Chessboard Monster!

America Sniper yJn49okQyEmIhlEX4rbT0Hbgq3X

America’s Security State Monster


Steve Erdmann

Steve Erdmann, C,  Copyright, 2017
Journalists and Reviewers may quote short pieces for research.

Another version of this article can be seen at

(The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, The CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government, David Talbot, Harper Collins Publishers, 195 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10007, 2015, 661 pages, $29.99.) 

David Talbot has been known for his biting, penetrating analysis of the political and social scenes.  He was the founder and former editor-in-chief of Salon, as well as the senior editor at Mother Jones Magazine and features editor at the San Francisco Examiner.  Articles in The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, Time, The Guardian, and books such as The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years and Brothers, demonstrated his ability to investigate and portray important political situations.

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In The Devil’s Chessboard, Talbot traces the earliest momentous seeds of history where Allen Welsh Dulles and John Foster Dulles came on the scene as intelligence protégés. For Allen, his first foot-steps happened on November 9, 1942, in Bern, Switzerland, home of spies and a “financial haven for the Nazi war machine.” Dulles shared with enthusiasm the Nazi conquering of assets from European sources to fund their “behind-the-scene deals” because the Dulles’ brothers Wall Street law firm was in the center of the Nazi “merry-go-round” financial supply lines. The lawyers continued to “represent” German cartels like I.G. Farben and other ‘parts’ of the “war machine.” (p. 19.) 


“Dulles was more in step with many Nazi leaders than he was with President Roosevelt,” says Talbot. “Dulles has not enjoyed a professional and social familiarity with many members of the Third Reich’s elite that predated the war; he shared many of these men’s postwar goals…Nazi forces…old friends.”  (p. 15)

Dulles was in contact with the highly secretive Bank for International Settlements (BIS), a giant “pillar of the emerging global financial system” and was “effectively controlled by Hitler’s regime.”  It was Dulles’s job to protect the Nazi laundering schemes, protect their assets and their collusion with American corporations, such as General Motors and Standard Oil. Dulles believed that a number of powerful figures are “returned to postwar as a strong bulwark against Communism.”

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Allen Welsh Dulles

Dulles protected Sullivan and Crowell’s German clients, and Foster did the same in New York. They were able “to hide the U.S assets of major German cartels.” Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg said that both men were “guilty of treason.”

            LUCRATIVE BUSINESS      

The “Jewish Problem” was, in many ways, a lucrative venture. Later, Richard Nixon found documents revealing how the Dulles brothers had helped launder Nazi funds during the war. Nixon promised to keep these files confidential in exchange for campaign contributions to defeat opponent Jerry Voorhis.

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Richard Nixon in Conference

During this war period, Nazi SS Heinrich Himmler set about making contacts across Europe to make deals with the United States and England. A 1944 Britton Woods Conference enlisted 730 delegates that “thrashed out” the direction of a new world order, the New Dealers. One such unsavory recruit was Nicolai Maxlaxa who developed a rich connection with Richard Nixon’s “bank account, Dulles’s law firm” and OSS intelligence operative Harold Wisner’s $500-million overseas accounts.

Later, the President Eisenhower-Richard Nixon victory “was the culmination of years of political strategizing dating back to the Roosevelt era.”  What sociologist C. Wright Mills called in his 1956 masterpiece, The Power Elite, as the strategic command posts of society; big corporations, military establishments, top corporate, government leaders that moved with fluidity “in and out of one’s another’s worlds” with “professional synchronicity—the fraternity of the successful.”

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“Democracy, in their minds, was an impediment to the smooth functioning of the corporate state,” says Talbot, “John Foster Dulles had made this clear early in the Wall Street career and he jousted with FDR’s New Deal bureaucracy.”  (p. 197)

After World War II, the “militarization of government” included captains of industry, business executives, Wall Street lawyers, investment bankers—a warrior corporate caste—a “gloomy zeitgeist” with a pinnacle of American power that President Eisenhower filled with wealthy, powerful Players: General Motors, CEO Charles Wilson, Chas Manhattan Chairman, and former diplomat John McCloy, as well as the exclusive ranks of the Council on Foreign Relations, CEO’s of General Electric, Coca-Cola, Reynolds Tobacco, and Young & Rubicam, and similar power-brokers.


Speaking of this period in the lives of Dulles and Bedell Smith, Talbot says  “The deputy CIA director had no qualms about advocating the assassination of foreign leaders, given presenting a plan to Smith in early 1952 to kill Stalin at a Paris summit meeting.”

“The mechanisms of surveillance and control that Dulles put in motion were more in keeping with an expanding empire,” says Talbot, “than they were with a vibrant democracy.” (pp. 203-204)  

Dulles knew the purpose of complete control and even kept special files on J. Edgar Hoover and Senator Jose McCarthy, telling of Hoover’s intimate relationship with FBI deputy Clyde Tolson, and scandalous file on McCarthy’s sex life. Dulles, says Talbot, began molding the image of the CIA as a “super agency,” operating about congressional senators, “the CIA would grow more powerful and less accountable with each passing year of Dulles’s reign” –  “Dulles was ready to ‘take on the world’” (pp. 223, 226)

The Dulles’s actions included sabotaging a Justice Department antitrust case that was charging price-fixing against the oil cartel. Dulles directed Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran as a “‘stooge’ of the Communists in 1953,” when evidence indicated he wasn’t a Communist, and Dulles and Eisenhower were creating a fiction in order to have Mossadegh assassinated. Talbot says that CIA-hired-thugs worked behind the scenes in the capture and killing of Mossadegh; their “pockets” were literally stuffed with CIA cash—cash which they spread around, even to “cheering crowds.” (pp. 237-238)

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Mohammed Mossadegh on Trial in 1953

In 1954, a year later, Dulles and the CIA engineered the “regime change” in Guatemala.

“Iran’s oil industry was…handed over to the foreign corporations…40 percent of the spoils now going to American oil producers, including Gulf, Texaco, Mobil, Standard Oil of New Jersey, and Standard Oil of California.”

Such administration “conquests” caused an “intoxicating effect” through the Oval Office, the CIA, and the State Department as a “champagne glow.”   However, the incoming shah used an iron boot to stamp his presence: primitive torture methods, whippings, and beatings, some resulting in “gruesome gapani, hung from hooks.”  (p. 240)   It was a Pax Americana enforced by Eisenhower-Dulles, says Talbot, threatening enemies with nuclear annihilation, coups, and assassination.

Talbot quotes sociologist C. Wright Mills to the fact that our national security leaders, much like the Nazis before them, had a “moral insensibility” where violence had become bureaucratized.  “In an official man there is no more human shock,” said Mills.


The Eisenhower-Dulles foreign policy operated on twin levels of “psychic violence” and “actual violence.” The Secretary of State Dulles threatened to “evaporate entire populations” with “tactical” nuclear strikes, the CIA director “actually eliminated individuals around the world” wherever they deemed to be a threat. Eisenhower gave Allen Dulles “a license to kill that the spymaster utilized as he saw fit.” (p. 248): an effective killing machine.

“The Dulles brothers assured multinational firms that Washington,” says Talbot, “would stop at nothing to protect their overseas investments.”

World War II hero, Air Force general James H. Dolittle warned that the CIA was “overly zealous,” but Dulles relied on his Wall Street friends like Prescott Bush, the father, and grandfather of two future presidents “to protect the CIA’s interests.”   Eisenhower all too willingly succumbed to Dulles’s ‘strange genius.’ A Bruce-Lovett report noted the CIA’s “penchant for creating political mayhem around the globe.”

The chilling case of Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz and his January, 1971 suspected assassination was all part of a CIA coup program called PBSUCCESS, backed by the influence of the powerful United Fruit Company, blue-blooded Boston families, resulting in the killing of 250,000 people by means of assassinations, death squads and massacres of entire villages.

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The CIA had compiled a “list of assassination targets” during the 1954 coup, a secret ‘disposal list’ of at least fifty-eight key Guatemalan leaders. There was a CIA killing manual titled A Study of Assassination directed towards a CIA Lasta Negra of seventy thousand names, a Decree 59 to eliminate subversives. 

Jose’ Bernabe Linares, notorious chief of the Guardia Judicial, did not hesitate to use electric-shock baths and steel skullcaps, and even journalists were imprisoned and tortured; death squads, massacres, and machine-gunned victims into open trenches. 

Dictator Casello Armas’s end came in July, 1957 when he was assassinated by one of his own police guards. The mayhem, says Talbot, “continued on and off for decades, reaching new heights of ferocity during the Reagan Presidency.”  (pp. 256, 263, 264, 265) 


Hitler’s intelligence chief on the eastern front, Reinhard Gehlen, as part of Operation Paper Clip, was moved into comfortable quarters at Fort Hunt in Virginia, bringing former Nazi intelligence operations under its supervision, and the CIA taking over Gehlen’s organization from the U.S Army in 1948. This consumed “some of the most notorious figures of the Nazi regime (such as Dr. ‘Final Solution’ Franz Six) and other SS death squad members.”

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Nazi Intelligence Chief Reinhard Gehlen

Under the directorship of James Critchfield, the Gehlen “faction” drew close to their American parent-partners with a gated community, partying together on ski trips in the Bavarian Alps, and becoming very entwined. Gehlen utilized his “rat-like” cunning to keep the CIA in the dark, though his organization held “former hardcore Nazis.”

Dulles’s kept close ties with Gehlen who said that Dulles “became a close personal friend of mine.” This was evidenced by celebrations, including one at the Chevy Chase Club.  Gehlen proposed to reinstate fascism in Germany. Operation Gladio was set up with secret CIA funds, attracting assassinations, plotting coups, the opening of private mail, and tapping of phones.

Inspired by such fascist momentum, the CIA entered into “brain warfare,” a “Manhattan Project of the Mind,” to discover methods of controlling the minds of subjects and use them as military weapons. “ꞌBrain perversion,’” says Talbot, was invented and used in hundreds of secret experiments, “part Orwell and part Philip K. Dick.” (p. 296) Programs existed, such as MK-ULTRA (Operation ARTICHOKE), Camp King detention center, and doctors such as Dr. Sidney Gottlieb; dangerous drug programs ensued, including Benzedrine, Pentothal-Natrium, LSD, and Mescaline—programs which eventually killed intelligence agent Dr. Frank Olson in a manufactured suicide. It was all part of the CIA’s Magic Potion Division of the Technical Services Staff.

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“The Security Unit,” says Talbot, “was also in charge of what was delicately called ‘enforcement’…eliminate(ing) any potential threats or embarrassments to the agency” (the death of Dr. James Kronthal was suspected to be another victim).


The Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology was a CIA front, with grants up to $300,000 for research, and millions of dollars more to colleagues. Montreal’s McGill University, the Allen Memorial Institute and Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron at the Allen Institute for Psychiatry, were pushing massive drug use, hallucinogens, and ‘de-patterning’ Mind Control where minds were used as “blank slates” (described in a 1963 CIA torture manual detailing Sleep Rooms were electroshock, drug overdoses and lobotomies were explored).

Talbot reaches through a large swath of history filled with the CIA’s darkest movements and deadliest actions impregnated with evil suspicious and murderous players such as Robert A. Maheu (of Howard Hughes fame), handlers such as Sheffield Edwards, Jim O’Connell, Scott McLeod, intelligence monarch James Jesus Angleton, hitman Bill Harvey, mobster and CIA asset Johnny Rosselli, and other henchmen, leaving a trail of victims such as Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic attacking and charging against Jesus de Galindez, and also the murder of Congo’s Patrice Lumumba.

“Dulles and Angleton shared a disdain for Washington bureaucracy and for the governmental oversight that comes with a functioning democratic system,” says Talbot. “Dulles entrusted Angleton with the agency’s most vital and sensitive missions…principal CIA liaisons with key foreign intelligence service…with both parties conveniently overlooking Angleton’s role in the Nazi ratlines after the war.” (pp. 336-337)

In the ensuing years, the CIA’s plots included assassinations attempts on France’s President Charles de Gaulle in a coup attempt. Pierre de Benouville, a right-wing Resistance leader on Dulles’s OSS payroll and other henchmen, such as anti-de Gaulle terrorist Jacques Soustelle, were participants (this also included events such as the expulsion of the French CIA station chief Alfred Ulmer).

                  CLEANSING SECURITY MOVES   

In July 1962, a dozen OAS snipes opened fire on de Gaulle’s Citron, but de Gaulle’s “skilled and loyal” security team speed the President to safety. Two of the president’s motorcycle bodyguards were killed. De Gaulle countered with a great vengeance and “several security measures” allowing him to safely remain in power. Kennedy likewise made drastic moves to cleanse the CIA by discharging suspected individuals and also firing Allen Dulles.

"The Battle Of Algiers" Film Still
Victim of the Algerian Independence Struggle

“By 1962, President Kennedy was challenging the bastions of American power on several fronts, including the corporate elites of the economy.” (p. 443)

Kennedy, likewise, confronted a virtual army of dissidents that hated him, both in and out of the CIA, noted names and shadowy individuals that worked through political and corporate channels (and also in secret) to defeat and destroy him: Richard Nixon, Richard Helms, Frank Wisner, Charles Cabell, Cord Meyer, James Angleton, Howard Hunt, Thomas Karamessiness, Arleigh Burke, Pauline Sierra Martinez, Lyman Lemnitzer and others. Official inquiries of Kennedy’s attackers, such as those by General Maxwell Taylor, and defensive comments by Arthur Schlesinger, only hardened the hatred and conspiracy against Kennedy.  

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Spy Master James Jesus Angleton

Talbot glides smoothly through the appearance of Lee Harvey Oswald, noting the many inconsistencies and oddities in Oswald’s history that plainly outline his intelligence connection.

