The World of the Trickster!

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When UFOs Get Tricky


Steve Erdmann

Copyright, C, Steve Erdmann, 2014 
This article was published in the April 21 and May 14, 2014 issues of UFO Digest.
It is printed here with permission.
Reviewers and Journalist free to quote with full credits

Another version of this article can be seen at

George P. Hanson portrayed the paranormal, Psi, parapsychology, ghosts, UFOs, and all the monsters that seem to be associated with this arena in complicated detail in The Trickster and the Paranormal.  Hansen, formerly employed in parapsychology laboratories for eight years, three at the Rhine Research Center in Durham, North Carolina, discovered the Shadow Reality of what appears to be behind these global specters. He believed there are various stages we must go through to discover their origin:

“This recombination of elements is a quality also found in altered (i.e., destructed) states of consciousness,” said Hanson. “Odd assortments of items appear in dreams and in productions of visionary artists. This is perhaps the essence of creativity – producing new patterns, new ways of seeing the world.”

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   George P. Hansen

(The Trickster and the Paranormal, George P. Hanson, Xlibris Corporation,,, 1-888-795-4274, 2001, 564 pages, $23.46 [Amazon].)

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Prevalent themes ran through all cultures as shared beliefs, archetypes, and characteristics. Hanson called these repetitive, and often contradictory, characteristics and identities of “the trickster” as scornful. “…tricksters typically engage in deceit…tricksters often disrupt things. They don’t fit in well with the established order. They violate taboos, sometimes so severely that they are forced to live apart from others…deception, disruption, reduced sexual inhibitions, and magical Psi, supernatural practices.”


The concept of the trickster ran as a gamut of lore and beliefs: Hermes of the Greeks, Loki of the Norse, Eshu-Elegba of Africa, Mercurius, and a whole pantheon of gods, goddesses, shamans, and legends. It included mysticism, magic, UFOs, conjurors, and a host of “unbounded phenomena,” as spoken by Hanson, which further included Big Foot sightings, cattle mutilations, UFO flaps, Men in Black, phantom helicopters, and even stranger characters.

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The Trickster Can and Likes to be Seen Often in the Disguise of a Clown 

“Unbounded phenomena are messy; gathering reliable information is difficult, and trickster manifestations are acute,” said Hanson. “These factors conspire to discourage scientific investigation, despite the intriguing response.”

“Another drawback to studying such phenomena is that they intrude into the personal lives of investigators. The full impact of this perhaps cannot be appreciated unless one has had direct experience.”


Hanson saw the conflicts of belief that lead to the manifestations of the ‘trickster’ in the structure of the paranormal-related organizations such as the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP). Hanson described CSICOP ingredients:

“It is structural rather than anti-structural; it values hierarchy over communities; it desires stability rather than liminality,” said Hanson. “Nevertheless, because it directly confronts the paranormal, it cannot escape a certain influence from it, and as I will show, the trickster manifests with both the supernatural and its opponents.”

Hanson said that such CSICOP-type debunking was a component of the trickster conflict. The supernatural was rich in all cultures. Slogans such as “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” will not effectively eliminate the supernatural. Hanson said that it was from such a rich soil of the ‘‘energetic, unconscious, archetypal process” that utilized “taboos” which gave birth to the “trickster.” Many other organizations shared and bonded with these same characteristics: clear anti-structural Psi, disorder and deception.


Hanson examined the antics of one Richard C. Doty of the U.S Air Force office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). Hanson studied Doty’s “long and convoluted” association with William L. Moore, MJ-12 papers, Paul Bonnewitz, Linda Howe, and UFO cases such as the Roswell, New Mexico 1947 crashed UFO, the Simone Mendez October, 1981 Top Secret messages, and other stories that portrayed the trickster’s sardonic games.

“Doty really couldn’t have been overlooked,” said Hanson, “after all, Linda Howe had published accounts that raised serious questions, not just about the Air Force, but particularly the AFOSI…and Vallee too raised questions about AFOSI.”


Cecil B. Scott Jones had “multitudinous connections” to “unbounded” phenomena. Jones had exceptionally connected associations in government circles. He also had intimate contacts to New Age, Psi, and UFO topics. He served as president of the American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR).

“Jones was not a marginal individual,” said Hanson. “He had access to the highest levels in government. He associated with some of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world. In fact, some of them financed his activities (1992).”

Hanson went on and tied a long trail of personalities: Bruce Maccabee, John Alexander, Karl Plock, Ed Dames, James Oberg, and several others. All were contributors to the fray.

