to worship some kind of pagan god and, by pure “coincidence”, their chief logo includes a serpent’s tongue resembling a T so that their logo seems to spell out the word “satan”, or at least that is the overall impression. They are obviously working directly for the London-NY-Axis (the Beast [i.e. the English monarch], the City of London and the House of Rothschild).;

  141. The name Apollo was chosen because it signifies “lucifer”. The UN flag also depicts the nations of the world encircled by the laurel of Apollo. Everyone knows the UN is a private corporation that was founded by dedicated luciferians who work directly for the UN’s owners, the London-NY-Axis.;

  142. The NAS-holes are regularly mocked as the “National Academy of Space Actors”, and also “No Astro-nuts Should Apply”. They have succeeded in a massive decades-long hoax where they have literally mooned the US and the whole world. Additionally, as further proof that the “cold war” was in fact staged and yet another total fraud, the Russians and Chinese have played along for decades with the fraudulent stories spewed by the NAS-holes, with nary a peep of contradiction out of them, and they continue to do so to this day. When was the last time these ostensible enemies (Russia or China) contradicted the official-truth spouted by the USA’s monopoly-media regarding anything, even false-flag attacks committed by regime-terrorists from the western mil-intel agencies? Or does the idea of Russia and China actually working together with the USA to corral the world’s populace into worldwide collectivist communism under the UN sound like such an “extraordinary coincidence” after all?;

  143. In 1969, Canadian TV stations cited stories from the Russian newspaper Pravda which stated that the USA had not in fact landed men on the moon.;

  144. In 1969, the whole Russian establishment knew for sure that the “moon” landings were faked. Some say the Russian communists blackmailed the Nixon regime for favors and, in return, volunteered to play along with the “moon” hoax. Too many facts confirm this. For instance, in late 1972, the USA sold one-quarter of its grain crop to communist Russia below the market price. Between 1969 and 1977, the Russians had the Lunokhod which could have easily inspected “moon” landing-sites to call the USA’s bluff on Project Apollo Hoax (or instead blackmail the USA which would have been much more profitable). Just a few Lunokhod photos of the “landing” sites the NAS-holes claimed would have done the trick.;

  145. In 1959, the NAS-holes had concluded from their own studies that the radiation levels were lethal on the moon. This corroborated Russian research since Russian scientists stated that, for a man to survive on the moon while being hit by radiation from solar and cosmic sources, he would have to be shielded by four feet of solid lead. This is more powerful evidence that Project Apollo Hoax was a psychological operation;

  146. The day after the Apollo 11 Hoax, Thomas Paine (who was head of the NAS-holes at the time) was heard telling intelligence officer Robert C Seamans that the Chinese were now alleging that the USA faked the mission with the aid of radio-communication signals bounced off the moon. If China (not yet experienced in space technology in 1969) knew that Apollo 11 had been a hoax, then it must be assumed that Russia knew even sooner.;

  147. On 18 Dec 1969, the New York Times, mouthpiece journal for Chatham-House-CFR, carried the article “A Moon Landing? What Moon Landing?” by science-reporter John Noble Wilford. This report suggested: “the Apollo 11 ‘moon’ walk last July was actually staged by Hollywood on a Nevada desert”.;

  148. On 15 Feb 2001, fake-news network Faux (sometimes stylized as Fox) created a headache for the NAS-holes by broadcasting the documentary “Did We Land on the Moon?”, which called Armstrong and Aldrin nothing but frauds and stooges for the US regime. It alleged the whole thing had been staged inside a film studio on a US military base in the Mojave Desert. Furthermore, it claimed the astro-nuts spent the entire “mission” in a film studio either at Area 51 in Nevada or at Norton Air Force Base in San Bernardino California, and were later dropped by parachute from a military transport plane over the Pacific.;

  149. From color films inside the spacecraft, we know that the NAS-holes brought a high-resolution color video camera with them for the Apollo 11 Hoax. So why did they “forget” to use it for what the NAS-holes billed as one of the greatest events in history? Was it because they felt that a poor low-definition monochrome film would look “more realistic”? Of course, a poor low-definition monochrome camera would also be better at concealing awkward details, such as actor wires or studio props, whereas a color film would have let the cat out of the bag that the NAS-holes had actually hoaxed it all. So was that why they left it aboard?;

  150. Why do the attitude-changes or rotations carried out by the lunatic-module (or its ascent stage) look so mechanical? And how come they occur so instantaneously? It all looks too much like “Thunderbirds”.;

  151. The monitored radio signals and data signals may have been transmitted from the Earth and reflected back by bouncing the signal off the moon. They may have been transmitted via a leased channel. Or they may have been transmitted from the Moonset Studio. If the NAS-holes really left such valuable equipment on the “moon”, then why did they stop using it, or why are they not still using it today? Why do the NAS-holes tell us they shut it down in the 1970s?;

  152. How come, in the Apollo-Hoax photographs, the shroud over the descent-engine of the lunatic-module looks as though it had never been heated above room temperature even though this shroud was designed to accept exhaust temperatures of up to 1482 degrees centigrade?;

  153. The NAS-holes tell us that the surface of the “moon” is very dry and dusty. But if that is the case, then why do those footprints show up so boldly? Dry and dusty should mean you put your boot in the sand and withdraw it to see nothing but sand and a minor cavity. The only surface that would leave footprints that crisp and clear would be damp sand or soil. But damp sand is simply not possible on the real moon, where the temperature of the surface is 130 degrees centigrade and the vacuum causes the boiling point of water to fall to below 20 degrees centigrade. It is axiomatic that water or dampness cannot exist on the real moon because it would boil away immediately when the sun got at it. The real moon is as dry as a desert and you simply cannot leave identifiable footprints no matter how damp your boots are. The damp footprints shown in Apollo Hoax photographs represent an enormous red flag that clearly indicates (or else proves) that the NAS-holes actually took all of their Apollo Hoax photographs on Earth.;

  154. Gravity on the moon is one-sixth that of on the Earth. This means that a fully equipped astro-nut in his spacesuit who weighs 400 pounds on Earth would weigh only about 65 pounds on the moon. But have you seen the depth of that footprint in the “moon” dust made by an astro-nut weighing 65 pounds equivalent? The moon has no water and it is extremely dry because the lunar surface temperature can reach 130 degrees centigrade. You simply could not get any of the moist footprints Project Apollo Hoax tried to sell to the public in so many photographs. These footprints look like they were made using Plaster Of Paris but first achieved by trial-and-error using some mixture of water and talcum powder.;

  155. How come one boot print was stepped on without its lines being distorted? Was it somehow set in stone or perhaps left a very long time ago? Did it perhaps belong to Robinson Crusoe?;

  156. The 1971 Bond movie “Diamonds are Forever” was significant because Ian Fleming was still alive and being kept abreast of developments by his own mil-intel contacts. In the movie, fictional MI6 tuxedo-assassin James Bond stumbles in on a private Moonset Studio that is faking a “moon” landing, featuring rounded “moon” rocks and astro-nuts moving too slow to catch Bond, who then smashes out of the studio in a moon buggy which just happens to be a cross between the lunatic-module and the lunatic-rover used in Project Apollo Hoax. Without doubt, this Bond scene is yet more whistle-blowing on a very grand scale.;