More importantly, Talbot demonstrates the intricate and behind-the-scenes movements and manipulations of Allen Dulles, though dethroned officially, who still operated the political scene, even after President Kennedy was assassinated obviously by a band of killers—and that certainly was not Lee Harvey Oswald.   Speculation ratcheted as to who were all the key players involved in the conspiracy, and Talbot covers aspects as intimately as he can, including St. John Hunt’s interview with his dying father and major player, Howard Hunt. Talbot summarizes Hunt’s confessions:

“…Harvey and Morales…key operational figures…Harvey…gunmen were likely recruited from the Corsican underworld…harder to trace back to the CIA…than Italian or American Mafia hitmen…Hunt found Harvey and Morales to be disturbing characters, the two men ‘could have been manufactured from the same cloth,’ Hunt wrote in his memoirs…´Morales was rumored to be a cold-blooded killer…to have someone neutralized.’” (pp. 500, 501)

Covering the intricate moves and positionings in which Oswald was situated (“Oswald was moved here and there with the calculations of a master chess player,” p. 540), and the numerous organizations and persons that Oswald was deliberately assigned (DRE, ALPHA 66, David Atlee Philipps, George de Mohrenschildt, David Ferrie, Clay Shaw and a long line of eerie and shady connections), Talbot laces through post-assassination gimmicks and machinations that Dulles used to cover his tracks, including the invention of the notorious Warren Commission—the powergrasps of the CIA and personnel, and the continuance of the assault on the minds and also control of Americans and citizens of the world.   

“…within America’s deep state: Kennedy was a national security threat. For the good of the country, he must be removed…Dulles…to make something of this enormity (actually) happen,” Talbot explains. “He had already assembled a killing machine to operate overseas. Now he proposed to bring it home to Dallas…(all the) establishment colleague (s) had to do was to look the other way—as they did when Dulles took executive action…” (p. 560)


Challenging, and even infiltrating, several congressional investigations into the quizzical aspects of the Kennedy murders of both John and Robert Kennedy (and surviving the increasing column of critical and questioning journalism), Dulles had to become inventively ingenious to see that his Fourth Nazi Reich would continue in the bloody brigade that he had instituted.

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Advancement of the Military-Industrial-Complex

“(1968) Dulles… (Kept) a close watch on Jim Garrison’s investigation…Ray Rocca…CIA mole Gordon Novel.  The Old Man’s social event of the fall season was the Washington Fete’ in honor Reinhard Gehlen, the West German spy Chief  (that) Dulles had resurrected from the poison ashes of the Third Reich…September 12, Gehlen’s U.S. sponsors threw a luncheon for him, and that night there was a dinner for Hitler’s old spy chief at the Maryland home of Heinz Herc___Gehlen’s former staff officer on the eastern front, who had become West Germany’s top intelligence liaison in Washington.” 

Talbot remonstrates that the Fourth Reich continued past Dulles’s death through the continuance of the National Security State. He lists Richard Helms, James Angleton, Donald Rumsfeld, the Bushes, Dick Cheney, and others who worshiped an “Athenian democracy besieged from within by the forces of oligarchy and tyranny.”

The reader will enjoy (or be shocked) reading the little-known foibles, idiosyncrasies and many undiscovered facts that they had not been aware of earlier in the lives of our intelligence Power-Players.

You can reach Steve Erdmann at  – or –
You can friend him at Facebook –or – visit the Dissenter/Disinter Group – at –!/groups/171577496293504/.
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Alternate Perception Magazine:,
America Fruit eisenhower-ufco2
America david_talbot
America Sniper yJn49okQyEmIhlEX4rbT0Hbgq3X
American Sniper
Anerica allen-dulles
Allen Welsh Dulles
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Nazi Intelligence Chief Reinhard Gehlen
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Assassination Attempt on the Shah of Iran
"The Battle Of Algiers" Film Still
Victim of the Algerian Independence Struggle
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Mohammed Mossadegh on Trial in 1953
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Mohammed Mossadegh on Trial in 1953
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Spy Master James Jesus Angleton
America Nixon download
America Nixon img1371
Nixon in Conference
America Killzone-3-Might-Arrive-in-2010-2
Advancement of the Military-Industrial-Complex
America DeclassifiedMKULTRA

Five Founding members of UFO Study Group Nov. 17 1967 4-14-2017 3;57;01 PM.jpg new
Steve Erdmann, center, 1967 with fellow Investigators

America Sniper yJn49okQyEmIhlEX4rbT0Hbgq3X

Another version of this article can be seen at

Hunter Biden Cultivated by Chinese Intelligence (Updated)

Hunter Biden Cultivated by Chinese Intelligence


October 02, 2020
V3 – Revised
Investigating threats & evaluating risk political, security and reputational

(Updated Excerpt

Joe & Hunter Biden: “The Manchurian Candidate” & His Son

Our research shows that for more than decade, HUNTER BIDEN has been personally targeted by China’s intelligence apparatus and its various ‘foreign relations agencies’.

A U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs published on September 23, 2020, details HUNTER’s recent payoffs from a PLA linked tycoon, Ye Jianming , chairman of Chinese energy company CEFC China Energy Company Limited . (125)

YE’s first break came when he purchased a small piston factory that supplied the Chinese army, after which he was a proxy for PLA officials, based on a New York Times article, and our proprietary research of the PLA’s logistics network. (126)

How China Controls information Across the Planet

In the early 2000s, YE was the deputy secretary of CAIFC, according to his CEFC biography. (127)

As explained, the CAIFC is a PLA front organization that has dual roles of intelligence collection and propaganda work, and worked with LIN and the SLLF a few years after YE left the organization. (128)

YE also knows Xu, who was a CAIFC special advisor, and arranged for LIN and HUNTER’s access to the highest levels of government. (129)

In line with his intelligence role, YE arranged events that brought together retired American and Chinese military officers.

In 2015, YE arranged for an aide to meet with HUNTER and in May 2017, YE met privately with HUNTER at a Miami hotel. The purpose of the meeting was for HUNTER to use his contacts to help “identify investment opportunities for Ye’s company CEFC China Energy,” and afterwards YE gave HUNTER a 2.8-carat diamond. (130)

According to HSGAC’s Confidential Document 9, YE and his associate Dong Gongwen, applied to a bank and opened credit lines for a business named Hudson West III LLC, giving HUNTER, his brother James (and James’ wife Sarah Biden), credit cards which the Bidens used to buy extravagant items.

The HSGAC report details a series of transfers and transactions worth millions of US dollars between CEFC, Hudson West and the Bidens.

This comes 11 years after HUNTER BIDEN and JAMES BIDEN denied selling their political connections to foreigners for personal gain before investigators and the press!

Edited by Robert D. Morningstar


125叶简明; 中国华信能源有限公司;
128 p.338

Read the entire report by clicking the link below:

October 02, 2020
V3 – Revised

A number of months ago, I was approached by an individual I had known for the better half of a decade. I had known this individually professionally and enjoyed their company and deep insight into our overlapping professional interests. Consequently, I would not infrequently seek out their professional opinion. They had written a research report for a client worried about political risk that involved background on the Biden’s in China. This individual believed that the information that had been discovered, and with the approval of the client, needed to make its way into the public domain.

They asked my help in putting the research report in the hands of press asking them just to use the information for their own professional purposes leaving the report anonymous.  Knowing this individual and the quality of work they do, I agreed after reviewing in detail the report that was produced. There are a couple of key points about the report.

Report on Joe & Hunter Biden Activities with China

Posted on Share

First, it is almost exclusively taken from public sources and documentation. Everything from Chinese news reports to corporate records. The report is immaculately cited so that anyone who wishes to replicate where a specific piece of information was found or see the underlying documentation can do so.

Second, the complexity of the overall story, attempts have been made to break down the key points about what happened, who was involved, with timelines and indexes.

Third, only three human sources are used in the report. Two human sources only confirmed top line information in the acknowledgement of an individual and no other information. The third human source was not consulted for the story but agreed to let the information be used for the story after the importance of the information became apparent.

For two months I have worked on behalf of my colleague to ensure that this report helped others report on the documented evidence of Biden activities with regards to China. I want to emphasize a couple of things about my own involvement.

First, I did not write the report and I am not responsible for the report. I have gone over the report with a fine tooth comb and can find nothing factually wrong with the report. Everything is cited and documented. Arguably the only weakness is that we do not have internal emails between Chinese players or the Chinese and Bidens that would make explicit what the links clearly imply.

Second, I will not be disclosing the individual who did write this report. They have very valid reasons to fear for both their personal safety and professional risks. Throughout the years that I have known this individual we never discussed politics. I have never heard them criticize any political party other than the CCP. They are not a Republican.

Third, it was my very real wish that the press would have reported on the documented evidence in this report and left me and the author entirely out of this situation. I did not vote for Trump in 2016 and will not vote for him in 2020. This information however is entirely valid public interest information that the press has simply refused to cover due to their own partisan wishes. I have serious policy differences with President Trump. I am pro-immigration. I would like to see more free trade efforts to shift trade away from China and into partner countries from Mexico to Vietnam and India. I believe that institution building in Asia is vital and America needs to take that lead. However, I cannot in good conscience allow documented evidence of the variety presented here go unreported by partisans who are simply choosing to hide information.

Finally, I will not be answering any questions about the report. I had no wish to be involved in Presidential politics. I do not want to be on the news. I will not be answer any questions about who wrote the report. We need to return the focus to the known documented facts.

Key Points of the Report:

  1. Joe Biden’s compromising partnership with the Communist Party of China runs via Yang Jiechi (CPC’s Central Foreign Affairs Commission). YANG met frequently with BIDEN during his tenure at the Chinese embassy in Washington.
  2. Hunter Biden’s 2013 Bohai Harvest Rosemont investment partnership was set-up by Ministry of Foreign Affairs institutions who are tasked with garnering influence with foreign leaders during YANG’s tenure as Foreign Minister.
  3. HUNTER has a direct line to the Politburo, according to SOURCE A, a senior finance professional in China.
  4. Michael Lin, a Taiwanese national now detained in China, brokered the BHR partnership and partners with MOFA foreign influence organizations.
  5. LIN is a POI for his work on behalf of China, as confirmed by SOURCE B and SOURCE C (at two separate national intelligence agencies).
  6. BHR is a state managed operation. Leading shareholder in BHR is a Bank of China which lists BHR as a subsidiary and BHR’s partners are SOEs that funnel revenue/assets to BHR.
  7. HUNTER continues to hold 10% in BHR. He visited China in 2010 and met with major Chinese government financial companies that would later back BHR.
  8. HUNTER’s BHR stake (purchased for $400,000) is now likely be worth approx. $50 million (fees and capital appreciation based on BHR’s $6.5 billion AUM as stated by Michael Lin).
  9. HUNTER also did business with Chinese tycoons linked with the Chinese military and against the interests of US national security.
  10. BIDEN’s foreign policy stance towards China (formerly hawkish), turned positive despite China’s country’s rising geopolitical assertiveness.


Lost among the salacious revelations about laptop provenance is the more mundane reality of influence and money of major United States political figures. Ill informed accusations of Russian hacking and disinformation face the documented reality of a major Chinese state financial partnership with the children of major political figures. A report by an Asian research firm raises worrying questions about the financial links between China and Hunter Biden.

Beginning just before Joe Bidens ascendancy to the Vice Presidency, Hunter Biden was travelling to Beijing meeting with Chinese financial institutions and political figures would ultimately become his investors.  Finalized in 2013, the investment partnership included money from the Chinese government, social security, and major state-owned banks a veritable who’s who of Chinese state finance.

It is not simply the state money that should cause concern but the structures and deals that took place. Most investment in specific projects came from state owned entities and flowed into state backed projects or enterprises. Even the deals speak to the worst of cronyism. The Hunter Biden investment firm share of a copper mine in the Congo was guaranteed with assets put at risk by the larger copper company to ensure deal flow to Hunter’s firm.

In another instance, Bank of China working on an IPO in Hong Kong gave its share allocation to the BHR investment partnership. They were able to do this because even though the Hunter Biden firm completed no notable work on the IPO, it is counted as a subsidiary of the Bank of China. The Hunter Biden Chinese investment partnership is literally invested in by the Chinese state and a subsidiary of the Bank of China owned by the Chinese Ministry of Finance.

The entire arrangement speaks to Chinese state interests. Meetings were held at locations that in China speak to the welcoming of foreign dignitaries or state to state relations. The Chinese organizations surrounding Hunter Biden are known intelligence and influence operatives to the United States government. The innocuous names like Chinese People’s Institute for Foreign Affairs exist to “…carry out government-directed policies and cooperative initiatives with influential foreigners without being perceived as a formal part of the Chinese government.”

Interestingly the CPIFA is under the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. When the investment partnership was struck in 2013, the Minister of Foreign Affairs was Yang Jiechi. Yang would have been very familiar with Hunter Biden from his days in Washington as the Chinese Ambassador to the United States from 2001 to 2005 during which he met regularly with Joe Biden chairing the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Today the same individual who oversaw institutions helping shepherd Hunter’s investment partnership as the Minister of Foreign Affairs is Xi Jinping’s right hand man on foreign affairs and member of the powerful Politburo.

Most worrying is the financial leverage this gives the Chinese state over a direct member of the Biden family.  Despite the widely reported $1-1.5 billion of investment the reality is likely much higher. A co-founder of the investment firm reports the total assets under management as $6.5 billion.  While this number cannot be completely replicated, given that two deal alone were worth in excess of $1.6 billion this number is not unrealistic at all.  A 2% annual fee on assets under management would generate $130 million annually. Add in the 20% fee on capital gains the firm would recognize and it is not difficult to see Hunter’s stake being worth in excess of $50 million.