“Most people think that UFOs, remote viewing, and cattle mutilations are entirely separate domains,” said Hanson, “and when these marginal topics are blended, establishment academics and journalists are repulsed. But the mixture is an ideal exemplar for his book. It displays boundary blurring, marginality, and deception, which are trickster characteristics.”

(Current and present-day “players” would have included controversial personalities such as David Icke, Alex Jones, and Edward Snowden: the list would seem endless as the spirit of such phenomena would be continuous. The troupes are far beyond Hanson’s or my directories.)

(The Alex Jones Show was a nationally syndicated news/talk show based out of Austin, TX. The show was syndicated by the Genesis Communication Network on over 60 AM and FM radio stations across the United States, and had gained a large internet based audience. Jones’ mission was to re-ignite the spirit of 1776 and stand as an example of the fact that one man can build a vocal media platform without the aid of big corporate news networks that only serve to compromise and dilute the core message of freedom and liberty.)

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Alex Jones

(In 1999, Mr. Icke came out with his most famous book, The Biggest Secret. This book established the central tenet of Mr. Icke’s philosophy: that the world is run by a race of reptilian aliens that can change their shape and appear to be human, and that the world’s political, economic and social systems are a colossal conspiracy by these evil aliens to enslave mankind. Over his various series of books and lectures, Mr. Icke has expounded on this theory, weaving a complicated science-fiction history of the world wherein these aliens have been breeding humans since ancient times.)

(Edward Snowden was the man responsible for leaking information about secret government cellphone surveillance. He was a 29-year-old former CIA employee and NSA contractor. He was thought to be one of the most significant intelligence leaks in American history.)


Hanson denoted hoaxing as part of the deceptive fabric. He talked about the UFO phenomena as more than “nuts and bolts” aircraft and “flesh and blood” humanoid occupants. 

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The Conquest of the Joker

“UFO phenomena are fundamentally liminal, interstitial, betwixt and between, and anti-structural. UFOs inhabit the realm between heaven and earth (a binary opposition),” said Hanson, “much like spirits and angels, and they share common properties with them. In this domain we also find the blurring of imagination and reality, another binary opposition.” The field is both a goldmine and a cesspool, according to Hanson, but all outlined the “field’s complexity.”


High-profiled witnesses allegedly observed the purported UFO abduction of Linda Napolitano (Cortile) on November 30, 1989. The case was a complicated abduction story of Napolitano from her apartment in lower Manhattan. Under Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar, along with two hired bodyguards, was an alleged witness. Another witness, by the pseudonym Janet Kimball, claimed to have witnessed the abduction. The principal UFO investigator was UFO researcher Budd Hopkins, who administered hypnosis.

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Linda Cortile said to be Levitated and Abduction into UFO Over Manhattan

Hanson and other investigators became suspicious of the tale because of the many inconsistencies. Hopkins’s methods, said Hanson, were suspected as inappropriate. Speaking of the suspected hoax, Hanson said:

“The Napolitano case was not a technically difficult or expensive operation, nor would it have required a lot of time or coordination.”

Perez de Cuellar denied knowing Napolitano. Janet Kimball refused to cooperate. Hanson detected a strong “will to believe” among the people involved. (pp. 258-259) “…in many minds,” said Hanson, “the distinction between the hoaxers and the hoaxed is blurred, this being a subtle effect of the trickster.”


The trickster, as Hanson had detailed, existed in an exotic world of ritual clowns, the collapse of cultures, magic tricks, scattered and incoherent happenings. “This is indeed how the trickster appears in our current rationalistic paradigms,” said Hanson.

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Movie Depiction of the Joker-Trickster-Clown

The remainder of Hanson’s book was a maze of organizations, scientific findings, personalities, and tales that exemplified the complex “world of the trickster”: topics were explored such as totem-ism, quantum physics, paranoia, binary oppositions, and rationalization.

Not since the work of psychoanalyst C.G Jung and his book, Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies, had a professional researcher tried to form a meaningfully broad and worldwide view of bizarre, synchronistic and mystic events. Hanson’s book was one of several increasing attempts over the years.