  157. During the original live broadcast in the state of Western Australia, viewers and newspapers there reported seeing a Coke bottle in the Apollo 11 “moon” dust. This was because Western Australia received a unique version of the live coverage not broadcast anywhere else. This was yet more proof of monkey business in Project Apollo Hoax.;

  158. The NAS-holes are the owners of Project Blue Beam and are being funded and helped in this endeavor by the UN and for the UN’s owners, the London-NY-Axis. The goal of this project is to implement a New Age religion. Some say that this project will attempt to simulate the Second Coming of Christ using undisclosed technology but that, in fact, the antichrist is to become the head of the new religion and that this will usher in yet another totalitarian “new world order”.;

  159. The NAS-holes shot numerous films on the “moon” during the Apollo 17 Hoax, but none of those films show Harrison Schmitt at “Tracy’s Rock”. But the most popular still-photograph of the whole Apollo 17 Hoax was Schmitt at “Tracy’s Rock”. So did Eugene Cernan decide to switch off or not use his TV-camera at “Tracy’s Rock”? This was another continuity error that badly embarrassed the NAS-holes. It was caused by discrepancies between the film shot by the TV-camera and the still-photos shot using the Hasselblad 500. The NAS-holes overlooked this blunder and decided to again try their “No Comment” routine.;

  160. Despite numerous photos being taken on the surface of the “moon”, not one of them shows the Earth in the void of space. The famous “Earthrise” photograph was not taken from the surface of the “moon” and it is a clear fake attributed to astro-nut William Anders during the Apollo 8 Hoax, in which the NAS-holes claim that, in Dec 1968, one of their “Thunderbirds”-like deepfreezes circled the “moon”. The absence of one single photo of the Earth from the “moon” would appear to be very poor planning on the part of the NAS-holes because most earthlings would have loved to have seen one such photo, which would have become an enormous hit;

  161. In the 1990s, thousands of computer users examined the “Earthrise” photograph in Adobe Photoshop. By simply increasing the exposure level, they could clearly see that the NAS-holes had actually pasted a rectangular “Earth” poster onto the background of their 1968 photo to make a composite, thus proving that not even the celebrated “Earthrise” photo had been genuine. Anyone is welcome to adjust the exposure level and prove this for himself, i.e. prove that the NAS-holes were always a bunch of crooks.;

  162. It has proved an acute embarrassment to the NAS-holes that the famous “Earthrise” photograph also had a massive sizing error. Over the decades, thousands of experts have pointed out that the Earth seen from the “moon” should be at least four times bigger in the sky than the moon seen from Earth. Heedlessly, the NAS-holes never thought to show a bigger Earth in their faked “Earthrise” photo or in the faked “Earth-view with cardboard-crescent-insert” which the three Apollo-11-Hoax astro-nuts were caught filming on 18, 19 and 20 July 1969 (as shown in “A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon” dated 2001).;

  163. Nowadays, many photos of the Earth released by the NAS-holes show obvious copy-and-paste jobs, with the exact same cloud pattern repeating multiple times over the oceans. So if the NAS-holes can so easily fake pictures of Earth, how hard would it be for them to fake pictures of other planets? If you photograph the underside of your frying pan, you might make a better picture of “Jupiter” than the NAS-holes could. The NAS-holes are Photoshop specialists who love blurring or else hiding objects from existing images, creating fake galaxies and stars, and of course producing movies of events that never even happened.;

  164. The NAS-holes provided one image of “Jupiter” in 2014 and another in 2016. They had added CGI auroras to the north pole of the 2016 “Jupiter”, but they forgot to change the cloud-cover over the entire planet. So were the NAS-holes really claiming that the clouds had not moved one inch in over two years? Or are the NAS-holes really running an intelligence test to see which earthlings are clever enough to spot their hoaxes? Regrettably, it seems that, only a minority of earthlings manages to catch on and pass this test.;

  165. The NAS-holes recently published a video purporting to be of the “moon” passing by the Earth. But how could a tiny camera 1.3 million miles away from the Earth take a perfect series of photos of the Earth spinning at 1000 MPH and orbiting the sun at 66,600 MPH without a single shift in position? The clouds on Earth did not move. The “moon” failed to cast any shadow on the Earth’s surface. And there was not a single star in sight. Clearly, the NAS-holes were pulling yet another hoax. But who spotted it?;

  166. Neil Armstrong’s sister, Natasha Armstrong-Warner, stated that Armstrong only went to the “moon” when he was high on the LSD that the NAS-holes gave him.;

  167. Astro-nut Neil Armstrong actually refused the NAS-holes permission to release any of the still-photographs of him on the “moon”. This is because Armstrong had a conscience and did not approve of scamming the public with pictures really taken in the Moonset Studio.;

  168. In his later years, astro-nut Neil Armstrong suffered from mental illness and was notorious for his helpless reclusiveness. He clearly felt guilty about having put his name to one of the biggest hoaxes in history. He may also have become paranoid by the overwhelming number of websites exposing him as a liar. Was Armstrong buried at sea because he feared someone might tamper with his grave (had it been on land)?;

  169. In 1994, on the 25th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Hoax, Neil Armstrong made a cryptic speech at the White House in which he stated: “There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth’s protective layers“. Clearly, he was hoping the US regime would soon tell the truth about Project Apollo Hoax because that might encourage people who had lost hope due to the hoax.;

  170. On 9 Sep 2002, Buzz Aldrin was lured to a Beverly Hills hotel on the pretext of being interviewed for a TV show on the subject of space. When he arrived, Bart Sibrel and a film crew accosted him and demanded he swear on the Bible that the “moon” landings were not faked, insisting that Aldrin and others had lied about walking on the moon. Aldrin was forced to refuse because he knew that the “moon” landings had been hoaxed and that Sibrel was right. After a brief confrontation, in which Sibrel called Aldrin “a coward and a liar, and a thief”, Aldrin punched Sibrel in the jaw, which was caught on camera by Sibrel’s film crew. Aldrin’s unwillingness to swear was more evidence he never went to the “moon”. The majority of astro-nuts to whom Sibrel gave the same challenge refused to swear on the Bible that they walked on the “moon”.;

  171. In Bart Sibrel’s 2004 documentary “Astro-nuts Gone Wild”, Buzz Aldrin is again cornered by Sibrel. But when Aldrin could not think of any good reply to Sibrel, he just states: “You are talking to the wrong guy. Why don’t you speak to head of the NAS-holes? We were just passengers, we were guys going on a flight”. This sounded so very much like the classic “only-following-orders” or “only-doing-my-job” excuse. But attentive viewers could spot that Aldrin was making an implicit admission that all the Apollo missions had indeed been hoaxed and that the decision to do so had been taken at the very top.;

  172. Rumor had it that Apollo 12 astro-nut Pete Conrad wanted to go public about the faked “moon” landings on the thirtieth anniversary of the Apollo 11 Hoax in 1999. But, by pure “coincidence”, Conrad was killed in a motorcycle accident only days before the anniversary.;

  173. In later life, Apollo-15-Hoax astro-nut James Irwin became a born-again Christian. Lee Galvani asked Irwin to tell the truth about Project Apollo Hoax, and gradually made some inroads into Irwin’s conscience. Irwin contacted Bill Kaysing but, during the phone-call, Irwin told Kaysing to call him at home that coming Friday in Colorado Springs because their line might be tapped. When Kaysing called Irwin, he learned that Irwin had died of a “heart attack” that Thursday, one day prior to his returning the call.;