According to Hunter’s attorney, he did not invest his $400,000 in the company until 2017. Even assuming the veracity of this statement, this raises a major problem. Founded in 2013, the firm had large amounts of revenue and assets under management by 2017. In other words, his $400,000 stake would have already been worth far more than what he paid for it. This paltry $400,000 investment worth more than $50 million now would have realized a gain of more than 12,400% in three years.

The difficulty in eluding these concerns is their documentability by anyone who cares to look.  There is no potential for hacking because it is all public record in China. Any journalist who wishes to look can go review IPO prospectuses, news reports, or corporate records. There is no secret method for discovering this data other than actually looking. There is simply no way to avoid the reality that Hunter Biden was granted a 10% stake worth far in excess of what he paid for a firm that is literally operated and owned by the Chinese state.

I did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016 and have significant concerns about his policies in areas like immigration. Having lived in China for nine years throughout the Xi regimes construction of concentration camps and having witnessed first hand their use of influence and intelligence operations, the Biden links worry me profoundly.

Whether Joe Biden personally knew the details, a very untenable position, it is simply political malpractice to not be aware of the details of these financial arrangements. These documentable financial links simply cannot be wished away.

Here is the report if you missed the previous links

This entry was posted in China and tagged China by Christopher Balding. Bookmark the permalink.

BREAKING: Hunter Biden Sex Tapes Dropped

October 25, 2020adminSatanism0

Thanks to Mr. Alvin Jiang (Mr. Jiang Zhicheng), Mr. Bruno Wu (Mr. Wu Zheng), Mr. Zhang Hongwei, Chairman of the Orient Group Inc.,and many more people who will remain anonymous.

We apologize if the video from Hunter Biden has caused you any serious discomfort! But it is for the sake of justice that we, the New Federal State of China, have made this video public. Because the friends of the communist are our enemies.

We will not allow anyone to steal from the Chinese people!
We will not allow anyone to enslave the Chinese people!
We will not allow anyone to abuse our children!

This video shows only the tip of the iceberg of what is important in the Chinese Communist Party’s Blue-Gold-Yellow (BGY) program. They take advantage of all those Western politicians, celebrities, and their families who are greedy for Chinese wealth,



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Puppet Man!

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I Am the Puppet Master –   

“It is difficult to be the victim of injustice, and not become obsessed by it. As someone else has observed of this tragedy, it is important that we resist the changes imposed on us by the world, by responding instead to the truth that is within us.

“For those of us who have had the luck to survive in this struggle while others have died, some of them murdered, our response must be to carry on.”  (Peter Dale Scott, in memorial on assassinated journalist Gary Webb.)

Puppet Man: Lee Harvey Oswald


Steve Erdmann

Copyright, C, 2015, Steve Erdmann
This article was previously published in the January 19 and March 2, 2015 issue of The UFO Digest.
Permission is given to reviewers and journalists to quote short pieces.

Another version of this article can be seen at

As a result of his demands by constant FOIA (Freedom of Information requests) and other citizen actions, Peter Dale Scott (long-time author into political controversy) has discovered multiple government documents, some highly redacted and blacked-out, that appear to be raw material and, hopefully, clues to the possibility that the accused assassin in the murder of John F. Kennedy – Lee Harvey Oswald – was “manipulated” – and in many instances – “invented.”

“I’m just a patsy!”  – Lee Harvey Oswald 
Lee Harvey Oswald -Puppet Man

(Oswald, Mexico, and Deep Politics, Peter Dale Scott, Skyhorse Publishing, 307 West 36TH Street, 11TH Floor, New York 10018, 2013, 158 pages, $14.94 [softcover], $24.43 [hardcover] .)


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“In any case, readers should not expect these essays to lead us to a full understanding of the Kennedy case,” says Scott in the book’s Introduction. “Rather they lead towards key anomalies of resistance, suppression, and above all falsification of major documents. Just as the mapping of geophysical anomalies can aid in the search for petroleum, so, the mapping of these documentary anomalies can aid us, and hopefully the Review Board, in isolating cover-up of America.”

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Peter Dale Scott

(What also would lend to a better “understanding” in the book would be an improved explanation of the many “inferences” [though often possibly interesting and even logical] that are ‘still’ not clear (due, in part, to Scott’s somewhat stilted rhetoric), and ‘should’ have finally ended-up as hard, cold evidence that would be seen and read as final proof of some of his claims, but this finality doesn’t seem to ultimately take place.)

The early part of the book deals with an alleged Oswald/Kostikov conversation on October 1, 1963, where a mysterious but only ‘inferred’ “Oswald” spoke of having contacted a KGB agent called Valeriy Kostikov.


Scott mentions that several of these “Oswald leaks” were not the real Oswald, but “someone else impersonating him.”   This involved several calls, comments, and “gossip” portraying Oswald as the originator.   Scott believes that several Oswald “impersonators” laced the scenery with “traces,” “clues,” as part of a “deception program” done through phased or planned “high-level CIA cable traffic.” (p. 4)

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From the Movie “The Body Snatchers”: Investigating the Replication of Human Bodies. 

It would seem that Oswald had been “fazed” into several ‘stages’ of “mentions” that were “organized some years earlier in a possibly unrelated operation.”  Oswald’s association with a KGB assassin was utilized as to ward off “threatening nuclear war,” and later switched Oswald to a “lone nut” angle or slant. Scott believes that most of these manipulations were the workings of the Counterintelligence Special Investigation Group in the CIA as well as Special Intelligence in the CIA’s station in Mexico City.


Through documents such as the Lopez Report, it would appear that someone (and very poorly executed, at times, in doing such maneuvering) was trying to impersonate Oswald in Mexico. Rumors to further this image had been passed along through Oleg M. Nechiporenko and General Nikolai Leonov, as well as eyewitnesses such as Silvia Duran of the Cuban Embassy. Scott seems to have found multiple discrepancies all through the documents.

“It is far more likely that these cables were sent as part of a CIA deception operation,” says Scott, “and that this deception operation went back at least three years, to the time of Oswald’s alleged defection to the Soviet Union.”

Scott earmarks various “stages” that barely become visible in the trail of Oswald: Phase one, phase two. He refers to these as “dialectical cover-ups.”

Phase One would suggest that Oswald was disguised as part of a Soviet or Cuban conspiracy; and then later, a Phase Two in which Oswald was not a KGB assassin but an alleged “lone killer.” To make matters even more problematic, Scott tells of a rift between the Counter Intelligence (CI) in the CIA and the FBI’s Counter-Espionage as to how the “phase” program was to be implemented.

“It appears there may have been a clique within the government who cooperated with outside elements to kill the President,” says Scott, “and that this clique included elements in counterintelligence…in such a way as to activate a ‘phase one/phase two’ dialectical cover-up.”

“It appears there may have been a clique within the government who cooperated with outside elements to kill the President,” says Scott, “and that this clique included elements in counterintelligence…in such a way as to activate a ‘phase one/phase two’ dialectical cover-up.”

Further manipulations could possibly include “forces inside the Dense Department poised to use Oswald’s record as a pretext to strike against Cuba.”


Scott alternates in telling how the “tweaking” of rumors and information between the various Intelligence factions, utilizing files on Oswald, set Oswald up for various “falsifications.”

Scott says: “Why would SR/CI withhold from the FBI the information that Oswald (whom the CIA knew to be the subject of current and exited FBI Intelligence reports) had just met in Mexico City with an ‘identified KGB officer’? The most sinister explanation would be that they only wanted this information to become known after November 22 so that Oswald would be left free until this time and then picked up, to be identified as Kennedy’s assassin.”

Delving into the theory that a “second Oswald” was part of a plot to “implicate Oswald as the patsy in the assassination” (p. 33), Scott openly identifies one of the manipulators: David Atlee Phillips, Mexico City Station’s Chief of Covert Action and Cuban Operations.

“We have however Phillips’ own statements that he was involved in the transmission of both of the key ‘phase one’ allegations promoted in CIA cables,” says Scott, “the Kostikov story of October, and the Alvarado story of November 25.”

Dan Hardway, House Committee researcher, said: “I’m firmly convinced now that he ran the red-herring, disinformation aspects of the plot.”

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David Atlee Phillips


Scott references Mark Aaron’s and John Loftus’ remarks about Allen Dulles and Dulles’ comment about the “Agency-within-the-Agency” CIA structure (Unholy Trinity [New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1991, p. 260]).     

Outlined by Scott are various “initiatives” in their purpose to over-throw Cuba and assassinate Fidel Castro: Operation AMTRUNK (Operation Leonardo), AMLASH, the Attwood initiative, the JM/WAVE station, and the (mobster) Giancana-Roselli-CIA plots against Castro. In this somewhat confused matrix, Scott speculates, other ingredients were also integrated:

“We must look at E. Howard Hunt, a man whose role in the AMLASH story may have played a key role in the Watergate intrigue,” says Scott. “And above all, we must look at a man whose behavior, and whose CIA watchers, were intertwined with the already complex Attwood-AMLASH-Hunt story. This man was Lee Harvey Oswald.”

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Late Intelligent Agent Howard E. Hunt

The middle part of the book concerns the conflicts that under-gird the CIA, the Kennedys’ political policies, and Cuba. Scott raises the connection of journalist Jack Anderson’s investigation into the possible plot by Fidel Castro to Assassinate John Kennedy:

“…there was at least one other three-man assassination team that was sent, this time with CIA support, against Castro in 1963,” says Scott. “These three men where Eddie ‘Bayo’ Perez and the other two survivors of the so-called Bayo-Pawley mission, sent in the summer of 1963 by Roselli’s close friend and room-mate John Martino.” (Hinckle and Turner, The Fish Is Red, pp. 171-173, 347-350)

“Given these signs of a mob influence within the CIA as within the FBI,” says Scott, “it seems at least possible that the mob could have helped CIA authorization for a plot against Castro, which it then exploited to murder the President of the United States.” (p. 69)

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The Late Fidel Castro


The book is comprised of multiple topics and problems that Scott discerns as mysteries to be explained; Erdmann leaves various topics best to be explored directly by the readers:

# Oswald’s associations with both leftwing and rightwing organizations.

# The political spectrum of “double-speak” which seemed to encompass many individuals, including John Kennedy: “The Kennedy habit of speaking out of both sides of the mouth at once, like the larger Kennedy habit of trying to please both hawks and doves simultaneously…” (p. 57.)

# Jack Ruby’s shared affinity to opposing political factions: “The inscrutable mystery of a political polarity, simultaneously liberal and anti-liberal.” (p.116)

# Oswald or an impersonator’s alleged September 1963 remark that he was “going to kill Kennedy.” Scott questions: “Was the story of the Oswald assassination remark (whether or not Oswald actually made it) a propaganda operation from the outset? If it were, then we cannot rule out the CIA resources in the two consulates were part of that operation.”

# The many maneuverings of a “Staff D” at the consulates; much of this is under the sway of the DFS (Direccion Federal de Sequridad), going into the LIBNVOY Project (as well as the Soviet LIFFAT Project, p. 131) and the integration of Richard Cain and his expertise as telephone-tapper. Cain worked alongside of the CIA-Giancana assassination connection in Mexico City in 1962. He was also known to have connections with the Chicago mob and Jack Ruby all the way to the DFS and plot to kill Castro; the Chicago mob was involved in “deep involvement in Mexico’s drug traffic.”

“The Richard Cain-Lennie Patrick-Dave Yaras segment of the Chicago mob had connections to 1963 not only to Ruby but to Sam Giancana, and above all to mob activities in Cuba…but if Cain recruited and/or trained then we may have isolated the matrix for a sophisticated CIA-Mafia assassination intercept program.” (p. 133) 

“The DFS, before it was abolished because of its deep involvement in Mexico’s drug traffic, was a key agency in the Mexican Gober Nacion (Ministry of the Interior),” continues Scott. “It also had close links with the FBI as well as the CIA, being part of a tradition of binational intelligence cooperation dating back to the turn of the century.”

# The existence of ZR/RIFLE Executive Action assassination teams.

# Analysis of the contradictions of critic and debunker Gerald Posner’s CASE CLOSED.

(“…there is the lawyerly approach to tell less, not more, to support the difficulties with the testimony that is preferred and to invent non-existent problems with the testimony of witnesses one wishes to discredit. This is the approach of Posner…) (p. 156)

# Scott reaches into Oswald’s career in the U.S.S.R and finds mystery in Oswald’s various aliases such as “Harvey Lee Oswald,” “Harvey Alik,” all the way into the U.S State Department with its 12/11/61 document #NO/4522 reference to “Citizen Lee Harvey Oswald.”  (p. 149)

# “…it would appear that the post-assassination hype about conspiracies was piggy-backed upon a pre-assassination operation and that the successive alterations to (Sylvia) Duran’s statement were made by the CIA and DFS to project this operation.” (Duran: former Cuban consulate official who witnessed the impersonation of Oswald.) (p. 129)

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Erdmann now adds some additional facts that may help Scott’s aloof prose:


In a series of communications on December 3-4, 2013, Paul Trejo discussed some of the Winston Scott claims with co-researcher Paul Brancato, but in a much clearer fashion:

“Peter Dale Scott, with his usual brilliance, noted that the more falsehood in the story, the more it pointed to a conspiracy. Simply brilliant. Let’s see if I can render his argument here: 

“1. If those two reports were true, then the US government had foreknowledge of Oswald’s intent to kill JFK, but simply failed to use those reports.

 “2.  If those reports were somewhat true, that is, Oswald carried a fake CP card and said he would kill JFK just to provoke notoriety, then that suggests the possibility of a conspiracy involving Oswald with other people. 