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Carl Jung was mainly known for his theories on the nature of the “unconscious mind.” However, he did have an interest in the paranormal. Jung also applied his analytical talents in his book Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies (Harcourt Publishers, 1959). Jung applied his skills in studying the UFO phenomenon. Rather than assuming that the modern prevalence of UFO sightings are due to extraterrestrial craft, Jung reserved judgment on their origin and connected UFOs with archetypal imagery, concluding that they have become a “living myth.” Jung said this myth was possibly underlined by global tensions:

“In the threatening situation of the world today, when people are beginning to see that everything is at stake, the projection-creating fantasy soars beyond the realm of earthly organizations and powers into the heavens, into interstellar space, where the rulers of human fate, the gods, once had their abode in the planets….Under these circumstances it would not be at all surprising if those sections of the community who ask themselves nothing were visited by`visions,’ by a widespread myth seriously believed in by some and rejected as absurd by others.”


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C.G. Jung

Jung felt that if the extraterrestrial origin of the phenomena should be confirmed, that our science and technology would be deposited to the scrap heap. He said it would be a catastrophe similar to the Pax Britannica in primitive countries. He also said, “If we wish to avoid such a catastrophe, the authorities in possession of important information should not hesitate to enlighten the public as soon and as completely as possible and should, above all, stop these ridiculous antics of mysteries and vague allusions.”

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Gary Lachman in his recent book, Jung the Mystic: The Esoteric Dimensions of Carl Jung’s Life and Teachings (Tarcher/Penguin, June 2010) said that Jung argued that UFOs were mandalas from outer space. Jung had come upon the image of the mandala, the Sanskrit ‘magic circle,’ as a symbol of psychic wholeness, and he suggested that ‘flying saucers’ were mass archetypal projections, formed by the psychic tension produced by the Cold War that was heating up.


Dr. Stephan A. Hoeller, Ph.D. is an eminent scholar on the subject of C. G. Jung’s Red Book, and Hoeller said that Jungian psychology began with what Dr. Heoller called a “psycho cosmology” that emerged directly from Jung’s work as an artist, visionary, philosopher and prophet. Dr. Hoeller defined Jung as a prophet who told the truth of the Gods – that multidimensional transcendent power that animated our spiritual lives. (T.E Pelton: Mythology, Mysticism and Magic: “C.G. Jung, the Artist, Mystic and Prophet,” May 1, 2011.)

Robert Michael Place likewise said in Synchronicity & Magic (2000: this article first appeared in Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac) that magic was synonymous with what Jung called “synchronicity.” Carl Jung, himself, had stated as much. In his introduction to the Wilhelm/Baynes edition of the I Ching, Jung said that when we successfully consulted this Chinese oracle (which we may consider an act of magic) we are experiencing the principle, which he termed “synchronicity.”

Synchronicity, explained Place, was defined by Jung as a meaningful coincidence of an external event with a psychic event, such as a dream, fantasy, or thought. These events coincided in time in a way that gave them meaning for the observer. They seemed like communications between a divine force and us, and they confirmed that there is a connection or interaction between our psyche and physical reality.

Steve Erdmann had sometimes referred to the unexplained mechanism in the trickster’s performance as ‘the X factor.’ He tried to point to that undefined equation in these happenings.

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The ‘X Factor’ and the Trickster

Jerome Clark summarized in Unexplained: Strange sightings, Incredible Occurrences, and Puzzling Physical Phenomena (Visible Ink Press, 3rd edition.): “…we may well ask ourselves ‘are anomalous experiences significant, or are they just some form of absurd, empty display?’ I don’t know. Neither do you. Maybe one day we’ll find out…the three hardest words for a human being to utter are ‘I don’t know.’ We demand an accounting for every claim or experience, and when no accounting is available, someone will invent one for us.”  


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Editor/Researcher Jim W. Mosley (left) with Radio Announcer John Nebel

“So – what is a Trickster?” asked James Mosley in the September 20, 2012 issue of Saucer Smear: “To say there is no easy answer is an understatement…Our own definition of a trickster might be: ‘Someone or something that disrupts the normal order of things, deliberate or otherwise’…we know of instances where everything in a séance is either hoaxed or is explainable nonsense, until something absolutely real and unexplained actually happens. That is the trickster sticking his – its – nose into the séance!”  Moseley points to Christopher O’Brien’s Stalking the Trickster: Shape shifters, Skin walkers, Dark Adepts, and 2012 as a source of information (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2009).

“The trickster has innumerable internal contradictions, and those are what have made him so different for scholars,” Hanson concluded. “He seems irrational, and he is. The usual scientific concepts are inadequate to fully explain him. He has many meanings and cannot be reduced to a single interpretation. He also resists being placed in any single category.”

Many questions remained, what if the world of mysticism – and UFOs – shared a strong physical reality along with an ethereal side, or, physical realities that shared a strong mystical side? There were adjoining questions: what if those “realities” had several different sources; and what if they had coexisted for ages?