  174. World celebrity Uri Geller said that NAS-holes “crudely faked” all the Apollo “moon” photographs.;

  175. Astro-nut Dr Brian O’Leary stated: “Regarding Apollo, I cannot say 100 percent for sure whether these men walked on the moon”. He also commented: “If some of the film was spoiled, it is remotely possible that the NAS-holes may have shot some scenes in a studio environment to avoid embarrassment”. These are major statements because they come from an astro-nut who worked on the Apollo 11 “mission”.;

  176. There are some serious indications that the NAS-holes actually based their whole Apollo Hoax Program on the popular song “It’s Only A Paper Moon”, published in 1933 (with music by Harold Arlen, lyrics by Yip Harburg and Billy Rose). In the Apollo Hoax Simulator, James Lovell was reading from a prewritten script when he described the “moon” as being: “essentially gray, no color, looks like Plaster Of Paris, like dirty beach-sand with lots of footprints in it”. But just after Lovell mentions Plaster Of Paris, Michael Collins is plainly and distinctively seen to smirk. Collins’s smirk is a clear indication that the NAS-holes had built their “moon”-scape from just what Lovell was describing. In reality, Plaster Of Paris is the favorite material used by NAS-holes to create fake “moon”-scapes for later photographs and films of the surface of the “moon”.;

  177. During the 1986 commission on the Challenger space-shuttle disaster, the eminent physicist Richard Feynman found that the analysis, claims and methodology given by the NAS-holes were consistently incorrect. In a lengthy paper, Feynman made several observations that seem remarkably applicable to the NAS-holes of 1969 too. He wrote that the NAS-holes “exaggerate the reliability of their product to the point of fantasy” and stated that the NAS-holes “owe it to the citizens from whom they ask support, to be frank, honest and informative. And so that these citizens can make the wisest decisions for the use of their limited resources for a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations; because nature cannot be fooled”. This was so embarrassing to the NAS-holes that they relegated it to a mere appendix within the Challenger commission’s final report. One thing Feynman actually failed to highlight was the even bigger lie that astro-nuts had actually died in the Challenger, as the NAS-holes claimed.;

  178. During Project Apollo Hoax, the NAS-holes claimed to have landed six out of seven COMPLEX “manned” craft on the “moon”, thus claiming an 86 percent success-rate. After Project Apollo Hoax, twenty-five SIMPLE unmanned craft were sent to Mars but only seven succeeded, i.e. a lower but much more realistic 28 percent success-rate. How likely is it that the USA, a country whose people seem to really crave happy endings, wanted so badly for Project Apollo Hoax to succeed that US citizens were willing to swallow the entire lie hook, line and sinker just because President Kennedy had wished it to into reality?;

  179. Project Apollo Hoax had simply too many things which could have gone wrong. Apollo consisted of millions of individual components, all of which had to function perfectly. In addition, there had to be eighty particular distinct operations or segments. In other words, the booster had to separate from the command-capsule, the lunatic-module had to be turned around and connected to the command-capsule etc. All kinds of things had to happen, and happen with perfect timing. But we all know that in reality Murphy’s Law applies. Using the mathematics of probability, if five things must go right and each of them has a 64 percent probability of succeeding, then the probability of all five going right is only around 10 percent. That is reality. And that is why Project Apollo Hoax could never have happened in reality. Furthermore, the probability of six separate missions bringing all the astro-nuts back has to qualify as extremely slight. And that is why all people who have passed the “Project Apollo Hoax Intelligence Test” know it was all just a big movie.;

  180. In Aug 1987, space-shuttle astro-nut Sally Ride wrote a report titled “Leadership and America’s Future in Space” stating that IF the NAS-holes were given enormous funding, then they would be able to land men on the moon by 2010. This is yet more indication that Project Apollo Hoax never even went near the moon. The NAS-holes were basically admitting that they needed another 23 years to get men on the “moon” for the seventh time, and yet they claimed they had gotten men to the “moon” six times after JFK calling for it.;

  181. In 1999, prominent NAS-hole Douglas Cooke, director of the explorations office at Houston’s Johnson Space Center, stated that he hoped the NAS-holes would make it to the moon by 2100. Cooke was again emphasizing how really difficult it is to land men on the moon and, of course, was implicitly admitting that the NAS-holes had actually lied about ever having gotten any astro-nut past the VARB in the first place.;

  182. In the course of Flight Test 1 of the Orion multi-purpose crew vehicle launched on 5 Dec 2014, the NAS-holes inadvertently divulged that they had in fact never gotten any further than Low Earth Orbit.;

  183. A BellCom insider who worked for the NAS-holes stated: “We lied about EVERYTHING; none of it was true”.;

  184. In 2015, Terry Virts, a top astro-nut for the NAS-holes and a commander for the “ISS” stated: “Right now we can only fly in Earth Orbit, that is the farthest that we can go. This new system that we are building is going to allow us to go beyond and hopefully take humans into the solar system to explore, to the moon, to Mars, asteroids, there are a lot of destinations that we could go to and we’re building these building-block components in order to allow us to do that eventually”. This was yet more proof that the NAS-holes had lied about Project Apollo Hoax ever putting men on the “moon”. It is also an indication that the NAS-holes may be in the course of making a very gradual admission that Project Apollo Hoax was just a lie. If they make statements like these every few weeks for a decade, then even retards will finally pass the “Project Apollo Hoax Intelligence Test”. Naturally, the same retards will later claim “I always KNEW it was a hoax”.;

  185. In the “ISS”, the NAS-holes are regularly caught wearing scuba tanks and snorkels in the “ISS” coverage they themselves release. This has led many investigators to ask why the NAS-holes needed equipment to stop them from drowning, and whether they were faking the “ISS” (dubbed international swimming station) using facilities on Earth? Suspiciously, the female NAS-holes all perm their hair vertically to “simulate” zero gravity, except that the perms go horizontal when they look down, divulging the swindle. Suspiciously, no necklace ever goes vertical like the faked perms. Insiders have confirmed that the NAS-holes are only able to simulate zero gravity for a maximum of 30 to 40 seconds. A lot of evidence has surfaced indicating that the NAS-holes are using computer-generated imagery (CGI), green-screens, harnesses and a nice big swimming pool to fake the “ISS”. The NAS-holes actually make “space walks” in the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory near Johnson Space Center Houston, but they claim this is “for test purposes only” (a likely tale when we all know what dirty liars the NAS-holes are). Normal airplanes reach zero gravity over 33,000 feet so the NAS-holes also use this trick to fake or “simulate” the “ISS”.;

  186. On live TV, astro-nut Chris Cassidy accidentally admitted that the NAS-holes were currently filming the “ISS” from a plane flying above the USA (“… across the United States from where we are talking to you right now”).;

  187. The NAS-holes published a picture of the “ISS” taken from 250 miles above the Earth’s surface. But they also inadvertently published the background photo onto which they had pasted the image of the “ISS”. The latter background photo was proven to have been taken from only 6 miles above the Earth’s surface. Hence, critics of the NAS-holes had discovered more fakery. This was one of the very many occasions when the NAS-holes themselves proved that the NAS-holes were lying and that most NAS-holes are liars.;