 “3. If those reports were mostly false, that is, a fake Oswald carried a CP card and threatened to kill JFK, then we have final proof of a conspiracy to kill JFK and frame Oswald (even if the conspirators were commoners).

 “4. If those reports were totally false, however — simple lies made up by the Government agents involved — this would be strong evidence of a high-level conspiracy to kill JFK and frame Oswald.”    

Paul Brancato examined chapter eight in Scott’s book as to the possibility that the U.S Government demonstrated their complicity when “the government printed so many falsehoods about Lee Harvey Oswald before the JFK assassination, and then it took those words back and denied them during the Warren Commission hearings…For example, there were reports from Mexico City that said Lee Harvey Oswald was a ‘card-carrying member of the Communist Party.’ This turned out to be false, and the Dallas Police, as well as the Warren Commission, later rejected this. 

“Also, there were reports that said when Oswald was in the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City in September 1963, he threatened to kill JFK for causing Oswald’s delay in getting to Cuba.  Yet the Dallas Police and the Warren Commission would reject those reports, too.”


James DiEugenio outlined that period from Our Man in Mexico (University Press of Kansas, 2008) by Jefferson Morley: “With this backdrop, Morley outlines the four secret programs through which Oswald had to come into contact with the CIA in 1963. They were codenamed AMSPELL, LIERODE, LIENVOY, and LIEMPTY. The first two programs were run by (David Atlee) Phillips, the last two by (Winston) Scott. AMSPELL was the name given inside the CIA to the DRE,…LIERODE refers to the camera surveillance on the Cuban consulate in Mexico City.  LIENVOY refers to the wiretapping of phone lines at the Soviet Embassy, and LIEMPTY to the photo surveillance of that embassy.

“So it would seem obvious that there would be documents about this interaction forwarded to either (George) Joannides or (David Atlee) Phillips. But as Morley noted, there are 17 months of reports–from 12/62 to 4/64–the CIA has yet to declassify on AMSPELL. (Elsewhere on this site, you can read about his struggle with the CIA to get these documents.)”


Assassination researcher William Kelly commented on November 21, 2010, about a Provocation-Deception from Army Intelligence Reserve in Dallas, 11/22/1963:

“To begin with, we know that in Dallas, on November 22, there were people inside the military who falsified their reporting of the Kennedy assassination to create the false impression (or what I have called the ‘phase-one story’) of an enemy attack…but I did not realize until recently that all of them came from a single Army Intelligence Reserve unit.

“As these deceptions are immediately post-assassination, they do not in isolation establish that the assassination itself was a provocation-deception plot. They do however reveal enough about the anti-Castro mindset of the 488th Army Intelligence Reserve unit in Dallas to confirm that it was remarkably similar to that of the J-5 the preceding May that produced a menu of ‘fabricated provocations’ for the Joint Chiefs.”

Kelly outlined further facts:

# The plans of a Phase One implication of Castro on the part of a Dallas-Army Intelligence use of “deceptive falsehoods” leading all the way to the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington.

“Researcher Larry Haapanen has discovered the 488th seems to have had its own direct chain of command linking it to Washington. In an esoteric publication entitled The Military Order of World Wars (Turner Publishing Company, 1997, p. 120), he found that (John) Crichton “commanded the 488th MID (Strategic), reporting directly to the Army Chief of Intelligence and the Defense Intelligence Agency.” Haapanen was told by Crichton’s commander in the Texas Army Reserve (1970: Lt. Col. Whitmeyer), that Crichton’s unit did its summer training at the Pentagon.

“It is now clear that Stringfellow’s claims about Oswald as a Communist Party visitor to Cuba, though clearly false, fell well within the guidelines for a provocation-deception as set out in the Northwoods and May 1963 documents. All (of) this Cuban deception planning was in support of JCS OPLANS 312 (Air Attack in Cuba) and 316 (Invasion of Cuba).

“These were not theoretical exercises, but actively developed operational plans which the JCS were only too eager to execute. As they told Kennedy, ‘We are not only ready to take any action you may order in Cuba, we are also in an excellent condition worldwide to counter any Soviet military response to such action.’”

(Operation Northwoods: New York, May 1, 2001, David Ruppe: “In the early 1960s, America’s top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.

“Code named Operation Northwoods; the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.

“The plans were developed as ways to trick the American public and the international community into supporting a war to oust Cuba’s then new leader, communist Fidel Castro.”)

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# Such actions were seen as part of the overall Doomsday communications network, known most recently as the Continuity of Government (COG) network. James Mann, for example, had referred to the COG network overseers as “part of the permanent, though hidden, national security apparatus of the United States, inhabitants of a world in which Presidents may come and go, but America always keeps on fighting.” Posted by Thomas Graves on November 18, 2011.


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Scott tells of additional curious mysteries (The JFK Assassination as an Engineered ProvocationDeception Plot: A Study in the Sociodynamics of Invasion Pretexts [Addressed to COPA], November 2010 [As Amended Dec. 13, 2010]):

(Amongst the lists of the false evidence – such as the Kostin letter – including the typed version found by CIA Operative Ruth Paine only hours after the assassination – as well as the erroneous Kostikov visit and telephone call – and the Marina statement – there exists some nagging questions in regards to John Crichton of the 488th Intelligence Unit.)

“Of interest still today is the coincidence that the same 488th Army Intelligence Reserve unit helped generate the false Marina story, as well as the false Stringfellow report. The interpreter who first supplied the Marina story, Ilya Mamantov, was selected as the result of a phone call between Deputy Police Chief George Lumpkin and Jack Crichton. We have already seen that Crichton commanded the 488th; and Lumpkin, in addition to being the Deputy Police Chief, was also a deputy commander of the 488th under Crichton.

“John Crichton was the kind of figure Malcolm Gladwell in The Tipping Point described as a ‘connector…people with a special gift for bringing the world together.’ Some of his contacts are figures who should be familiar to students of the JFK assassination. His superior in the Army Reserves, Lieutenant Colonel George Whitmeyer, was on 11/22 in the pilot car of the Kennedy motorcade along with DPD Deputy Chief George Lumpkin; the pilot car is of interest because of its unexplained stop in front of the Texas School Book Depository. D.H. ‘Dry Hole’ Byrd, owner of the Texas School Book Depository, was a director of Crichton’s firm Dorchester Gas Producing.”



Assassination investigator John Newman told Frontline News about the taped calls in question:

“The cover-up was apparently put in motion the day after the assassination by Anne Goodpasture (unless someone else altered the cables she sent after the fact) in the CIA station in Mexico City. But it was a sloppy cover-up. Files released in the mid-1990s show she sent a cable at noon (1pm EST) on Nov. 23 stating that a voice comparison (between two intercepted phone calls) had not been made at the time of Oswald’s visit because one tape (presumably of the Saturday, Sept. 28 call) had been erased before another had been received (presumably from the Oct. 1 intercept). It was unlikely this would have happened, however, as tapes were kept for at least two weeks before erasure. It was necessary to deny that a voice comparison with the Cuban consulate tape had taken place, in order to facilitate the cover story that the station had not realized that Oswald had visited the Cuban consulate.”

(A voice analysis by a CIA translator [a Mrs. {Finglass} Tarasoff] did demonstrate that operators handled the tapes in responding to a CIA cable; Goodpasture, in changing her story, suggested to the possibility that cables were altered.)

James DiEugenio (continuing in his review of Jefferson Morley’s book Our Man in Mexico) further highlighted the antics of Anne Goodpasture:

“Besides the seventeen months of missing reports, the results of the other three programs are also either lacking or questionable. As many know, to this day, the CIA has yet to produce a photograph of Oswald either entering or leaving either compound. And the photo they turned over to the Warren Commission in this regard does not even resemble Oswald. (In the Lopez Report-which is scathing about her–Anne Goodpasture tries to state that she did not realize this grievous error about the wrong photo of Oswald. until 1976. The authors make it clear that they find this suggestion not credible, as they do much of her testimony.) Since Oswald frequented the compounds a total of five times, there were ten opportunities to photograph him. What happened, and why there has never been a picture produced, is one of the great mysteries of this case.”

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Anne Goodpasture

Newman said that FBI records indicated at this point that President Johnson, Attorney Katzenbach, and FBI Director Hoover were switching to a “lone-assassin scenario,” made on Sunday, two days after the assassination.

Newman added: “But for the lone-assassin scenario to stand, the Mexico City evidence at CIA — the tapes of the impersonation and some cables — had to be destroyed or altered. The problem was that news of the impersonation was spreading.”

Frontline: Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald? Oswald, the CIA, and Mexico City, November 19, 2013, 5:26 pm ET, John Newman. –


Arturo Rodriguez, a former Cuban security agent who was intimately familiar with security apparatus, tended to confirm the Part One/Part Two Intelligence plan. We repeat Rodriguez’s remarks almost in their entirety (a presentation given in Rio de Janeiro, August 1995):

“As known by those present here, — having been informed by the Select Committee — the photographic post across from our embassy, located in the street Francisco Marquez 149-1 Colonia Condesa, was operated by a Cuban, posing as a Colombian named Augusto Cesar Rodriguez Gallegos, from where everyone entering and leaving the diplomatic office was photographed.

“Oswald visited at least three times the Cuban consulate (or, someone impersonating Oswald…SE) and on one or two occasions the Soviet consulate that was also ‘covered’.  However, after the assassination, none of the photos appeared and the one that did was strange. (Emphasis added…SE)

“‘If the CIA obtained photos, information, telephone recordings, and microphone recordings placed in the sofa of the Cuban consulate, years later uncovered, – why did all this evidence disappear? (Emphasis added…SE)

“Reflecting on all of this we make the following hypothesis. Everything was arranged to document Oswald’s visit, therefore there was a plot to involve Cuba in the assassination that was to later “unchain” the American reply.

“However, almost immediately after Oswald’s arrest in Dallas, when the requests for Oswald’s Mexico material starts by the ‘principal center’ (meaning an official agency) – incorrect information was given.  Was it that the arrest was not planned by those who plotted, threw out (did away with) the well-conceived plan to blame Cuba?  The truth is that almost immediately after Oswald’s assassination, in the coarse and precipitated conditions known to all appeared the theory of the ‘lone assassin’ and the ‘Cuban plot’ took second stage.  What are the reasons?  What are the motives?”


Scott has clearly spoken of the wide swipe of government Intelligence, the Mob cartel, drug trafficking, and the brotherhood and cooperation between these elements (even beyond borders) going back to the turn of the turn of the century and clearly up unto the present day:

“In Mexico, to be sure, a DFS scandal involving forged and altered document will seem almost trivial in the light of later DFS scandals,” says Scott. “The DFS was already linked to drug-traffickers by the late 1940s when the DFS founder retired to work with Mexico’s leading international drug kingpin.

The Chicago mob had been supplied with drugs from Durango, Mexico, from as far back as 1947, to a major Mexico government-protected connection that appears to have involved Jack Ruby…By the 1980s the DFS commanders along the U.S border were all suspected by DEA officials of complexity in the growing drug traffic…”

Recently, the Antifascist website questioned the continued arming of these questionable elements, in pointing out the  U.S. State Department “plans to award a contract to provide a Mexican government security agency with a system that can intercept and analyze information from all types of communications systems,” NextGov reported (this, despite recent reports that the bodies of four Mexican journalists were discovered in a canal in the port city of Veracruz, less than a week after another journalist based in that city was found strangled in her home).


Why Is the State Department ‘Arming’ Mexico’s Intelligence Agencies with Advanced Intercept Technologies? Anonymous “American officials” cited by the Times “declined to provide details about the work being done” by a team of spooks drawn from the Drug Enforcement Administration, the CIA and “retired military personnel members from the Pentagon’s Northern Command”?  They said that “the compound had been modeled after ‘fusion intelligence centers’ that the United States operates in Iraq and Afghanistan to monitor insurgent groups.”

The “fusion centers” in the heimat, of which the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) has amply investigated, and said: “Americans have been put under surveillance or harassed by the police just for deciding to organize, march, protest, espouse unusual viewpoints, and engage in normal, innocuous behaviors such as writing notes or taking photographs in public.”

Antifascist said: “Despite alarms raised by a score of federal law enforcement agencies, including the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), fearful that sensitive wiretap information was finding its way into the hands of international narcotrafficking cartels, virtually nothing has been done to halt the outsourcing of America’s surveillance apparatus to firms with intimate ties to foreign intelligence entities. Indeed, as America’s spy system is turned inward against the American people, corporations such as Verint work hand-in-glove with a spooky network of security agencies and their corporatist pals in the telecommunications industry.”

These Intelligence Units constituted hundreds of billions of dollars. They involve a “drug war” that favors one group of criminals over another to obtain leverage over corrupt politicians. They also constituted an endless source of funds for intelligence-connected black operations. “The Verint deal seems like a slam-dunk.”

“After all, with powerful communications’ intercept technologies in the hands of the Mexican secret state, ‘national security,’ on both sides of the border,” says Antifacist, “is little more than code for business as usual.” A researcher and activist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. In addition to publishing in Covert Action Quarterly, Love & Rage and Antifascist Forum, he is the editor of Police State America: U.S. Military “Civil Disturbance” Planning, distributed by AK Press. Sunday, May 13, 2012.


Said Larry Chin, Online Journal Associate Editor of (April 4, 2007): “The Dallas-Watergate-Iran-Contra connection has been thoroughly documented by the key JFK researchers, and in particular, in the work of Peter Dale Scott, one of the very first to show the deep political continuity across three decades. Daniel Hopsicker’s Barry and the Boys goes into even more detail on the players.” 