“…what I am positing is that we co-create with Gaia Consciousness, cryptids, aliens, UFO’s, crop circles, electromagnetic anomalies, telepathic abilities (Gaia Consciousness as a carrier frequency), astral apparitions and on into telekinetic events,” said Erik Stitt (April 14, 2010). “Why? Because the Earth and the Human Species are trying to communicate with one another in the form of Psychoterrestrial Phenomena! This is language. This is speaking. This is communication! It may even be Universal.”


Ann Druffel has been dynamic in investigating UFOs since 1957 when she joined the National Investigations Committee on Unidentified Flying Objects. The genial author of Tujunga Canyon Contacts (co-authored by D. Scott Rogo) and How To Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction is a serious individual. She has earned a good reputation and everyone respects her opinions, even when she stentorianly states:

 “The entities who pose as ‘extraterrestrials’ are not what they say they are. Rather, they are apparently unwholesome entities who have deceived and interacted with humans since the dawn of history. Be they mythic, ‘real,’ ‘spiritual,’ inter-dimensional or from a ‘hidden world’ which somehow exists in or alongside our own earth plane, I cannot say, since proof still eludes us. I do know for certain, however, that interfering, shape shifting, ‘otherworldly’ entities have been described by every major culture (and many smaller cultures) on the face of the earth down through the millennia, and that these older cultures developed means to fend them off or, at the very least, recognize them for what they were.”

 “The same secret societies and old European bloodline families are in control of the world today,” said The Secret History of America: The Greatest Conspiracy on Earth. “To better understand what they do, we need to look at their philosophies and ideas. One motto of theirs is ‘Ordo ab Chao’ or ‘order out of chaos.’ First, they create ‘chaos,’ and then they propose the solution, ‘order,’ secretly behind the scenes to control a given situation.”

Participants, experts, shamans, leaders, priests, and occultists claimed knowledge of a Hidden World down through the ages:

“…there is a power so organized, so subtle, so complete, and so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

President Woodrow Wilson quoted in the United States Presidents and the Masonic Power Structure, Robert Howard, 1999.

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President Woodrow Wilson

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“Much will be made over the recently released ‘Joker’ movie, and a thousand and one interpretations will dispense about the Internet as to the motive and meaning. It would be much easier to just apply any semblance and motives to ‘ourselves’ and something psychologists are calling ‘masking’ in which humans hide their inner ID Monster behind a veil of ‘do-goodish’ actions and deceptive righteousness, not only brought out by Arthur Fleck but also the humans in the movie as a ‘mob.’ it is, once again, humans daring to ‘unmask’ their real selves and tired of disguising their evil acts and phony intentions”…Steve Erdmann, October, 2019.
Also see:                   
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Steve Erdmann – Independent Investigative Journalist
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The Trickster Can and Likes to be Seen Often in the Disguise of a Clown
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Linda Cortile said to be Levitated and Abduction into UFO Over Manhattan
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   George P. Hansen
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Movie Depiction of the Joker-Trickster-Clown
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C.G. Jung
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The ‘X Factor’ and the Trickster
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******* ******* WhenUFOsGet Moseley JimMoseley-LongJohnNebel-214x300Editor/Researcher Jim W. Mosley with Radio Announcer John NebelMoseley Participated in UFO Hoaxes from Time to Time

WhenUFOsGet WoodyPresident Woodrow Wilson 

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Another version of this article can be seen at

“Communion on The Moon”: The Right Stuff Radio Progam Premiered July 20, 2020 – 51st Anniversary of Apollo 11’s Landing on the Moon

Apollo 11 On Final Approach to Landing Site in The Sea of Tranquility

On July 20th, 2020, a nationwide audience joined with Pilot-Host, Robert Morningstar and his co-hosts, Co-pilot Scott Teeters, Navigator-Illustrator Andrew Currie, and Simulator Pilot Johny Webb with guests, Dr Bruce Cornet & researcher Roy Schaeffer for the 1st flight of The Right Stuff Radio Program premiering that night on Revolution Radio.

The purpose of the radio program was to begin a series of programs chronicling the history of the Apollo Space Program that put America on the Moon beginning with the landing of Apollo 11 in the Sea of Tranquility on that date, the night of July 20th, 51 years before.

Furthermore, the purpose of this E-book, Communion on the Moon, is to record for history, America’s secret reasons for going to the Moon and why NASA chose not to go back to Moon for more than 50 years.

Robert D. Morningstar

Investigative Journalist

The Morningstar Report


First Question:

Why Did America Go to The Moon?