  188. The NAS-holes have failed to properly explain the sound of roaring jet engines clearly audible in all full-motion scenes filmed inside the “ISS”. Could it be that airplane again?;

  189. Whenever a space-shuttle landed, the sound of roaring jet engines was clearly audible. But the NAS-holes always failed to properly explain this. Many skeptics have pointed out that the space-shuttle was just some kind of glorified jet airliner. The whole space-shuttle story may well have been smoke and mirrors too.;

  190. The NAS-holes released their “Official Earth Image 2012” but South America was missing from it, maybe they had accidentally airbrushed it out. This resulted in severe criticism, prompting the NAS-holes to resize the continents and make really sure that South America was visible on their “Official Earth Image 2013”. Would the NAS-holes please explain how a whole continent could disappear and reappear and how they expect the public to believe any of their composite CGI photos are real? The internet regularly calls out the NAS-holes on this, yelling “Make Up Your Mind!” because the “Official Earth Image” released by the NAS-holes has changed so frequently, but also so ridiculously, since 1975.;

  191. In 2015, the NAS-holes published the first high-resolution pictures of their “fly-past of dwarf-planet Pluto”. But there was uproar when people spotted the clear outline of the Disney dog Pluto in the photograph, superimposed on the surface of the “planet”. Was this because white-hats among the NAS-holes were again trying hard to reveal the truth to the public? O’Bomber congratulated the NAS-holes on their “historic achievement”, but he may well have only been referring to the effectiveness of their scam.;

  192. The NAS-holes actually admit that all their photos are composites, with the excuse that they “have to be” composites in order to capture each section of the Earth (or other planet in question). Today in 2017, the NAS-holes claim to possess advanced technologies, but they still do not even have ONE real photograph of the whole Earth or ONE real video of the whole Earth. How can that be? Is it perhaps because the NAS-holes have something to hide?;

  193. The NAS-holes have failed to explain why, using Google Earth, several of their “Mars rovers” have been spotted driving across the Arizona desert making movies and taking photos. This has got to be the biggest joke of the century but the monopoly-media somehow fail to call the NAS-holes out on this giant scam. Clearly, the monopoly-media’s job is just to parrot the official-truth narrative (copy-and-paste “journalism”).;

  194. In his “Bad Astronomy” blog, Phil Plait wrote: “In a sense, the astro-nuts were truly risking their lives to go to the ‘moon’ because solar flares are not predictable”.;

  195. Proper scientists and proper astronomers around the world know well that man has never been to the moon and that Project Apollo Hoax was a total fake. But these proper scientists and proper astronomers must keep their mouths shut because they rely on the NAS-holes to gain access to the vital data beamed back to Earth from satellites in outer-space. That is why they are scared to death of publicly chiding or denouncing the NAS-holes since they fear being deprived of this essential data which they are clearly so dependent on. It is high time that this monopoly over the whole “space” narrative was ended.;

  196. The deployment of the number 11 for the first “landing” on the “moon” was a real giveaway that luciferian-Freemasons (who are addicted to numerology) were running a hoax because they were reusing number eleven, which is generally reserved for psychological operations. The London-NY-Axis reused the number eleven for many of its contrived events like the WW1 armistice (taking effect at the eleventh hour, on the eleventh day and the eleventh month in 1918), the Apollo 11 Hoax, or for its terror attacks against humanity e.g. 11 Sept 01 in NYC, 11 Mar 04 in Madrid (exactly 911 days later) and 11 Mar 11 in Fukushima (John Lear stated that there was no 9.0 earthquake prior to the disaster because all tall buildings and spires are still standing in all photographs, but that a unidirectional “tsunami”, that never went in the direction of the US coast, was triggered by Rothschild-Zionist Mossad which detonated a nuke in the ocean about 80 km north-east of the power plant so as to trigger the unidirectional “tsunami”, and that Mossad also altered the security-controls so that none of the emergency systems would work).;

  197. Although Nixon was president while Project Apollo Hoax was running, he was not directly responsible, even though he did know, or should have known, it was faked. The planning and preparation into faking the “moon” landing began in the early 1960s, and hence Lyndon B Johnson was the president with the most inside knowledge of Project Apollo Hoax. Johnson classified many Apollo documents until 2026.;

  198. The NAS-holes have scammed the public for decades. On 8 Dec 1990, the NAS-holes claimed their Galileo spacecraft had accomplished an “Earth flyby” except that the footage published by the NAS-holes was easily proved a poor fake because the alleged “twenty-five-hour footage” of a spinning Earth actually featured no cloud movement whatsoever for the entire twenty-five-hour period.;

  199. The NAS-holes have come under increasing attack over the past decade and many major insiders have called them out on their continual fakery. Wild claims by the NAS-holes include those regarding the atmosphere of Venus and the hundreds of lies they have told regarding the Earth, moon and solar system. Prominent NAS-hole Neil Disgraced Tyson still cannot make up his mind whether the Earth is spherical, or oblate, or pear-shaped. It is really time for some truth here. So would the NAS-holes please supply the very first genuine photo of the whole Earth and the very first evidence they went to the moon?;

  200. The US General Accounting Office concluded that the NAS-holes had rigged tests during the Star Wars missile-defense program to make it seem more advanced than it really was. The excuse the NAS-holes tried to give for this scandal was that it was designed to fool the Russians about US military readiness, so that their fakery was thus justified, they claimed. But surely now, decades after the staged “cold war” was ended by the London-NY-Axis, it is high time for the NAS-holes to just fess up?;

  201. The NAS-holes take a “No Comment” approach whenever requested to put good ideas into action. The corrupt monopoly-media allow the NAS-holes to get away with scamming the public for their enormous budget. It is a case of fraud when this budget only gets invested in deceiving the backers themselves. The people need to demand some truth, both from the NAS-holes and from the monopoly-media.;

  202. In late 2016, the NAS-holes were caught faking “space” at Boise State University in Idaho.;

  203. Nowadays, many mil-intel whistleblowers, some even NAS-holes themselves, openly admit that the great NAS-hole motto of the 1960s was indeed: “If We Can’t Make It, We’ll Fake It”.;

  204. In reality, there was no “eagle”. The turkey never even left Earth, let alone land on the “moon” or take off again. In reality, the NAS-holes pulled off one of the biggest canards of the twentieth century.;

  205. None of the spacecraft of Project Apollo Hoax went to the moon. The NAS-holes only improved their skill at staging the very same hoax over and over as they went along. The movie for the Apollo 12 Hoax, simulcast on 19 Nov 1969, only achieved low ratings among American TV viewers, so the NAS-holes needed a publicity stunt for the Apollo 13 Hoax, so as to keep tax dollars flowing into their fraudulent scam. That explains the totally contrived life-and-death story for the Apollo 13 Hoax which allegedly featured astro-nuts acting on “live radio”. The NAS-holes wanted to “encourage” the public to take going to the “moon” more seriously, and to get them to reconnect with the “drama” of the entire phony narrative.;