Chin talked about the George H.W. Bush connection: He was a Texas oilman (Zapata Oil) and a CIA operative, involved with the Bay of Pigs. “Bush’s name was found in the papers of George DeMohrenschildt, one of Lee Harvey Oswald’s CIA handlers. As documented by Pete Brewton, author of The Mafia, the CIA, and George Bush, Bush was deeply connected with a small circle of Texas elites tied to the CIA and the Mafia, as well as the Florida-based CIA/anti-Casto Cuban exile/ Mafia milieu.”


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Busch had his fingers into all circles. He was Richard Nixon’s selection for the Republican National Committee chairman, later a CIA director. “Bush constantly covered-up and stonewalled for his boss about Watergate, which itself (by the admission of Frank Sturgis and others) was a cover-up of the JFK assassination.” 

“Tracking any of the individual CIA operatives involved with the Bay of Pigs, it is impossible to ignore or deny direct connections to George H.W. Bush and his crime family, across the Kennedy assassinations, covert operations in Indochina and, later,  Latin America.”


General Fabian Escalante, former chief of Cuba’s G-2 intelligence agency, had intimate knowledge of Oswald and the Kennedy assassination.

He joined the Department of State Security (G-2) in 1960. At the time of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Escalante was head of a counter-intelligence unit and was part of a team investigating a CIA operation called Sentinels of Liberty, an attempt to recruit Cubans willing to work against Castro. Escalante spoke extensively here:

“Not long before his death in 1993, Col. Bishop confirmed to this writer that he had knowledge of the JFK plot. The Cubans indicate that the Vidal-Bishop Dallas trip concerned plans for re-taking the island once Castro’s people had been implicated in the assassination. (David Atlee Phillips was really ‘Maurice Bishop’…SE.)

“…Oswald was an intelligence agent of the US—CIA, FBI, military, or all of these, we don’t know. He was manipulated, told he was penetrating a group of Cuban agents that wanted to kill Kennedy. But from the very beginning, he was to be the element to blame Cuba. (Emphasis added…SE.)

“Not less than 15 persons took part in the assassination…At the same time, knowing a little about CIA operations, we see how they used the principle of decentralized operations—independent parties with a specific role, to guarantee compartmentalization and to keep it simple.”

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General Fabian Escalante on the Far Right, Along with Wayne Smith and Gaeton Fonzi

(Fabian Escalante was the author of several books, including The Secret War: CIA Covert Operations Against Cuba, 1959-62 [1995] and CIA Targets Fidel: The Secret Assassination Report [1996]. In 2006 Escalante published JFK: The Cuba Files. In the book Escalante described the conspiracy uncovered by Cuba’s investigation, which reviewed declassified US files and reports from Cuban intelligence units that had infiltrated anti-Castro groups in Miami.)

(U.S – Cuban intelligence conference on JFK assassination, July 21, 2005 by I-taoist in Cuban History: JFK and the Cuban Connection: Havana’s Spies Spill the Beans at TopLevel Conference! Dick Russell.)


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 Former CIA Agents Arthur Hulnick (Right) and Joseph Wippi (Left)

Journalists Arthur Hulnick and Daniel Mattausch succinctly wrote about the CIA:

“Professional standards require intelligence professionals to lie, hide information, or use covert tactics to protect their ‘cover,’ access, sources, and responsibilities.

The Central Intelligence Agency expects, teaches, encourages, and controls these tactics so that the lies are consistent and supported (‘backstopped’). The CIA expects intelligence officers to teach others to lie, deceive, steal, launder money, and perform a variety of other activities that would certainly be illegal if practiced in the United States. They call these tactics ‘tradecraft,’ and intelligence officers practice them in all the world’s intelligence services.”

“Scott’s analysis suggests the evidence from Mexico City as part of a frame-up, making Oswald, Mexico, and Deep Politics an essential piece of research and analysis,” says the headline-cover-comments, “shedding new light on the Communist conspiracy allegations behind the JFK assassination.”

(Footnote: Scott offers penetrating and in-depth analysis of the Oswald Mystery that isn’t often seen in researchers: always hardhitting in its scope. Unfortunately, Scott’s English training hasn’t allowed him to write in common but clear English: there is always a layer of stilted, staid and dry techno-lingo through his work, often preventing smoother reading, usually hop-scotched back and forth through his writing. It’s a small factor considering Scott’s deep research, and probably not intentional, but such rhetoric would tend to camouflage that many of Scott’s ‘inferences’ are not complete hard evidence, but only reasonable suspicions.  Despite this failing, however, Scott is definitely onto conspirators hiding in the bushes and having fooled the public.)
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Founding members of UFO Study Group November 1967 4-24-2017 1;25;37 PM.jpg new
Steve Erdmann – Independent Investigative Journalist – 1967 – far Left
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 Peter Dale Scott
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Anne Goodpasture
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General Fabian Escalante on the Far Right, Along with Wayne Smith and Gaeton Fonzi
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Puppet Man NORTH download     
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 David Atlee Phillips  
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The Late Fidel Castro
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Late Intelligent Agent Howard E. Hunt
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From the Movie  “The Body Snatchers”: Investigating the Replication of Human Bodies. 
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We’re His Puppets
Puppet Man Hulnick CIA-2
 Former CIA Agents Arthur Hulnick (Right) and Joseph Wippi (Left)
Lee Harvey Oswald -Puppet Man
“I’m just a patsy!”  – Lee Harvey Oswald

Another version of this article can be seen at

Hidden Society!

Breakaway World – TheUFOStalkers wilcok-antartica-1

The UFO Stalkers and the Hidden Society


Steve Erdmann

Copyright, C, Steve Erdmann
Permission Granted to quote small quotes for Review and Journalism.
This article was previously published in the April, 2014 issues of UFO Digest.
It is published here with permission.

Reviewers and journalists can quote small portions as long as full credits are given back to the original article. 

Another version of this article can be seen at

“There was no (space) race: there was a cooperation,” said Levenda, “…another level of government in the world.”

The term “Men in Black” had become a very popular term in both movies and books depicting mysterious men wearing dark suits, driving somber-looking automobiles and behaving in an outrageous manner, often described wearing dark sunglasses, and threatening UFO witnesses to be silent in talking about their respective UFO accounts. Sometimes they confiscated any UFO evidence.

“Could they be secret agents of some covert – but earthly power or, even more fantastic, could they be aliens themselves who are disguised to look human,” said Jenny Randles. “Or, is it all just imagination?”

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Author Jenny Randles

(The Truth behind Men in Black: Government Agents – Or Visitors From Beyond. Jenny Randles, St. Martin’s Paperbacks, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010, 1997, 248 pages, $5.99.)

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One of the early MIB (Men in Black) cases concerned an Albert K. Bender who in 1953 was head of a group called the IFSB (International Flying Saucer Bureau). Upon learning of a supposed “UFO Secret,” Bender wrote an IFSB member about the mystery. A few days later, August 1953, three men in black suits arrived at this home with the letter that Bender sent out. Their demeanor was very threatening. The men explained to Bender that the Pentagon had known the truth about UFOs for several years. They told Bender that the truth would come out in three years, 1956, but that never took place. The MIB told Bender that he would go to prison for treason if he spoke out. They “intimated” to Bender that Bender’s “sources” of the secret had been “moved out of the way” by various methods such as relocation to high security jobs to “shut people up.”

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They Use Intimidation

The late Gray Barker in They Knew Too Much about Flying Saucers (Werner Laurie Books, 1956) published the episode in the book. (Later events revealed that Barker, unfortunately, along with the late Jim Moseley, had been involved in UFO hoaxes.) To make matters worse, in 1962, Bender wrote a “tell all” book on the incident. Its contents were just as mysterious: the three men were actually aliens from the planet Kazik. Barker warned others to disbelieve Bender’s book. “Certainly, the version of Bender’s 1953 encounter as told here,” said Randles, “is remarkably different from that initially reported by Barker six years earlier.”  Bender no longer seemed interested in promoting his book, and moved into hiding.

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Albert K. Bender


Another early case began on June 21, 1947 in Puget Sound near Maury Island, Tacoma, Washington where Harold Dahl and his 15-year-old son sighted six-donut shaped objects flying over the water. One of the objects spewed material, some of which struck and killed their pet dog and hospitalized the boy.

The tale escalated through several characters and included famed UFO witness Kenneth Arnold, the late publisher Ray Palmer, CIA spook Fred Crisman (Crisman was later discovered in numerous covert intelligence escapades best exemplified in Kenn Thomas’ JFK and UFO Military Industrial Conspiracy and Cover-up to Maury Island.), Air Force investigators Brown and Davidson, and others. It was a matrix of intrigue and facts. Brown and Davidson died in a B-25 plane crash transporting UFO fragments. Harbor man Fred Crisman, Dahl’s boss, disappeared, which also included the dilapidation of Dahl’s home, which had appeared to be normal previously. The home appeared to be deserted and derelict for months, though Arnold and Major George Sanders had recently visited Dahl’s place. The “time line” of events seemed extraordinaire. The best rendition was Kenneth Arnold and Ray Palmer’s The Coming of the Saucers (Amherst Press, 1952). 


On June 22, 1947, about 7:00 a.m., a strange man about 40-years-of-age, dressed in black, driving a dark sedan automobile, ventured to take Dahl to breakfast for, what Dahl presumed, would be a talk about salvage. Instead, the MIB began to tell Dahl that he could relate every detail of the events of the day before. He revealed quite a bit of detail.  “…if Dahl knew what good for him and loved his family he would keep quiet about the matter.”

Ted Morello, the head of the United Press in Tacoma, knew about everything that was going on in hotel room 502 at the Winthrop Hotel. He had been mysteriously and continually informed.  Investigators suspected that the room was bugged somehow.


UFO-related photographs taken by Jim Templeton on May 24, 1964 at Carlisle, Scotland indicated that he had unknowingly photographed a “space-suited” figure behind his daughter. This became known as the “Cumberland Spaceman.” Sometime towards the end of June, MIB made appearances, first as a phone call, and then a visit from two men in black suits. The men drove a dark, shiny Jaguar automobile. They flashed identity cards that the men said proved they were from the government. The men began an interrogation about the weather that day, how did sheep and cows also react, what were the flight patterns of birds, wind in the trees, distant traffic, and other strange questions.


Former police officer and FBI trainee Rex Heflin witnessed and photographed on August 3, 1965 a disc-shaped UFO over Orange County, California. A mystery man in a dark business suit gave Heflin during an interview supposed proof that he was an North American Dense Command G-2 officer of NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command [formerly called North American Air Defense Command]). He acquired Heflin’s photographs (NORAD later denied such an authorization). There never was a return of the photos.

Then, in 1967, two men arrived in a dark car with a violet glow coming from behind darkened windows.

The alleged Air Force officers, uniformed as Intelligence officers, interrogated Heflin with odd questions such as about the Bermuda Triangle. Heflin’s radio set demonstrated interference when the men entered Heflin’s home. Heflin demanded identification, which the interrogators produced, but their names were never located in government records.


Journalist John Keel had multiple encounters with mysterious visitors.  One typical case involved a MIB and Jell-O. After encountering a UFO in November 1966 in Owatonna, Minnesota, two women appeared to communicate with the supposed occupants by “channeling” before the UFO disappeared. Strange phone calls ensued and a visit by olive-skinned Major Richard French wearing a dark suit followed. French drove a new Mustang car. The man came back for a second visit. He acted strangely: he tried to drink Jell-O for an upset stomach. Later, they traced the car’s license number to a “hire car.”  French was not located in the USAF files  (p. 102).

Many readers probably recall the macabre tales of the “Moth man” during 1966 and 1967 in Point Pleasant, West Virginia where a strange bat-like apparition with “coal red” eyes terrified witnesses. However, amidst mystery-telephone-calls, prophecy, ultrasonic radiation, poltergeists, and a collapsing bridge into the Ohio River, MIBs also appeared. A deeply suntanned, dark-haired man also attempted to grab Connie Carpenter unsuccessfully on February 22, 1967. A threatening note was pushed under her door. A mysterious “blond women” went about interviewing citizens.

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The Mothman


During June 1967, following her UFO sighting, “Jane” was approached by a suntanned man in a dark suit. He drove a black Cadillac. He said his name was Apol. On June 12, Apol gave Jane a capsule that turned out to be a Sulphur compound. On June 17, a “Colonel John Dalton” and a young Lieutenant, allegedly from a near military base, interrogated Jane in a threatening manner with a paper form listing questions about her medical history and personal life. Jane refused. The men left in a blue station wagon. Another similar incident followed. Jane Paro was abducted by a man in a black Cadillac who queried her relentlessly, as flashing lights on the dashboard seemed to hypnotize her. The auto had a septic smell. The man held a “pungent smelling bottle” under her nose before she was released.

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They Came in Black Cadillacs

Keel received a series of phone calls from Apol, imbedded with prophecies, culminating in the collapse of the Silver Bridge on December 15, 1967.

“Many MIB stories are in essence simply about a strange visitor who asks seemingly odd questions and knows things he ought not to know,” said Randles. “From the evidence to date we have built up a picture of the Man in Black that is chilling in its consistency. There really do appear to be intimidators out there threatening ordinary people who simply have the misfortune to experience a close encounter.”


Randles contemplated the many theories and reported scenarios of the MIBs. Her book was rich in quizzical oddities. She scrutinized that some may be sophisticated hoaxes from terrestrial sources perhaps utilizing modern technology. She pointed to the Air Force Social Activities Center (AFSAC) and its predecessor, the 1127TH, as “an odd ball unit, a composite of Special Intelligence groups. The men of the 1127th were con artists; their job was to get people to talk.” Bill Moore deciphered this to mean they were a sordid crew of burglars, impersonators, disguise artists, “eccentric geniuses and useful flakes…even from prisons when necessary.” (p. 227) Other theories were very decorative. Some suggested demons from Biblical times. John Keel felt that they were visitors from another dimension.