President John F. Kennedy’s call for America to embark on an arduous and dangerous journey to reach the Moon had both scientific reasons given publicly, as well as very serious national security reasons underlying the project, which have been kept secret well into the 21st Century.

As the reader will see, there were both geopolitical terrestrial reasons, as well as exopolitical extraterrestrial reasons that posed an urgent need to reach the Moon before the Soviet Union did so.

President John F Kennedy & General Lemay Watch Missile Launch at Vandenberg AFB

President John F. Kennedy’s call for America to embark on an arduous and dangerous journey to reach the Moon had both scientific reasons given publicly, as well as very serious national security reasons underlying the project, which have been kept secret well into teh 21st Century.

As the reader will see, there were both geopolitical terrestrial reasons, as well as exopolitical extraterrestrial reasons that posed a urgent need to reach the Moon before the Soviet Union did so.

President Kennedy and his administration felt strongly (and correctly) that if Russia were to reach the Moon before the US did, it would be a signal to the world that Communism would and should be viewed by the world to be scientifically, economically and ideologically superior to Capitalism and Western culture.

However, there was, hidden behind the scenes from public view or knowledge an urgent national security imperative and need toget to the Moon, and that reson was the knowledge that an Extraterrestrial presence was operating on the Moon and that an “Unknown Power,” not necessarily human in nature, was making and had been making regular incursions into our national air space (and around the globe) for many decades.

Most disturbing of all was, it would seem, these UFO incusions were intended to deceive humanity and it leaders so as to frighten or trick the US and Russia into engaging militarily to trigger an “accidental” nuclear war with each other.

Although dressed and couched as a major thrust for the advancement of science through space exloration, the Apollo Moon missions were all in fact, top secret spy missions, sent loft to determine the real nature and true purpose behind Alien activities being observed (for years) across the surface, and more importantly, over and behind the Moon.

No one really knew what dangers lurked behind “The Dark Side of the Moon,” but both the US and the Soviet Union were compelled to find out in order to secure their national survival.

Those alien activities were secretly classified and categorized by NASA for many years as TLPs, or Transient Lunar Phenomena.

One of NASA’s “Moon Pigeons” Passing Beneath an Apollo Spacecraft over the Moon

One of NASA’s favorite ploys to maintain secrecy is to use code words and euphemisms for UFO activities observed over the Moon was to call them “Moon Pdgeons, ” and in other instances, such as those UFOs seen by Apollo 8 during their journey to the Moon at Christmastime 1968, was to refer to UFOs encountered by the crew of Apollo 8 as “Santa Claus.”

John F. Kennedy’s “We Choose to Go to the Moon” Speech – June 10th, 1962

And so it began


And still it continues.

Communion on The Moon was the first radio and video production by The Morningstar Report and The Right Stuff Radio Program, which began broadcasting on the night of the 20th July 2020 to commemorate and celebrate the 51st anniversary of the Apollo 11 Mooon Landing.

The Right Stuff Radio Program is heard each Monday


10 pm Eastern 9 pm Central 8 pm Mountain 7 pm Pacific

Followed immediately by

Flash Gordon & Dale Arden
Played by
Buster Crabbe & Jean Rogers

The Flash Gordon Radio Club


Revolution Radio

Studio B


The Morningstar Report airs LIVE every Sunday


10 pm Eastern 9 pm Central 8 pm Mountain 7 pm Pacific


Revolution Radio

Studio A


Armstrong On the Moon – Sea of Tranquility
Neil Armstrong’s statement at the White House on the 25th Anniversary of Apollo 11’s Landing On the Moon – July 20, 1994.

On July 20th, 2020, Americans joined with Pilot-Host Robert Morningstar and his cadre of co-hosts, Co-Pilot Scott Teeters, Navigator-Illustrator Andrew Currie & Simulator Pilot Johnny Webb to celebrate Apollo 11’s lunar landing with a Communion on the Moon,” onthe very first episode of The Right Stuff Radio Show, whichairs LIVE each Monday night between 10 pm & 12 pm Eastern on Revolution Radio’s Studio B @ www.Revolution.Radio

To think is To Create; Imagination Becomes Reality

Tonight we celebrate seeing JFK’s Imagination and his “Dream” become actual reality. JFK’s “dream”was “to land a man on the Moon and to return him safely to the Earth.”

That dream became reality for all Americans on July 20th, 1969.