  206. The first time the line “Houston, We Have A Problem” was spoken during Project Apollo Hoax was during Apollo 13. The reason is because Stan Kubrick wrote both the Apollo 13 Hoax script for the NAS-holes and the script for his own “2001; A Space Odyssey”. It is in very similar circumstances that these words get spoken in both scripts. By pure “coincidence”, the line “Houston, We Have A Problem” from the Apollo 13 Hoax script was timed to the 13th hour of the 13th day of the 13th Apollo hoax. The name of this mission featured 13, the occult number for sacrifice, the phoenix (or eagle), death and rebirth. Another similarity between the two movies was that the craft in the Apollo 13 movie had very similar damage to that of the Odyssey in the “2001” movie. It was said to have been caused by an exploding oxygen tank. Clearly, Stan Kubrick had gotten very sloppy by repeating the same screenplay;

  207. The motto “Houston, We Have A Problem” remains on the lips of all NAS-holes to this day. The real motto the NAS-holes retain is “For The Benefit Of All”. To which you might ask: “All What?”. To which they might answer: “For The Benefit Of All NAS-holes”.;

  208. The official-truth narrative for Apollo 13 states that Fred Haise could see the Fra Mauro highlands on 15 Apr 1970. But the Fra Mauro highlands were in total darkness at that time so Fred Haise could not have seen them. In other words, Fra Mauro was on the dark side of the moon on 15 Apr 1970. Hence, the NAS-holes were lying and the whole Apollo 13 Hoax really was based on that script written by Stan Kubrick.;

  209. It is very likely that many aspects of the Saturn V story were copied from Fritz Lang’s 1929 movie “Frau Im Mond” (on which rocket scientist Hermann Oberth worked as an advisor long before he joined the NAS-holes). For Project Apollo Hoax, the appearance of the “moon” surface seems to have been directly copied from Lang’s movie. Lang also accused the NAS-holes of stealing his “10, 9, 8 …” blast-off sequence for its highly dramatic effect. In reality, the NAS-holes have only ever been in the movie business.;

  210. Websites exposing the Apollo Hoax, i.e. disclosing that the NAS-holes clearly faked the “moon” landings, now far outnumber the untrue “Apollogist” propaganda websites that claim that humans actually landed on the “moon”. But the latter websites still fail worse than the NAS-holes at providing any credible evidence. If you believe the NAS-holes went to the “moon”, then please be prepared to prove this scientifically without relying on the statement “because the NAS-holes told me so”. The NAS-holes have lost all their credibility so it is now really time to stop relying on them.;

  211. In 2017, the NAS-holes still do not have the technology to land humans on the moon and return them safely. This may be possible in the future, but such a feat is still many, many decades away.;

  212. The NAS-holes had not perfected any lunar landing craft in time for the Apollo 11 Hoax on 20 Jul 1969. In 2017, over 48 years after Apollo was supposed to have done just that, the NAS-holes are still trying to get a rocket to land and take off again. On 20 Jul 2019, on the fiftieth anniversary of the Apollo 11 Hoax, will the NAS-holes and the US regime finally alter the official-truth narrative and concede it was all a hoax?;

  213. For too long, the NAS-holes were guided by bosses who countered any objections on credibility grounds with statements like “We’ll Keep Telling The Public That Such-And-Such Is True Until They Believe Us”. But this particular “Wash-Rinse-Repeat” approach stopped working at least two decades ago.;

  214. The true facts surrounding all Apollo missions are as follows: Apollo 8 did 92 Earth orbits; Apollo 10 did 121 Earth orbits; Apollo 11 did 123 Earth orbits; Apollo 12 did 154 Earth orbits; Apollo 13 did 90 Earth orbits (and all its so-called life-and-death problems really occurred in Earth Orbit); Apollo 14 did 136 Earth orbits (without Alan Shepard on board); Apollo 15 did 186 Earth orbits; Apollo 16 did 168 Earth orbits; and finally Apollo 17 did 191 Earth orbits. In reality, the NAS-holes only used Project Apollo Hoax to lengthen the time that astro-nuts could spend in Earth Orbit, with a view to constructing a space-station, however they conned the world into believing they were landing on the “moon” too. This is confirmed by the mission duration times, both before and after Project Apollo Hoax. The last Gemini mission prior to Apollo did 59 Earth orbits in 94.5 hours. After the final Apollo Earth orbit (by Apollo 17), Skylab 2 (launched in May 1973) did 404 Earth orbits in 672 hours before crashing back to Earth. The real job of Project Apollo Hoax was to scam US taxpayers but at the same time bridge the gap between Gemini’s 59 Earth orbits and Skylab’s 404 Earth orbits.;

  215. If the NAS-holes keep claiming that “Thunderbirds” is real by dressing up their pure nonsense in complex or pompous language, then are you really going to keep buying their swindle willingly? Or when exactly do you propose to shout Enough Is Enough? When do you propose to finally pass the “Project Apollo Hoax Intelligence Test” set for you by these NAS-holes?;

  216. Perhaps the NAS-holes regret never running any of Project Apollo Hoax on April First. If they had, at least they could have claimed it had been intended all along as an April Fool joke.;

  217. The amount of time, money and work invested by official-truth websites maintained by regime-terror agencies such as the CIA, NSA, Rothschild-Zionist Mossad indicates that the power-elite and the London-NY-Axis (the Beast [i.e. English monarch], the City of London and the House of Rothschild) really need the faked official-truth narrative for Project Apollo Hoax to remain standing. But why, when so many people already know the truth? It also demonstrates how much caution and skepticism needs to be exercised by consumers in general when reading such websites. The fact that official-truth websites like WickedPedia are lying so much proves that they are no different to fake-news outlets and must be ignored, except by those wanting to find undeniable details such as the area of Canada. But ordinary consumers need to take everything official-truth websites tell them with a very large dose of salt.;

  218. Today, if you search Google for site: moon hoax, you will find over 600,000 websites devoted to exposing Project Apollo Hoax. So why does a majority of people in English-speaking countries still believe the NAS-holes? Because they’re kept in their ignorance by the monopoly-media, or else they choose to be ignorant, or else they just really don’t care.;

  219. In 1999, the Red Hot Chili Peppers released the apt lyric: “Space May Be The Final Frontier But It’s Made In A Hollywood Basement”, probably penned by lyricist Anthony Kiedis. Considering the hundreds of lies told by the NAS-holes, this fine lyric may well be right on the money.;

  220. A group called the Elders Of Zion released the song “Masonic Moon” satirizing Stan Kubrick and the NAS-holes for Project Apollo Hoax.;

  221. Many events in history were faked, more than most people care to remember. Footage of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake was faked, as was footage of the 1915 sinking of the Lusitania. During WW1, they produced films showing German soldiers spearing Belgian babies, with National Geographic magazine actually giving presentations on the subject. Hollywood filmed many fighting scenes in WW1 and WW2 because in real war nothing really happens and that would be very boring for the viewing audience. The “cold war” was staged largely for profit, whereas the wars in Korea and Vietnam were unnecessary except for the profits they gave to the S&P War Economy. So why would it ever be hard to believe that Project Apollo Hoax, much smaller by comparison to some other major events, was faked too?;

  222. New word definition: Those who believe the Apollo lunatic-module or lunatic-rover were real might be classified as total lunatics.;

  223. Another slogan might read “Apollogists” Beware: Truth Is Like A Steamroller, It Can Run Right Over You.;

  224. The NAS-holes forgot to cast the Clangers waving to the “Thunderbirds”-like lunatic-module as it arrived like the very first voyage to the Americas. The presence of the Clangers might have added solid weight to the credibility of Project Apollo Hoax because of the huge human interest the Clangers would have prompted as they greeted the astro-nuts just like the Native Americans welcoming Christopher Columbus.;

  225. Now that you know much more about how deceitful the NAS-holes are, do you still believe they are real scientists, or do you now believe they are a bunch of NAS-holes? If you have not already passed the “Project Apollo Hoax Intelligence Test” set for you by a bunch of NAS-holes, is it not high time you did?;

  226. The top dishonest professions include reporters of ill-repute (meaning TV and noose-paper reporters for the monopoly-media), lawyers (total liars), advertising agents, politicians, car salesmen, lobbyists and of course NAS-holes. Nowadays, one of the openers most people easily discern as being totally dishonest is: “Trust Me, I’m A NAS-hole!”.