“Unfortunately, we cannot dictate what evidence we must investigate,” said Randles. “These Men in Black are real, and the people who report them deserve our attention. We should strive to find out whether these threatening strangers are just a part of some secret department investigating UFOs or are visiting this world from somewhere beyond our ken.”

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Mystery Men Walk Among Us.

Robert Richardson of Toledo, Ohio, had an accident with a UFO in the night during July 1967 as he sped around a bend in the road. Unable to halt, Richardson collided, finding a lump of metal later. He reported the case to the (now defunct) Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO). Three days later, about 11:00 p.m., two men in their twenties visited Richardson for about ten minutes. They made no warnings and left in a black 1953 Cadillac. The auto was in mint condition. There was no assurance of the license number yet. A week later, two different men came in a current model Dodge automobile. The men wore black suits. One spoke English; the other had an accent. They tried to convince him that he did not hit anything on the night of his encounter. Then they insisted he give them the metal. “If you want your wife to stay as pretty as she is,” threatens one man, “you better get the metal back.” 

Only the Richardson’s and APRO knew of the UFO facts. Discovery was not possible by anyone else, unless there was tapping of the phones.


One evening in November 1961, a Mister Paul Miller, returning from a hunting trip with three companions, sighted an object in a field near Minot, North Dakota. At first, they thought it was a crashed plane. Miller then said it resembled a “luminous silo.” As they approached the object, “two humanoids” confronted them. Miller panicked and fired his rifle at one of the creatures who responded with a bawdy curse and asked in surprise, “Why did you do that for?”

The men from the craft fled and the object disappeared. The hunter experienced a “black out” and had a loss of three hours in memory.

Miller went to work the next day to an Air Force office. Three men in black suits arrived.  They said they were from the government, but showed no credentials. In a very brash manner, they queried Miller as to if he was being truthful, but they already knew every detail of the incident. “We have a report,” they informed.  They examined the boots that Miller was wearing that night. “They seemed to know everything about me; where I worked, my name, everything else,” Miller said.


Carlos de Santos Montiel was flying his Piper PA-24 plane over Tlalpan, Mexico on May 3, 1975 when he was besieged by 3 disc-like objects that escorted de Santos for some time. The plane would not respond at first, but the 23-year-old regained control and landed at the Benito Juarez International Business Airport. “They were disc-shaped, about three to four meters in diameter without antennas,” said Carlos, “had a dull gray fuselage and a sort of windshield, all without rivets and completely smooth.”

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 Carlos de Santos Montiel UFO Sighting

Following his encounter, a black limousine coached Carlos to a stop. A man in a black suit prevented Carlos from leaving his car and he noticed four men with wide shoulders, resembling Scandinavians with pasty skin. “Listen kid, if you value your life,” demanded one of the men, “do not talk to anyone about what you saw.”

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They Visited Montiel

A month later, June 1975, waiting at a tavern to speak to UFO researcher/astronomer J. Allen Hynek, one of the same MIBs approached Carlos. “We warned you not to talk,” the MIB threatened. Carlos described the MIBs as being “strange, burly…pallor skin.”


In 1924, Newsman John Cole went to investigate a crashed plane in Braxton County, West Virginia. A man in a suit met him. The man had high cheekbones, slant eyes, and dark skin.  He informed Cole that “no one was hurt and no crime committed.”  The man was also looking for a “thingamajig.” At 3:00 a.m., an Army officer came, having the same foreign appearance, making demands about the same object (John Keel, The Cosmic Question, Panther Granada Publishing, 1978)

“Some people believe that the world’s governments are in cahoots to suppress information on the subject, have spread the idea that the ‘Men in Black’ are CIA agents,” said researcher Linda Murphy in  Astronet Review No. 1, February 1, 1992, “but this hypothesis is difficult to maintain in view of the evidence for their world-wide appearances, the uniformity and peculiarity of their looks, and strangeness of their conduct.”

“Study of 32 of the more reliable cases on file reveals the many details diverge markedly from the archetypal story: there were, for instance, no visitors at all in four cases, only subsequent telephone calls,” said Orbis Publishing, 1991, “The Unexplained,” No.10, “and, for the remainder, only five involved three men, two involved four, five involved two, while in the rest there was mention only of a single visitor.”

Perhaps the most comprehensive list is that of Gareth J. Medway in the March 8, 2012 Mac’s UFO News: “The following list cannot be complete, but it does I think include all of the well-known cases, and many little-known ones.”


Some researchers even maintained that the famed September 19, 1961 UFO abduction of Barney and Betty Hill near Portsmouth, New Hampshire indicated a paranormal and mystical nature of the “visitors.” John Fuller’s The Interrupted Journey fully examined the episode (Penguin Group, 1975).

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The Abductors

Described as “red-headed Irishman,” one of the “visitors” that appeared was wearing “a shiny black coat and black scarf.” The creatures had strange insect-like faces with wide, thin mouths, huge slanting eyes that seemed to glow and went around the creatures’ heads. “The point is that we Americans are building a mythology for ourselves,” said Linda Murphy, February 1, 1992 in Astronet Review, No. 1, “just as the Europeans did with their tales of dragons, ogres and elves, and just as all people have done in all parts of the world in all ages.”

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 Betty Hill’s Alien


Linda Murphy continued: “The devil, for example, was very often described as a man dressed in black. The ability to change shape and appear in any form was common, attributed to demons…the same range of physical symptoms reported by those who encountered the MIBs.”

George Hansen in The Trickster and the Paranormal (Xlibris Corporation, . 2001) denoted such a phenomenon as “the Trickster”: “The ‘Trickster’ is a character type that appears worldwide in folklore and mythology. The term was probably first introduced in this context in 1885 by Daniel G. Brinton. Virtually all cultures have Tricksters, and there are innumerable examples; a few include: coyote of North American Indians, Hermes of the Greeks, Elegiac of West Africa, and Loki of the Norse. There is considerable diversity among them.  At one end are primitive buffoons, at the other, gods.”      

“…there is a strong case here for psychic aspects of UFOs,” said Jacques Vallee, “but just saying that UFOs belong to the realm of psychic phenomenon doesn’t explain them.”  Vallee added: “”It may be that there is inherent in our species, a sort of built-in defense mechanism, that reveals itself only in times of extreme social stress, and one of its manifestations is the phenomenon known as UFOs…that certainly produces some very unusual biological consequences…a triggering of a genetic process…people seeing things in the sky, and various physical effects might even result.”

The Edge of Reality: A Progress Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, J. Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallee, Henry Regnery Company, Chicago, Illinois 60601, 1975.


Jacques Vallee was describing a very peculiar liminality to the social “chemistry” of the physical and parapsychological basis of the UFO phenomenon. That reality intimately permeated the intricate inner-structure of this unusual activity.  

Researchers, such as Peter Levenda, said that a secret space program and society fit into this “mix” (Secret Space Program, Amsterdam International Conference, April 3, 2011). Very early in the 20th century, inventors and wealth entered a “matrix” of technology and mysticism beyond popular funds and resources into programs well advanced ahead of common knowledge.

The “Mystery Airship Phenomena” of the late 1890s are a case in point, and some researchers, such as Jim Marrs (Rule by Secrecy, Harper Collins Publisher, 2001. Our Occulted History, Harper Collins Publisher, 2013.) spoke about a salient technology that existed through the years beyond surface culture, including inventors such as Jack Parsons (1936), the Nazi culture and science of the Third Reich, the Mysticism of the Nine (1952), Operation Paperclip, and much more.

Science-fiction writers such as Jules Verne (Robur the Conqueror) and H.G. Wells (The Shape of Things to Come), as was so often true in fiction prophecy, seemed to visualize life that was about to become reality. Modern-day writers look back and see things as they might have been (Dawn of Steam: First Light Paperback by Jeffrey Cook and Sarah Symonds, 2014).

A list of theories and case histories have been gradually advancing along the lines that Jim Marrs and Jacques Vallee spoke of – Leonardo Da Vinci secrets, the Sonora Aero Club at the dawn of the century, and other mysterious industries. Sometimes referred to as the “Illuminati” (more recently as the Military-Industrial-Complex [and expanded by Steve Erdmann to the “Military-Industrial-Corporate-Complex-Matrix]), these True Believers adjoin this “elite” of a global and superior technology that would possibly explain the antics of the Men in Black. The activities included the strange UFO incidents and various political confluences that “swim under the radar.”

“The conspiracy is immense and terrifying, stretching from Hassan-i-Sabbath, 11th-century Assassin, to Ian Fleming (who caricatured the order as ‘SPECTRE’). It is the network of those who run networks. Given its power, you should assume that anyone writing about the order must be either lying or part of a conspiracy to confound you. In wondering about the Illuminati, merely remember this. You have never arrived. (Note the motto of the Assassins: ‘Nothing is true. Everything is permitted’).”

Aleister Crowley: The Midnight Messenger by Mike Culkin –


“We have to reevaluate the history of the world since 1945…we have to go back and look at it again,” said Levenda, “…break-away civilizations…about motivations, about how to create a space program for the rich and powerful…(who want to) jump-start  evolution…(they  try  to create) companies based on fear.”

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A Secret Space Program

“All serious magical rituals are a hidden advanced technology, concealed in a cipher now revealed. The Ultra terrestrials have been our teachers, puppet masters, body snatchers, lovers, and slave masters. Among us are Adepts who are in league with them, from the ancient priesthoods of light and darkness, to the Hidden Church of Light or Great White Brotherhood, and the Dark Lodges or the Black Lodge.”

Secret Rituals of the Men in Black, Allen H. Greenfield, 2005. – in – black.htm#16 – in –summary – revision – of – the – history – of – planet – earth.

“There was no (space) race: there was a cooperation,” said Levenda, “…another level of government in the world.”

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You can Friend him at!/stephen.erdmann1 on Facebook –  or – visit the Dissenter/Disinter Group – at –!/groups/171577496293504/. 
His Facebook email is
You can also contact him through the editor of  UFO Digest Magazine.
Here are some others: – TheDissenter,,,
Alternate Perception Magazine:,
The UFO Stalkers 23495215052_4e4ff1df82_b
Mystery Men Walk Among Us.
TheUFOStalkers Carlos 1896753_10152059601084006_1318890853_n
 Carlos de Santos Montiel UFO Sighting
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They Visited Montiel
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They Came in Black Cadillacs,keel/Timeline.
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They Use Intimidation
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Author Jenny Randles
TheUFOStalkers Cover 9781466878631
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The Abductors
TheUFOStalkers Alien drawing
 Betty Hill’s Alien

Dawn of Steam: First Light Paperback

By Jeffrey Cook (Author), Sarah Symonds  (Contributor), 2014.

In 1815, in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars, two of England’s wealthiest lords place a high-stakes wager on whether a popular set of books, which claim that the author has traveled to many unknown corners of the globe, are truth or, more likely, wild fiction. First Light is an epistolary novel, told primarily through the eyes of former aide-de-camp Gregory Conan Watts, describing the journeys of the airship Dame Fortuna and its crew through journals and letters to his beloved fiancée. The first recruit is, necessarily, the airship’s owner: war hero, famed genius, and literal knight in steam-powered armor Sir James Coltrane. 

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The Mothman
Top 5
Albert K. Bender
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The Breakaway Civilization

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Steve Erdmann – Independent Investigative Journalist


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Story behind Serpo!

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The Late, Great Planet Serpo




Steve Erdmann


Copyright, C, Steve Erdmann, 2014
This article was published in the September 7 through 13, 2014 issues of UFO Digest.
It is printed here with permission.
Permission granted to reviewers and journalists to quote small statements.
Another version of this article can be seen at


Anonymous” introduced an UFO Internet thread list to Victor Martinez in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2011 telling of a supposed highly classified “Top Secret Codewood” about an interstellar Exchange Program in which twelve U.S military personnel arrived by alien spaceship in 1965 on a planet popularly known as Serpo.

Monitored by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Project Crystal Knight, bits and pieces of this adventure was disclosed by “Anonymous” on Bill Ryan’s website. A mysterious “Red Book” was discussed as a compendium of our relationship with UFO intelligence “from 1947 to the present day.”

“Although he never mentions it,” said Author Len Kasten, “it seems very likely that he is, or has been a member of Majestic 12 (MJ-12), the secret organization set up by President Harry S. Truman to deal with extraterrestrial affairs.”

(Secret Journey to Planet Serpo, Len Kasten, Bear & Company, One Park Street, Rochester, Vermont, 05767,, 2013, 282 pages, $18.00.)


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According to Kasten, the most influential person in the history of UFOs and extraterrestrials was Karl Ernst Haushofer who blended the “ultra nationalistic, militaristic and fascist” Japanese Black Dragons with the occult-based 1918 Thule Society.

“It is now well known that German aeronautical engineers were working on antigravity discs beginning in 1933,” said Kasten. “And by 1945 they had developed a highly sophisticated circular craft that was able to fly at very high altitudes and with incredible speed using electromagnetic propulsion technology.”

Largely a small Buddhist Monastic sect possessing occult and black magical power created Nazi inspiration: The Green Dragons, Society of Green Men; this cabal taught German militarists the power of astral travel and visits to a “snake world” of a serpent race called the Negas.

“It is said to be a massive, seven-level complex of huge caverns and tunnels, deep underground,” said Kasten. The teachings of the Green Dragons led directly into the Nazi Aryan Race doctrines..