In this series of radio shows and video productions, Morningstar & company celebrate the wonderful achievements of Project Apollo, as we honor the lives of those who made it happen, namely, Project Apollo, astronauts, engineers, technicians, management, who, in fact, enlisted all Americans nation to think and aspire as One Nation with one Goal, wich was to reach the Moon before the Soviet Union and so to prove to the entire world that human freedom under capitalism was superior to slavery under Communism in all ways, ethically, morally, scientifically, economically and ideologically..

Armstrong on the Moon

Neil Armstrong on the Moon – Photo Remastered from several film frames

Robert Morningstar’s special guests for this commemorative lunar history program were Dr. Bruce Cornet (Phd./Ms.), author of “Unusual Aerial Phenomena in the Hudson and Walkill Valleys.”

Also on hand to remember the Apollo 11 Landing was guest speaker, Roy Schaeffer

JFK Researcher & Author – Roy Schaeffer

Roy Schaeffer is a nationally renowned JFK Assassination expert, lunar researcher and long-time student of NASA history. Roy will be on hand to recall how he first heard about the Apollo 11 Moon Landing.

On July 20th, 2021, Robert, Roy and company recounted their stories and memories, recalling their personal recollections and experiences during the Apollo 11 landing as it happened exactly 51 years before.

Robert Morningstar called out to all Americans and citizens of the World:

Let us always remember and celebrate America’s Moon Landing on July 20, 1969.

Dr. Bruce Cornet (Phd)

About Dr. Bruce Cornet

Bruce Cornet received a B.A. degree (1970) in biology from the University of Connecticut, a Masters degree (1972) in paleobotany from that same university, and graduated from Penn State in 1977 with a Ph.D. in geology and palynology (the study of fossil spores and pollen, used to age date rocks).

Bruce spent 11 years in the oil industry (1977-1988), working for Gulf Research & Development, Exxon USA, Mobil Oil Corporation, and Superior Oil Company, all in Houston, TX. Between 1981 and 1982 he ran his own independent exploration company (Geminoil, Inc.), which drilled for and found oil in eastern Virginia.

Between 1988 and 1993 he held a research position at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (part of Columbia University). He is profiled on ResearchGate, and has published many scientific Articles (28), Books (1), Chapters (3), Conference Papers (2), Theses (2), Technical Reports (4), Research (2), Experiment Findings (1), and Presentations (6). All total (49).

Dr. Charles Kos created these videos based on my data that I received from Richard Hoagland when he lived in New Jrsey and we were working together in 1994 and 1995.

Was There Water on the Moon? A Video by Dr Bruce Cornet & Dr. Charles Kos

Dr. Bruce Cornet taught classroom geology and botany, and an online geology course for theRaritan Valley Community College in New Jersey for seven years (2002-2008). He also taught physical and historical geology for the El Paso Community College in Texas, and for theDona Ana Community College, a branch of New Mexico State University. Now retired, he has been writing books and continuing his research into UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) and Alien Abductions.

His book, Unusual Aerial Phenomena in the Hudson and Walkill Valleys,” is based on eleven years of field research (1992-2003) in the Wallkill River Valley of New York State, which involved the photographing and videotaping of as many as 140 unconventional craft (ETVs and ARVs), many of which put on deliberate performances for Cornet’s cameras (time exposures or photographic canvasses) and videos.

The images reveal previously unknown electromagnetic, plasma, and gravity-altering propertiesfor any declassified or disclosed human-built aircraft.


Who is Building Structures on the Moon?

with Robert Haber

The Apollo 11 Astronauts

Apollo 11 Crew: Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins & Buzz Aldrin
Apollo 11 On Final Approach to Landing Site in The Sea of Tranquility


Join with us now, via the 2019 film reenactment “From Earth to the Moon” depicting the Apollo 11 Landing and to relive a secret Christo-Masonic ritual that took place on the Moon on the night of July 20th, 1969 more than half a century ago, when Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin conducted their “Communion on the Moon”.

From Earth to the Moon”

Click the link below to see

A Reenactment of Armstrong & Aldrin’s Christo-Masonic Mass on the Moon



A Special Feature

The UFO Spotlight on…

Andrew Currie’s

Lunar Adventures

Chapter 1

To be continued …

Robert D. Morningstar

New York City

July 20th, 2020

Communion on the Moon

<Continued >

“Communion on The Moon” takes its name form a little known event, recounted by Buzz Aldrin in his book “Return from the Moon.” Aldrin relates his account of a special event that occurred on the Moon in July of 1969 when he and Neil Armstrong conducted a religious ritual in secret on the surface of the Moon. Armstrong and Aldrin conducted a Mass, consecrated with Holy Communion, giving thanks to God and Divine Providence for conducting them safely, carrying with them, the hopes and prayers of the people of the United States of America to arrive at a safe landing on the surface of the Moon, thereby, becoming th first human beings in recored history to walk on the suface of the Moon.