ALIENS, GOD & THE BIBLE – A New Book by Rev. Dr. Joel Curtis Graves

Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. of Atglen, PA, would like to introduce you to our newest book:

Aliens, God, and the Bible:

A Theological Speculative Study of the Bible’s Alien Mysteries

 This remarkable book hwill help you bridge the “Christian religion-Science gap” as The Reverend Doctor Joel Graves explores what the Bible says, what it means, and what it might mean—especially in the near future.

This theological speculative study of the Bible takes the reader into the nature of the universe and how it works scientifically, the problem with evolution, the Neanderthal, Sasquatch, even the presence of space aliens and where they come from.

The Bible describes a great starship—1,380 miles to each side—on its way to Earth: learn about the size, composition, method of travel, possible purposes, and most importantly, when it will arrive. Discover the great war between ancient alien factions—who they are, where they came from, their future plans, and the role of humans caught in the middle.

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About the Author

The Rev. Dr. Joel Curtis Graves is an Anglican priest in the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). In his new book, Aliens, God & The Bible, Dr. Graves tackles some of the Bible’s hardest questions and shares ideas about ancient alien factions and how/why things have happened in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

Joel Graves has been theologically minded since a youth and attended Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, Pennsylvania.

After a long break, he finished seminary at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Seminary, Tacoma, Washington, where he earned his Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry in Leadership. 

Joel served as a hospital and hospice chaplain before starting an Anglican church in Lacey, Washington, from which he retired in 2012.  He has been married to Rena for over 40 years, and loves to paint, read, write, golf, go to the movies, spoil the grand-kids, and travel.

For review copies or media and interview requests, please contact:

Meghan Schaffer

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Joseph Farrell’s Hidden Empire Trilogy


Joseph Farrell’s Hidden Empire Trilogy




Steve Erdmann


Copyright, Steve Erdmann, 2017.
Permission to quote short sections for journalistic and research purposes.
This article can be found in a different format at…/joseph-farrells-hidden-empire-trilogy.



Joseph P. Farrell has written many interesting tomes on the occult, esotericism and mysterious happenings, and equally fascinating is his trilogy on the emergence, continuance and conquest by Nazism as revealed in (1) Nazi Fourth Reich: Nazi International: The Nazi’s Postwar Plan to Control, Finance, Conflict, Physics (2008), (2) Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations (2012), (3) Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks and Secret Sorcery: The Fascist International, 9/11, and Penetrated Operations (2016), Adventures Unlimited Press, One Adventure Place, Kempton, Illinois 60946, $19.95.


Joseph P. Farrell


  Extraterritorial Nazi State
 Part I

His Nazi International analysis centers on how various high-ranking Nazi officials—particularly Martin Bormann—envisioned a long-range plan for control in the form of World Corporate socialism. Patterns of incestuous relationships existed between American corporate elites and Germany, involving companies such as Morgan Stanley, Standard Oil, and DuPont Chemical, I. G. Chemical and the German I.G. Farben Company, whereby Prescott Bush had business dealings with German Fritz Thyssen.

Under codename Akton Feurerland (Operation Fireland), such an elite movement created underground vaults and U-boats to connect to the far reaches of Argentina.  In 1942, Bormann’s Project Bernhard created $600,000,000 of counterfeit British pound notes.  Such tactics were all a part of Bormann’s Auslands-organization, a Fifth Column Network utilizing dummy corporations, finance agents, lawyers and research ventures.

SS Obergruppenfuhrer Dr. Ing Hans Kammler headed a think tank harboring German secret weapons research and a slave labor pool of about 14 million people.  One of the suspected inventions was a revolutionary device called The Bell.  Obergruppenfuhrer Dr. Johann Friedrich Scheid (Hermadorff & Schenburg Company) headed a secret conference where he coalesced and aligned many major firms of great importance as far as Spain South America and the Middle East.

A strange relationship existed between Bormann, German military intelligence mastermind Richard Gehlen, and Allen Dulles, brother of John Foster Dulles of the law firm involved in the eventual forming of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).


Martin Bormann next to Himmler


Farrell gives concern to increasing pro-Nazi movements around the world in Arabia, Eygpt, Italy, and many other locations (pp. 193-200).

A typical case was that of German Intelligence agent Andreas Strassmeir who worked undercover for U.S. intelligence. Additionally, Strassmeir was seen in the company of Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh.  He was arrested once, and every effort was made to release him.  The German GSG-Security Force was deployed to protect him.  Strassmeir had joined white supremacy religious activities in Oklahoma and he trained groups in survival and guerrilla operations.

Coordinated efforts by Gehlen’s spy organization used double and triple agents, along with a computer system called the Thule Network. The bundesnachrichtendienst smuggled Nazi personnel to safe havens in Latin America and the Middle East.

Scientific endeavors by the Reich were typified by Cornelius Jan Bakker, a leading nuclear physicist working on the Southern American Huemul Island, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the political endeavors by Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld of the Netherlands, a founder of the mysterious Bilderberger Group. Bernhard was a former Nazi SS soldier, employee of the I.G. Farben, and official in Butch Oil.

Continued Reunification and Plans


I.G. Farben conducted exotic technology of a laser isotope enrichment facility: the Bariloche Fusion Project.  Argentina’s Juan Peron supposedly owned fusion power.  Likewise, German scientist Ronald W. Richter researched advanced shock wave research, the A-bomb, high spin nuclei, levitation, a torsion bomb, space-time energies and The Bell.  German scientists, along with Walther Gierach and Kurt Drehner, experimented with deuterium in convergent shockwaves beyond hydrogen bomb technology.  Dr. Jose’ A. Balseiro spoke of the use of magnetic field production with lithium-7 and radio frequency generators.

Farrell cites Richard Hoagland and Mike Bara’s Dark Mission which speaks of deep occult practices that the Nazis similarly operated under. Lunar landings of 1967 and 1972 happened on Hitler’s birthdate, April 20.

Carlos Miguel Allende wrote letters to Dr. Morris Jessup (1955-1958) speaking of a Philadelphia Experiment, Albert Einstein’s Unified Field Theory, and anti-gravity.  A Varo edition talking of the experiment, tells of how Wernher von Braun connected to the German Burkhardt Herm and his theory of sixdimensionalspin and fullquantized spacetime.