Nazi Germany eventually expanded into a Fourth Reich with seeds of a Wunderwaffee (Wonder Weapon), Twilight of the Gods, the Haunebu I and II, the “dreadnought,” that finalized into an integrated space program in the United States. Chief regime components were shipped and secreted to Neuschwabenland in Antarctica that had been established through 1930’s and 1940’s. Neu Berlin housed a community of about forty thousand civilians by the end of the war; a German-Japanese crew attempted a suicide space mission to Mars in 1945.

An armada headed by the late Admiral Richard E. Byrd, sent to squelch the Nazi operation, was surprised in 1947 by unexpected Nazi flying discs.

“Now certain that the Third Reich had survived in Antarctica and had perfected their flying discs,” said Kasten, “it is likely that alarm, and even panic, prevailed at the Pentagon.”


.TheLateGreat BATTLE --operation-highjump-flying-saucer

High Jump was Attacked.

With the crash of alien discs in New Mexico in 1947 (as well as other places), a completely new game plan had to be invented.  An alien that was detained but treated well by American military forces, contacted its home planet and eventually repatriated. The story continued by claiming that this led to the establishment of some sort of relationship between the American government and the people of its home world – said to be a planet of the binary star system Zeta Reticuli.

Further disc crashes and capture of extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) “opened up an entirely new era of our planet history.”  An Executive Summary, The Red Book, was supervised by “Anonymous.”

Zeta Reticuli had a history in ufology (including the Betty and Barney Hill abduction and the Bob Lazar story), having been claimed as the home system of an alien race called the Greys.

“It was the first baby step for Earth on the stage of galactic affairs,” said Kasten, “and it initiated a lasting alliance between the United States and civilization on a distant planet.”.


“…the Ebens did send another scout craft to Earth,” said Kasten, “on May 20, 1953. And that craft did not crash – it landed.”

The four Ebens were taken to the Los Alamos Laboratories. The craft went to a Nevada test site.

Intelligence “turf wars,” well into the 1960’s, the Kennedy Administration, all prefaced the creation of an “exchange program” with the Ebens that had scientists go to their home planet of Serpo.  Majestic-12 clandestinely supervised the events.

Portions of the book described the selection and training of the Serpos astronauts and their scheduled landings on Serpo. Readers are best to determine for themselves the “guts” of the book that described the adventures of our astronauts on Serpo. Those events were laced through various narratives about the life of the Ebens and their inventions that, frankly, resembled “campy” science fiction on a 1950’s television series. Movie producer Steven Spielberg was supposedly “leaked” classified UFO files. The late scientist Carl Sagan, said to be part of the Serpo adventure, supported its planning..

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Movie Scene Replicating a Serpo Crew.

“Evidently, the actions of every Eben were controlled by orders or directions from a central authority via the device worn on the belt,” said Kasten, “and the movements of the sun. The central authority is apparently an agency of the council of governors, so named by the Team. This makes the Eben populace almost robotic. It would even be appropriate to use the term enslaved.”.


After thirteen years on Serpo, the crew returned to earth on August 18, 1978. Two remained on Serpo. Military debriefing ran from 1978 until 1984. The Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI) became the astronauts’ “handlers.”.

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The Mysterious World of Serpo.

The Ebens did return on November 11, 2010 and November 2012.  A Final Report was written in 1980.

Kasten had an easy, and sometimes polished, style of writing and a few acclaimed books to his name; unfortunately, as it so happened in so many UFO ‘legends,’ the “tide can turn” with the swell of investigations that researched beneath the surface. “All that glittered was not gold.”

Questions had risen about the events described in the book. Steve Erdmann saw gaping holes in Kasten’s Eben history. It seemed that a lot of alleged UFO history activity was taking place as a continual basis on Earth, despite the sketchy “trips” from Serpo in 1947, 1953, 1965, 2010 and 2012. A whole range of UFO activity existed since 1947. This history included the testimony of a co-pilot, Mike Dinan, one of two airline pilots who were directed away from Area 51 in 1988 during multiple “lights” zipping at terrific speeds onto a landing strip (The Unexplained Files, “Paranormal Highway of America”, Chuck Zuchowski, investigator, Sean Smith, director). What was the progenitor of all this UFO activity for the past 67 years?

Further alleged UFO bustle could be seen in another book that highlighted various fluid UFO activities..

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UFOs Over Area 51 .

The Serpo story, in several ways, seemed to resemble the same story line of fiction possibly fostered off as fact in the book Raechel’s Eyes: coauthored by Helen Littrell and Jean Bilodeaux and published by Wild Flower Press, 2005.  The authors tell the story of a teenage female hybrid called Raechel and her attempt to “pass” among humans as one of them.


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“Raechel” – Helen Littrell

An unusual roommate showed up named “Raechel Nadien” in the book and “Racheal” with a differently spelled last name in the ARC Dean of Enrollment Services confirmation at a nearby school. With Racheal was her “father,” USAF Colonel “Harry Nadien.”  The Colonel would eventually tell Helen and Marisa (two characters in the book) that he had worked since 1956 at a highly classified underground facility called “Four Corners” many miles south of Ely, Nevada.  This was a connection point in route to the northern edge of Area 51, Groom Lake, Nellis AFB, Nevada — long associated with secretly housing a few live extraterrestrials and trying to back-engineer extraterrestrial craft and technologies..

The problem with such similar and multiple scenarios is that they left incongruous cracks in the tales of extraterrestrials coming to earth.  In the case of  Raechel Nadien and fellow ET visitors, visits to ATIC and other secret areas were regular and often: there were no allusions to Serpo and those clandestine visits, though Nadien’s space traffic was systematic.  I am quite sure that the ‘tellers’ of such tales would act quickly to repair these cracks, but, perhaps revealing only more ‘cracks.’

The “Eyes” book began with Air Force Colonel Harry Nadien, the man who in the 1970s presented himself as Raechel’s father and his assignment in 1956 to Four Corners, a secret military base in Nevada, where it was believed that several times a year craft carrying extraterrestrials would land; Raechel appeared in the 1970’s. Did Colonel Nadien tell anyone or Marisa the entire story about how he came to be involved with aliens and how he adopted Raechel as his daughter? Again, the story alluded to much UFO traffic..

Unfortunately, some investigators found further into their investigations a disappointing mixed bag of events in the Serpo tale:

Author and filmmaker Linda Moulton-Howe had been informed about an Earth/alien exchange program in 1983, when doing research for UFOs: The ET Factor, a documentary for HBO. Given approval by his superiors to allow her to Top Secret Air Force information and video footage in her documentary, Air Force Sergeant Richard C. Doty approached Linda..


“Some of the information, Doty said, involved an alleged exchange program of humans who left Holloman Air Force Base in 1964 for Zeta Reticuli. Howe was told that three humans went but one died on the alien planet; one went insane (but there was no information on his fate); and one returned to Earth and was then living in a U.S. government safe house on an undisclosed island.”.

One criticism of Project Serpo stems from the lack of forensic proof of one of its alleged witnesses, Sergeant Richard Doty. Doty has been involved in other mysterious UFO-related activities (see Majestic 12 and Paul Bennewitz); he appeared to be a discredited source (or a purposeful provider of disinformation). Additionally, there is no physical evidence supporting the project’s existence. According to Tim Swartz of Mysteries Magazine, Doty, who promised evidence to Moulton Howe, before he began to back out, has been involved in circulating several other UFO conspiracy stories. Swartz also expressed the opinion that the specifics of Project Serpo have diverged considerably with different versions. It was alleged that the entire series of posts were designed to be “viral marketing” for a new book by Doty..

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.(“FALCON: Sgt. Richard Dick Doty, USAF (Ret.), Special Agent, Air Force Office of Special Investigations, reported to have engaged in UFO disinformation projects, including reportedly hoaxing TV producer Linda Moulton Howe concerning availability of a tape showing a UFO landing at Holloman Air Force Base, NM.  Doty was also allegedly waging psychological warfare on Albuquerque defense electronics contractor Paul Bennewitz, concerning Bennewitz’s electronic monitoring of UFO activity around Kirtland AFB/Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, reportedly causing/exacerbating a mental breakdown in Mr. Bennewitz. Reportedly, FALCON claims to have seen the Roswell Alien Autopsy film (shown worldwide August 28, 1995) some time ago at Los Alamos National Laboratory.”) .

An investigative film entitled Mirage Men was extracted from the 2010 book of the same name by the British author Mark Pilkington, who is also involved here as writer, producer and onscreen talking head. The film was highly focused, converging on the U.S., specifically a handful of well-known figures and events in UFO circles. One paramount player in both the book and film is Richard Doty, a former counterintelligence officer with the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), who claimed to have spent decades deliberately spreading disinformation about extraterrestrials: “weapons of mass deception,” as one interviewee hauntingly put it. Another is UFOlogist and author William Moore, whose books included The Roswell Incident and The Philadelphia Experiment..

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Mark Pilkington.

“Mirage Men doesn’t break any new ground in discussing many of these topics: readers will find discussion of them in books ranging from Jacques Vallee’s Messengers of Deception through to Greg Bishop’s book on the deception aimed at Paul Bennewitz, Project Beta (Bishop himself appears extensively in the documentary),” said Greg in A Fractured Hall of Mirrors, 4:46 p.m., June 17, 2013.  “What it does do though is gets Richard Doty, a notoriously slippery man to corner, in front of the camera discussing the things he has done, along with a number of the other significant players. The intelligent viewer will however ask why Rick Doty came forward willingly to be an interview subject for this documentary, given every move he has made on the UFO topic seems to have been precisely calculated to have a certain effect.   He seemingly has no reason to offer all this information.

So why is he doing it? And why does he admit to so much, but then deny involvement with Serpo when investigators seem to have caught him red-handed (via email IP addresses)?”.

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Artist Conception of the Serpo Crew Contact.

Further criticisms of the story included the usual arguments against the various UFO theories, descriptions of the UFO data, and faster-than-light travel, as well as astronomical knowledge of the Zeta Reticuli system.  A list of complaints (though not the final count) went as follows:

  • There was currently no evidence of life in the system and no evidence of planets because the stars are widely separated (several thousand astronomical units).
  • Zeta Reticuli was not a close binary: the two stars are one light year apart.
  • Claims of excess radiation because of the presence of a second star are nonsensical.
  • UFO researcher Greg Bishop quoted “Request Anonymous” in “Serpo Was a Big Fat Fake” (UFO Mystic, Thursday, February 22, 2007 [7:30 p.m. CST].): “The 12 remained until 1978, when they were returned to the same location in Nevada.  Seven men and one woman returned.  Two died on the alien’s home planet.  Four others decided to remain, according to the returnees. Of the eight that returned, all have died.  The last survivor died in 2002.”  Bishop pointed out a simple error: The math is wrong.  How could eight people return to Earth out of twelve when two died on the planet and four decided to remain?
  • “Anonymous” claimed that Ebens weighed the equipment of the Team, which calculated to 4.5 tons or 9,000 pounds. Allegedly, military style C-Rations were carefully planned for 10 years. However, the true math, instead, would be as follows: C rations, that is a box a day for each person: Weight of a box: 7 pounds, i.e. a little more than 3 kg.  There were 12 astronauts, therefore 36 kilos per day. Per annum: 13 tons. For ten years that, however, would be 130 tons.
  • “In the UFO hoax stakes this is still way below UMMO (another sophisticated tale eventually discovered to be a hoax…S.E.); the science fiction is derivative; the story is obvious rubbish, with absurdities such as humans actually being able to eat alien food,” said reviewer Roger Rogerson. “The society makes little sense as a source of advanced technology.  If they think they can make a film out of this, I reckon that Steven Spielberg and the creators of Star Trek would both have a good case for plagiarism.”

(Roger Caleb Rogerson is a former Detective Sergeant of the New South Wales Police Force. He was one of its most decorated officers, having received at least 13 awards for bravery, outstanding police-officer-ship and devotion to duty including the Peter Mitchell Trophy, the highest annual police award.  Sadly, as the ironies of Fate would have it, Rogerson stepped into crime and in a final trial on 15 June 2016, Rogerson and Glen McNamara were found guilty of  Jamie Gao’s murder.)

  • According to Tim Swartz of Mysteries Magazine, Doty, who promised evidence to Moulton Howe before backing out, has been involved in circulating several other UFO conspiracy stories. Swartz also expressed that the details of Project Serpo have varied considerably with different accounts.  It has been alleged that the entire series of posts were designed to be viral marketing for a new book by Doty..

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Author Tim Swartz.

As can be seen, on a more fundamental level, it is entirely possible that the messages originating the story were deliberate hoaxes.  The postings were to Internet forums that cover conspiracy theories and UFOs, and a cursory examination of such forums shows that hoaxes are very possible. Some UFOlogists have even claimed that the messages were a hoax perpetrated by the American military and intelligence communities as a cover for real secret programs..

All of the information presented to Victor Martinez and Bill Ryan by ‘Request Anonymous’ came in fact from Richard C. Doty.   Martinez may have suspected Doty’s involvement, but Bill Ryan knew from the very start that he was getting the Serpo material directly from the former AFOSI security guard. Doty has continuously denied being involved in the story, despite the mountains of evidence to the contrary. In addition to Doty, Martinez and Ryan, the behind the scenes ‘Team of Five’ who collaborated extensively on the project is completed by Dr. Christopher ‘Kit’ Green – a former analyst with the CIA, and physicist Dr. Harold (Hal) E. Puthoff.   “The material to follow will show that Serpo was not a lone-gunman operation, but collaboration between three friends, who between them already had many years’ experience of scamming the UFO community.   This investigation, told in full for the first time, is the precursor to our main report into the Imaginary Intelligence Agency, a group also known under the name Scammers Inc.”.