This rite had to be conducted privately and in secret because of an uproar and legal wranglings in US Courts created by atheists in December of 1968 when Apollo 8 circumnavigated the Moon and on Christmas Eve of 1968 televised a LIVE transmission as they circmnavigated the Moon from the nightside into day and read the opening chapter of Genesis. America and the world were thrilled and transfixed as the Apollo 8 spacecraft broke out of a pitch black night into the glorious and blinding sunlight of an orbital sunrise over the Moon, listening as the 3 Apollo 8 astronauts, Frank Borman, James Lovell and Bill Anders recited the opening verses of Genesis for billions of people around the world to hear on Christmas Eve. December 24th, 1968.


Bill Anders
“We are now approaching lunar sunrise, and for all the people back on Earth, the crew of Apollo 8 has a message that we would like to send to you.

‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.[5]

Jim Lovell

And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.[5]

Frank Borman

And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.’

And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas 

– and God bless all of you, all of you on the good Earth.” [5]

Lawsuit brought by American Atheists

Madalyn Murray O’Hair, founder of American Atheists, responded by suing the United States government, alleging violations of the First Amendment.[6] The suit was filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas. It was submitted to a three-judge panel, which concluded that the case was not a three-judge matter, and dismissed the case for failure to state a cause of action.[7] The direct appeal to the Supreme Court was dismissed for lack of jurisdiction.[8] Another appeal was heard before the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, which affirmed the trial court’s dismissal per curiam.[9] The Supreme Court declined to review the case.[10]


The page of the flight plan with the Genesis passage is on display at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, on loan from Lovell.[11] In 2018 it was displayed in the National Cathedral in Washington, DC for the fiftieth anniversary of the flight.[11]

Part 2

The Secret Mission of Apollo 12

The Apollo 12 crew of Pete Conrad, Dick Gordon and Alan Bean 

The Flight of White Lightning

Apollo 12 Liftoff:

Riding The Thunderbolts of God

The Strange Case of Luna Cognita

Apollo Misision Censorship Still in Effect 50 years later

The Video above has been censored and removed by YouTube

Apollo 12 Filmed UFOs Over the Moon

For many years, Luna Cognita was one of our favorite YouTube Channels. We enjoy and admire its anonymous moderator for the high quality of his research into Apollo Project Moon Missions and lunar studies.

In May 2014, Luna Cognita exposed his discovery of a secret Apollo 15 mission that was conducted immediately after landing and was kept secre until the 2014. Luna Cognita produced a documentary, posted openly on YouTube, entitled “APOLLO 15’s COVERT EVA Proof of NASA’s Off-The-Record Lunar Surface Operations.”

This was an excellent documentary, which we presented at the Secret Space Program – Breakaway Civilization Conference in San Francisco in June 2014. Unfortunately, NASA and “Deep State” censors, working with YouTube, removed that documentary and terminated the Luna Cognita fchannel, leaving only this message behind:

This account has been terminated because we received multiple third-party claims of copyright infringement regarding material the user posted.

More than 40 years after the Apollo 12 mission to the Moon, Luna Cognita had also discovered a Aollo 12 Film showing the passage of 3 UFOs beneath the spacecraft. When seen now, filtered through advanced computer graphics, the “Deep State’s” reasons for putting a lid on the film for more than 40 years become self-evident when we view the video enhancements of the film inked below. NASA has never revealed the real reasons for why the Apollo 12 film video was “fogged over,” which I believe was probably intentional since not much moisture could really be inside a nearly sterile spacecraft, however, we may glean an idea of what was being hidden by watching this short video documentary by Luna Cognita, which was saved by the Daily Motion website, linked below.

APOLLO 12 – Unidentified Objects in Lunar Orbit – STACK-ENHANCED (FOGGED FOOTAGE)

Despite removal of Luna Cogita’s YouTube channel, anothrer of Luna Cognita’s documentaries on Lunar anomalies was preserved by another YT channel, and is presented below: This video relates to discoveries madde by Apollo 17 when it landed in the Taurus-Littrow Vally in the Lunar highlands nort of the Sea of Tranquility and East of the Mare Crisium.