A Torbitt document spoke in 1970 of Wernher von Braun and his connection to the John Kennedy assassination.  It was New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison that uncovered in 1967 the Nazi connections to the assassination.  Clay Shaw, a major player in the assassination, vetted Operation Paper Clip Nazis. Operation Paper Clip was an induction of Nazi scientists into America as well as the U.S space program: a front to cover deeper and more crucial technological space programs secretly advanced behind the scenes.

J.P. Morgan and also Nelson Rockefeller were paying big dividends to Martin Bormann through American banks as late as 1967.





Hidden Finance and Technocrats
 Part II


Farrell’s second book in this trilogy, Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations, speaks of the further advancement of the Fourth Reich.

Farrell speaks of discovered multi-billion dollar slush funds of counterfeit currency described as gold bonds but encoded to mean drugtrading in trading coups used to finance revolutionary technologies such as The Bell and flying saucer experiments.

The trading coups ran under many names.  Operation Golden Lily, Japan’s M-Fund, Foundation X, Operation Bernhard, the 57 Bond, Federal Reserve Bonds, Operation Morganthaus, Federal Reserve Bonds, and the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), among others.

Described as a Breakaway Civilization mixing in with special secret technology, this cabal utilized intelligence agents such as Edward Lansdale, whose CIA and intelligence training preceded his, once again, going back to the Philippines to oversee the recovery of the Golden Lily loot.

Lansdale was interfaced with the UFO phenomena, Nazi-CIA International havens, Allen Dulles, and various front organizations, such as Permindex Corporation and World Trade Centers throughout the world (similar to Clay Shaw’s International Trade Mart [1948-1985]).  It became known as The Enterprise.


Clay Shaw’s New Orleans Trade Mart


The Enterprise engineered the economic collapse of the Soviet Union. Such ability to accomplish such feats became known as full spectrum dominance.

“…control everything, everywhere, including the high seas, land, air, space and even cyberspace…from the galaxy to the mind…to win a war at any level of violence including nuclear war.”  (Covert Wars, p. 215)

What probably began as discoveries and inventions by the famous scientist of 1908, Nikola Tesla, had been developed by The Enterprise over the years to include weather warfare and various uses of Maser, Laser, X-ray, gamma-wave and scalarquantum potential weapons.  Catherine Austin Fitts (former Bush administration assistant financier) said that this Breakaway Civilization had so much money and power that they would have no compunction to obey any laws and would not hesitate using such invisible weaponry.  (p. 272)

The 1887 Airship Mystery was possibly borne out of the scientific minds of the Senora Aero Club and its parent Nymza from Germany.  The modern Nazi Bell was reminiscent of the Dellschan airships’ NB Gas.

“…what began in the nineteenth  century as a secret ‘Airship’ program,” says Farrell, “quickly morphed in the postwar era into a secret program…the development of technologies that could, to some extent, do double duty, but have the vast system of finance to achieve it.”  (p. 312)

Several shutdowns and mysterious startups at various missile bases about the globe would indicate the growing advancement of this Airship Cabal, possibly using directed energy weapons—a further progression of fusion experiments in Argentina, and Dr. Ronald Richter’s lithium-7 fusion reactor of rotating plasmas, and zero-point energy.  This UFO phenomenon would indicate “a parallel group owing ultimate allegiance to something supranational,” says Farrell.


Vast Psychotronic Technology

A rogue and breakaway nation operated in esoteric, metaphysical and occult symbolism—vast ritual magic.  Scientist Dr. Jacques Vallee said that UFO sightings and some UFO abductions seemed to be “deliberately designed to be psychotronic technology.”  (pp. 349-350.)

United Kingdom subject Gary McKinnon indicated the vast nature of such a nation when he allegedly tapped into secret U.S. military databases disclosing an extensive, hidden space fleet and program.

Farrell talks about the true nature of this Breakaway Civilization that could “coordinate psychological operations on a truly celestial, cosmic, scale…whose lust for power of all kinds is virtually boundless…manipulation systems of a planetary scale…as the technological capacity of emulation grows, so too does the scale of finance and secrecy.”  (pp. 357-358)



9/11 Coup d’état
Part III

The third Farrell book in this selected trilogy, Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks, and Secret Sorcery, is perhaps the most climatic and fatidic tome in this triad:  Farrell centers on the infamous 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers of New York and, again, how the aforementioned Rogue Power used superior events to destroy and terrorize.

Writer Webster Griffin Tarpley is cited that this case, was an orchestrated coup d’état of sponsored synthetic terror.  Again, as mentioned, a Breakaway Civilization was exploiting secret funds, Axis loot, and vast war chests to fund exotic technologies—in this case, a Nazi and German International played a part in the 9/11 fiasco.


Questions Raised


The antics of the suspected hijackers of Flight 77, Mohammed Atta, al-Omari, and Hani Hanjour included erratically rented automobiles, heavily edited videos of themselves, the surprise discovery of their passports, their peculiar packaging of their luggage, suicide notes, and peculiar personal associations, all brought questions against the hijackers.

Mohammed Atta’s association with the Hoffman Aviation flight school was one such suspicious factor.  Rudi Dekkers, the owner of the Hoffman Aviation, had a rather risqué criminal past, including smuggling aircraft into the U.S. over the Arctic, despite radar tracking by American, British and Russian equipment.

Mohammed Atta had previous flight experience and even attended an International Officers School at Maxwell Air Force Base.  Hijackers Abdul al-Omari and Sajed al-Gandhi attended similar military flight training at Brooks Air Base in Texas and the Dense Language Institute in Monterrey, California.  (pp. 22-23)

Mysterious parties were leaking vital facts before the actual attacks on 9/11.  Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak was aware of the pending attacks and told Washington.  Mubarak was a trained pilot and he also told Washington how impossible it would have been to perform a spiraling descent in which hijacker Hanjour was said to have conducted.

There was Operation Northern Vigilance, a simulation attack with false radar blips in the air traffic control system: these files had been purged.  The Hidden Players threatened that Air Force One was to be attacked next, and demonstrated that they had knowledge of top secret codes.  Apparently, the Pentagon’s five missile defense batteries had been shut down.

Witnesses claimed to have seen a strange aircraft traveling about 500 mph that made a sharp turn; one witness said it resembled a “cruise missile with wings.”  After the attack, data recordings and Black Boxes simply disappeared.  Air Traffic controllers said they saw the aircraft do a strange maneuver on their radar equipment, but Flight 77 transponders had been turned off.  An Amalgam Virgo drill was engineered, however, to produce fake radar blips.  A mysterious Flight X at the Cleveland Airport, according to researcher Michael Rapaport, showed slight-of-hand with passengers.

The wreckage of Flight 93 was strewn over eight miles, indicating it had been shot down while in flight.  There was no debris at the alleged Pentagon crash site.  A second smaller aircraft was witnessed near Flight 93.  One woman said it was a military aircraft.


The Pentagon Blast Site


Patsies and Players


The Bush family, the Bin Laden’s (and their Carlyle Group), had intimate ties to the CIA and all were used as patsies when Level Three Controllers turned the plans of all four inside out.

Delmart Vreeland appeared to have intimate knowledge of the Level Three Conspirators and gave knowledge of same in a sealed warning containing shocking details of the 9/11 attacks well before the attacks.  Vreeland was suspected to be connected to American Naval Intelligence.