Bill Ryan, a chief proponent of publicizing the Project Serpo claims, announced on March 5, 2007 that he was stepping down from his role as webmaster for the Serpo material. Ryan nevertheless maintained his belief that an extraterrestrial exchange program did occur – although he stated that the Serpo releases definitely contained disinformation..,_astrology,_ufology_and_pseudoscience#Serpo%EF%BB%BF.
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UFOlogist Bill Ryan


An investigator that went by the alias of “ryguy” said he was fortunate to intercept raw emails from the hidden players in the hoax. On Sunday, May 20, 2007, 1:09 p.m., Ryguy said:

“Our team of researchers determined that was the original ‘Anon’s’ email address, and ‘Sylvester McCoglin’ the name behind Anonymous.

“In an effort to identify who in fact was behind the Serpo story, an email account was created called the and on February 16, 2006, an email from this account was sent to Victor Martinez. Victor responded just over 30 minutes later.”

Steve Erdmann presented some of them, uncleansed and in virgin form. Readers examined and deciphered them:

“[From Sylvester]
We must be careful. TRUST NO ONE!!!
You were NOT FIRED.
“I now need your help to identify the imposters.
Send me copies of ALL Messages you have from me and
“I will explain more soon. The lycos address is
compromised. Give this address to NO ONE and do not
tell anyone that we are in contact.
reply immediately. I miss our chats.

“[Reply from Victor]
“WOW! I have tried sending messages to THIS lycos address but they have
ALL bounced, so I removed you from my stream e-mail list as of two (2)
weeks ago. WHAT happened?! WHO was sending the postings? Bill Ryan
has been getting ALL of the postings, NOT me so I have NO messages to
forward to you at all!
“Also, per your request, I ERASED ALL of your e-mails prior to Dec
19/20, so there are NONE to compare them with! I RESPECTED YOUR WISHES.
“MANY people have suspected that Bill was dealing with an IMPOSTER
because his streams had a different “feel” to them than mine. What I
can do is stream the postings since you left,… would you like those?

“Editor comment:
1. The Lycos email account has been inactive since last December.
2. Why would the original Anonymous have asked Victor to delete the original emails?

“Victor continues his due diligence in authenticating as his original ‘Anon’.
“As you will notice, even before doing this authentication, Victor acknowledges sending a ‘flurry of emails’ to this address.”

“[From Victor]
I am 99.99% CERTAIN that it is ‘you’ by a key phrase you used of  ‘I
miss our chats.’ [me too!]

“But you also said ‘TRUST NO ONE!’ so this should include YOU, should it

“OK, so to make 100% CERTAIN that it’s the “old” ANONYMOUS, let me ask
you two (2) ‘trivia’ questions which you should be able to answer

“1) When was your LAST posting sent to me which comprised the journal
entries for POSTING #11?

“2) Pull out a trivia question from your OLD account and then
answer your own question and send it to me at your NEW
account,… how’s that for MY being careful?

“I just sent you a flurry of e-mails catching you up with Everything
that’s been going on.

“FLASH: ‘Project SERPO’ is on the FRONT COVER of the new Feb/March
issue of ‘UFO Magazine’ with virtually the ENTIRE issue devoted to it! CHECK
IT OUT! I’ll send you and the members of the DIA-6 ALL copies of it if
you wish!

“NOTE: I will NOT include this new e-mail address in new future
postings just to make SURE that your ID is NOT compromised; I’ll send you any
future postings privately and to you ONLY; no ‘cc’s’ OK?

“AC-626 358-xxxx – landline
AC-626 824-xxxx – cellphone.”

Reality Uncovered investigators tried to untangle the mishmash of names and researchers that have been deliberately and, perhaps, unfortunately sewn together in order to bolster the claims of Anonymous and supporters; Ron Pandolfi was one such individual caught in the web: 

There were a few things people should know about the incident Gary referred to, where Ron and Green appeared to be discussing the “Serpo” hoax.  The facts were as follows:

– Ron Pandolfi did not volunteer his time or attention to the hoax – he was contacted and drawn into it (possibly intentionally) by Dr. Green.

– Ron conducted an unofficial, brief query regarding a few alleged DIA names that Dr. Green told Ron Pandolfi might be relevant and important.

– In the course of trying to ascertain where the names Dr. Green received came from, Ron Pandolfi interviewed Rick Doty via email.

– All of the above activities were done out of a personal, private request from his friend Kit Green – otherwise Pandolfi would have had no interest in this drama

“From: Ronald Pandolfi []
Sent: Sat 9/2/2006 2:29 PM
“To: Green, Christopher
Subject: RE: PRIVATE: Search For Two DIA Sources


“I was not with you during the meeting you had with Barry Hennessey about Rick’s polygraph records.  The meeting you and I participated in included Barry Hennessey, Col. Weaver, and the CIA CI Director and did not involve any discussion of Rick’s polygraph records. So the quote from Ms. Loscowski regarding what I did and the circumstances of the meeting could not have been correct.  More likely the person who claimed to be Ms. Loscowski described what she had read on the Internet concerning the fabricated story that you and I had met with Barry Hennessy to discuss Rick’s polygraph records. Therefore, the lady who contacted you most likely was not Col.Weaver.

“Your expansion of the story of the two DIA employees visiting LANL and being known to others has me concerned.  The names you provided do not correspond to any DIA employees. There are no people with those names that have TS//SCI clearances.  If the story of the sources/visitors is true, they are falsely representing themselves as DIA employees, possibly to access sensitive facilities and acquire classified information for a foreign service.

“I am nearly certain that Rick fabricated this entire story, and that he is Mr. Anonymous, Ms. Loscowski, and the two DIA sources/visitors.  If so, Rick may just be having a good time, and we need not be concerned for national security.  If not, there may actually be a network of foreign agents penetrating some of our most sensitive facilities under the false flag of a DIA operation.  Therefore please be very clear in describing the form of communications you had with Ms. Loscowski (e.g. phone, e-mail, etc.); how you acquired the additional background concerning the DIA sources visitors; and what you know of about the many people who know them.

Ron .”.


“On February of 2006, in collaboration with the RU research team (at the time), I wrote part 9 of the Serpo expose – which combined a long communication stream that took place between Marilyn Ruben, myself, and Kit Green, as well as background research conducted by the team, mostly by Hidden Hand on the Rubens.  The resulting article concluded as follows:

“With the publication of this article, I am personally concluding my research into Serpo. My personal focus will no longer be on this hoax, but instead on the larger issues where individuals have been involved, both inside and outside of U.S. Intel for many years.  The larger issue of what the government truly knows (or doesn’t know), what incidents remain unexplained that represent authentic sightings and encounters, and how all governments have dealt, and continue to deal with such phenomenon.

“Since that article, we have worked to move our focus away from the Serpo drama and to follow the leads related more to government intelligence associated with ufology, and talking with researchers who focus more on intel, counterintel, and espionage.  These are researchers who also recognize the same patterns that we’ve recognized can be found running through ufological stories and folklore for many decades.

“One particular thread of inquiry has brought us back to this article from last year. New data has now become available that sheds new light on the ‘TC/Seinu Group.’   In light of this new data, it would be inaccurate and unscientific if I didn’t correct part of my previous conclusion from a year ago, and replace it with data that more accurately replaces that previous conclusion.  The first step is to correct that previous conclusion.

“The conclusion was as follows:

“The legend of Serpo will be that it was a fabrication of Collins and Rick, as part of a viral marketing plan to generate buzz and interest for a book. It is this writer’s conclusion that the only ones ‘behind’ Rick Doty, in the creation of this hoaxed information, were Bob Collins and Douglas and Marilyn Ruben.

“While the premise of the entire article was accurate – laying out the connections of a book promoter to this particular book author, as well as the fact that a collaborator (Doty) of the author’s (regardless of their silly staged ‘arguments’) was in the process of distributing the Serpo releases – that one final paragraph was speculative and, now we realize, not completely accurate.

“While Marilyn did in fact help Collins to promote his book, and in addition assisted the team of 5 in fending off attacks that would expose Rick as the source of the releases – we have uncovered enough additional information to be convinced that she was not one of those who were creating these releases.

Our subsequent investigations after February 2006 have shown that there are others who are more likely to have been working with Doty in creating the releases, and so it must be pointed out, in all fairness and accuracy, that Marilyn most likely was not one those people.  The article on the main page will also be edited shortly to reflect this – Ry.”.

Ken Adachi, Editor of, said in The Ultimate Terror:

“The first phase of government mind control development grew out of the old occult techniques which required the victim to be exposed to massive psychological and physical trauma, usually beginning in infancy, in order to cause the psyche to shatter into a thousand alter personalities which can then be separately programmed to perform any function (or job) that the programmer wishes to ’install.’  Each alter personality created is separate and distinct from the front personality.  The ‘front personality’ is unaware of the existence or activities of the alter personalities.  Alter personalities can be brought to the surface by programmers or handlers using special codes, usually stored in a laptop computer.  The victim of mind control can also be affected by specific sounds, words, or actions known as triggers.

“The second phase of mind control development was refined at an underground base below Fort Hero on Montauk, Long Island (New York) and is referred to as the Montauk Project.

The earliest adolescent victims of Montauk style programming, so called Montauk Boys, were programmed using trauma-based techniques, but that method was eventually abandoned in favor of an all-electronic induction process which could be ‘installed’ in a matter of days (or even hours) instead of the many years that it took to complete trauma-based methods.”.

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The Montauk Facilities.

We had entered an age where the perception of reality can be created and controlled by conspirators, handlers and Power brokers that have intruded – even into the possible quantum level – upon our scientifically established world.  This should have behooved us to be evermore perceptive in distinguishing the nature of facts and findings.  A large portion of the world’s population showed a tendency to believe that UFOnauts are here today, without holding any solid scientific evidence as investigators and readers to back up these beliefs.  These citizens are especially vulnerable to psychotronic mind manipulation.

Could some aspects of such a tale somehow be truthfully hidden beneath all the rumor, entertainment and speculative clamor?  That, as is with most objective reality, had to be ‘proven’ somehow.  The byline should have existed as ‘beware.’  Modern Paranormal investigators had to be three times as smart and grounded in scientific and forensic reality over and above what practices had been in the past.

“A modern version of MK-Ultra is presently in widespread operation in many nations,” said investigative researcher Jeff Polachek, “it involves the covert implantation of classified neurotechnology into the brains and bodies of non-consenting and unaware subjects.  This is accomplished by ‘black operations’ involving home entries, complicit personnel in medical and custodial settings, and possibly other means.  The civilian population as a whole, including children, is the target.”

“Concerted efforts are made to prevent subjects from understanding what is happening to them,” continued Polachek, “amnesia is artificially induced to prevent them from recalling anything about these events, most likely by means of electrical stimulation of the claustrum or other parts of the brain using previously-implanted neurotechnology and/or the application of drugs such as anesthetics or benzodiazepines.

“The secrecy of these programs is preserved with the aid of disinformation campaigns or ‘cover stories.’  These campaigns include a number of carefully chosen themes.”.

As readers might demand clarification about further details and proof of the Serpo story, contradictions and falsification may perforate the tale even further.  If this would happen, the summation would not be about a grandiose adventure to a distant planet, but a swansong for the late, great planet Serpo.

Author Len Kasten has a B.A. degree from Cornell University, where he majored in psychology and minored in literature and philosophy. After graduating from Cornell, he entered the U.S. Air Force Aviation Cadet program.  While in the Air Force, he experienced a UFO encounter that had a transformative effect on his life, although he did not realize it until a few years later. After serving in the Air Force, he moved to Richmond, Virginia.  On frequent trips to Virginia Beach, he spent a lot of time in the extensive New Age library at the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), the organization founded by psychic Edgar Cayce, where he acquired a self-education in metaphysics.  He then moved to Boston where he was introduced to Theosophy and joined the Boston Theosophical Society.

Then later, while working in Washington D.C. in the 1960’s, he felt drawn to join the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). NICAP was the most prestigious organization in the country investigating UFO phenomena.  Len then moved to Hartford, Connecticut where he joined the American Philosopher Society.  Upon the death of the founder, Cyril Benton, Len became the president of the society. In the 1980’s, the APS, under Len’s leadership, commenced a program of weekly public lectures by prominent metaphysical and ufology researchers, writers, and leaders.  While living in Connecticut Len became the editor of an early New Age publication, Metamorphosis Magazine, co-founded with Gordon-Michael Scallion..

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Len Kasten



“Needless to say, the story is total bollocks, as the Brits would say. The reason this is coming up again right now is because of the people involved. One of them is Richard Doty, a well-known UFO fabulist, which is no surprise. He has confessed to supposedly providing disinformation to the poor, mad Paul Bennewitz on behalf of the Air Force. (I say that Bennewitz (1927-2003) was ‘mad’ because he was literally using tinfoil to keep out alien thought rays, even before he had any contact with the Air Force.)  Although in my view it’s much more likely that Doty was operating as a free-lance disinformation agent, telling B.S. stories to Bennewitz for his own inscrutable reasons.”
Quote from the below article:
You can reach Steve Erdmann at  – or –
You can friend him at Facebook –  or – visit the Dissenter/Disinter Group  –  at!/groups/171577496293504/.
His Facebook email is
You can also visit his articles at the following: – TheDissenter,,,,
Alternate Perception Magazine:

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Steve Erdmann –  Independent Investigative Journalist


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Movie Scene Replicating a Serpo Crew

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The Mysterious World of Serpo

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“Raechel” – Helen Littrell


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The Montauk Facilities

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Mark Pilkington
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Operation High Jump was Attacked

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Artist Conception of the Serpo Crew Contact

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UFOs Over Area 51

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Ufologist Bill Ryan

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Author Tim Swartz

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Steve Erdmann –  independent Investigative  Journalist 


Another version of this article can be seen at