Vreeland indicated that trillions of dollars had been taken out of the United States Treasury, and he spoke of the Bush’s, the Clintons, and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.

The use of doubles indicated a higher level of planning. Hanjour al-Hazini and al-Mihdhar were in San Diego through the month of August up to September 8, 2001.  However, they were contradictorily seen on the opposite coast, crossing back to Las Vegas, returning to Baltimore and spending days in Newark.  Likewise, there appeared to be a Ziad Jarrah #1 detained in Pakistan and Afghanistan, while Jarrah #2 was in flight school in Venice, Florida.  (pp. 124-125)

Farrell says that 46 drills existed closely aligned to the 9/11 events. Researcher Webster Griffin Tarpley said: “Terror events were largely camouflaged, assisted, conducted, and bootlegged through these drills.”

Russian economist and member of President Putin’s inner circle, Dr. Tatyana Koryagana, said that this rogue network, beyond al-Qaeda, had access to a financial war chest of approximately $300 trillion.


Goldman Sachs 960x0

Follow the  Money


Mohammed Atta, through the Carl Duisberg gesellschaft, the I.G. Farben cartel, appeared to be a part of a postwar Fascist Breakaway Empire.


 The ‘Enterprise’ and 9/11 Crimes


More than $100 million in illegal transactions were rushed through the World Trade Center computers before and during the 9/11 disaster.

One such bank was Deutsche Bank (along with Morgan Guaranty Trust, Chase Manhattan, Citibank, Jardine Matheson, UBS, and HSBC).  Mohammed Atta and many of the 9/11 hijackers, the bin Laden family, the Bush’s, and many others, had kept accounts with Deutsche.

Farrell refers to this polycentric network as the Enterprise which housed hidden code names and words that engineered a slush fund to the tune of trillions of dollars which were used to fund highly secret black technologies.  The Enterprise could hide all trades, all traces, with the use of modified PROMIS software, as everything would become off the record and invisible.

Researcher Laurent Guye’not mentioned that Bryan C. Jack, a Pentagon worker responsible for various aspects of accounting for the American budget, was on board the Pentagon-hijacked-flight.


9/11, Directed Energy, and Mega Rituals


There were several murder weapons used on 9/11, says Farrell, but the ultimate weapon would appear to be some form of directed energy with electromagnetic beams.  While normal explosives and Nano-thermite may have been used, the ejecta and plumes from the destructed Tower show something extraordinary was utilized.  There was the disappearance of about 1100 victim-bodies.  There was the matter of a high percentage of nuclear fusion/fission material: barium, yttrium, chromium, tritium, strontium, thorium, uranium, lithium, lanthanum, and the subsequent cancers to victims (pp. 195-196).


JosephFarrell'sHidden Photo of Tower Plume

Directed Energy


Secret Technology of 9/11


Nazis may have inaugurated this exotic science in March 1945 at Ohrdruf, Germany using plutonium 239 of extremely high purity with deuterium and tritium to boost yield: chemical laser isotope enrichment technology.  Only Level Three Players could obtain such technology.

Dr. Judy Wood concurred with this in her book, Where Did the Towers Go? (The New Investigation, 2010).  Farrell talks about masers, interometry, and approximately 90,000 tons of concrete converted to a homogeneous mixture consisting of sub-100-micron particles of pyroclastic clouds.  The clouds appeared to be five times the volume of the amount of the original building.  Farrell says about this: “Indeed, ‘intergranular melting’ seems to describe a process where the molecules of steel themselves were exploding internally.”


Destruction of the 9/11  Attack


Farrell speculates about sophisticated phase conjugation in the microwave range of the spectrum using conjugate mirrors of great ability to break down material and recombine it again.  He says some unknown spacebased technology was used.

Versions of PROMIS software had been given around the globe to numerous defense contractor networks, such as the Financial Criminal Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and the U.S. Treasury.


The Ultimate Deep Black Magic


Farrell sees 9/11 as the ultimate deep black magic, an alchemical wedding of high technology, mega ritual, and some subconscious Group Mind of the Masses.


JosephFarrell'sHidden Photo street ED-AO189_911fic_G_20110906204929

The Desolation of 9/11


Farrell quotes at length researcher S.K. Bain’s exposure of 9/11 as ritual magic—the Twin Towers of the Masonic pillars of Jachin and Boaz, Egyptian gods, Pillar of Hercules, the veil of Isis, the Sixteenth Greater Trump of the Tarot Tower, the Twin Towers of Deutsche Bank in Frankfort, and president G.W. Bush’s reading of the story at Booker Elementary, My Pet Goat, symbolizing Baphomet, the sacred androgyny god Pam.  Farrell compares many structures and constructions as C.G. Jung’s meaningful coincidences.

Russian economist Dr. Tatyana Koryagina spoke of this Network, Enterprise, and Breakaway Civilization as having access to over $300 trillion, lending to (in the words of Peter Levenda) “a massive magical ritual of human sacrifice” and “technology in the form of exotic means of destruction of the Twin Towers.”


A Player That is Everywhere and Nowhere


Farrell sees this continuation and rise of fascism as “jingoistic plastic patriotism.”  He says:  “Finance of terrorism…technologically sophisticated cyber warfare to exotic weapons of destruction…sacrifice of innocent lives for ultimate evil.”

He continues (p.262):  “Money, power, occult knowledge, exotic technology, and financing in the trillions of dollars do signify a much deeper player, a player with an unrecognizable center of power, a player everywhere and nowhere.”


The Destruction of 9/11


Farrell owes much credit to numerous researchers who are cited throughout his books: Webster Griffin Tarpley, Thierry Meyssan, Jay Kolar, Daniel Hopsicker, Nafeez Mossaddeg, David Ray Griffin Michael Ruppert, E.P. Heidner, Mark H. Gaffney, Eric Hufschmid, Laurent Guyenit, Jim Hoffman and Bonnie Faulkner, Rodney Stich, Peter Lavenda, S.K. Bain, Peter Dale Scott, Gladio Cottrell, John O’Neill, Catherine Austin Fitts,  Michael Busby, Dennis Crenshaw, Richard M. Dolan, Ross Bellant, Martin A. Lee, Jim Marrs, Henry Stevens, Rich C. Hoagland, Anthony Sutton, Dr. Judy Wood, and several other dedicated authors.

Steve Erdmann, June 2017, St. Louis.
Versions of this article have been published at the following blogs and websites:…/joseph-farrells-hidden-empire-trilogy. 
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Photos Extra Steve2 34962959_10156520897759595_6984102889039855616_n

Steve Erdmann – Investigative Journalist





The Mysterious Destruction of the Towers




Joseph P. Farrell




Destruction at the 9/11 Site 


Joseph Farrell'sHidden Phot of cars the-area-around-the-world-trade-center-was-a-scene-of-utter-devastation-smoke-and-dust-hung-in-the-air-countless-cars-trucks-and-emergency-vehicles-we




The Destruction of 9/11




The Desolation of 9/11




The Pentagon Blast Site




JosephFarrell'sHidden Book Cover of Nazi Inernational 51eabr1MS-L._SX321_BO1,204,203,200_






Himmler and Bormann




Clay Shaw’s New Orleans Trade Mart


The Enterprise used Hyper-technology