Pyramids on the Moon Photogra[hed by Apollo 17

Lunar coverup Exposed by Luna Cognita


Apollo 12’s Rode to Moon on The Thunderbolts of The God

Saturn V Struck Twice by Lightning on Take-Off

Apollo 12 launched from Cape Kennedy on Nov. 14, 1969, into a cloudy, rain-swept sky. Launch controllers lost telemetry contact at 36 seconds, and again at 52 seconds, when the Saturn V launch vehicle was struck by lightning.

Actual Live Transmission of Apollo 12 Launch

About 40 minutes later, the CSM Yankee Clipper separated from the S-IVB-SLA, transposed, and then docked with the LM Intrepid. This was televised on Earth. The S-IVB stage was then jettisoned.

The booster’s first stage continued firing, launching Apollo 12 into an initial Earth-parking orbit of 115 by 117.9 miles. After one-and-a-half revolutions, the electrical circuits were checked out and no significant problems were noted. Then, the S-IVB stage re-ignited for a second burn of five minutes, 45 seconds, placing Apollo 12 into an initial free-return translunar trajectory.

However, based on incorrect data of trajectory commands, it failed to go into the planned heliocentric orbit. Instead, it was placed into an elliptical Earth-orbit of 101,350 by 535,522 miles, with a period of 42 days. Charles Conrad and Alan Bean entered the LM to check for possible impacts from the lightning strike. They found none and re-entered the CSM for 10 hours of sleep.

On Nov. 15, the second telecast occurred en route to the moon, showing the interior of the Yankee Clipper. Only one midcourse maneuver was needed. It changed Apollo 12’s trajectory to prepare for later insertion into a non-free-return lunar orbit – the first “hybrid” trajectory in Apollo flights. The spacecraft slowed so that it would arrive with the most desirable solar illumination on the selected Site 7.

Prior to lunar orbit insertion, a third telecast was made to Earth on Nov. 17, showing the Earth, moon, spacecraft interior and intravehicular transfer of the crew. Later that day, when Apollo 12 went behind the moon at about 97 miles up, the first lunar orbit insertion burn began. The burn lasted for about six minutes, placing the spacecraft into an elliptical orbit of 69 by 195 miles.

On Nov. 18, two orbits later and again on the far side of the moon, a second lunar orbit insertion burn altered Apollo 12 to an orbit of 62 by 76 miles. It was calculated to eventually circularize for the orbit of the solo CSM due to lunar-gravity potential. This would facilitate subsequent rendezvous and docking of Intrepid and the Yankee Clipper in their moon-parking orbit after the scheduled lunar landing. The same day, Conrad and Bean entered the LM and a telecast to Earth was made of the separation of the CSM and LM occurring 107 hours, 54 minutes into the flight.

Apollo 12 Lunar Landing in Mare Cognitum in The Ocean of Storms neear Surveyor III

On Nov. 19, with the LM behind the Moon in the 14th orbit, and some 109 hours, 23 minutes into the mission, the descent orbit insertion maneuver began. The LM decent engine, or LMDE, fired for 29 seconds, lowering Intrepid’s orbit to about 9 by 69 miles. After the LM emerged from behind the moon and telemetry contact was re-established with Earth, a discrepancy was noted between orbit data readings from Intrepid and those displayed in Apollo Mission Control in Houston.

The LM was initially believed to be in an incorrect descent orbit trajectory for landing in the desired region, due to normal mission anomalies. Using a newly developed “Lear” powered-flight data processor in Houston, the actual trajectory data, as well as correction maneuver information, were fed by voice to the LM crew. This enabled them to update the automatic downrange navigation computer program, shortening the range by 4,190 feet and permitting the precision touchdown at the intended site. This update to a satisfactory trajectory occurred about two minutes after the LM began its powered descent, which had been initiated at about 110 hours, 20 minutes into the mission and lasted a mere nominal 40 seconds longer than the preflight plan had scheduled.

With Conrad controlling the descent semi-manually for the last 500 feet, a precision landing occurred at about 110 hours, 32 minutes into the mission, and closer to the target than expected. Intrepid landed in the Ocean of Storms at 3 degrees, 11 hours, 51 minutes south, and 23 degrees, 23 minutes, and 7.5 seconds west. Landing was about 120 feet northeast of Head Crater, and about 535 feet northwest from where Surveyor III stood in its crater. Apollo 12 touched down approximately 950 miles west of where Apollo 11 had landed.



Apollo 12 Landing Site -Mare Cognitum in Ocean of Storms near Surveyor III
Apollo 12- Golden UFO Over the Moon – AS 12 – 51- 7553

Wikipedia Chronicle of Apollo 12 Mission


The True Colors of the Moon

Exploring The Moon In True Colors

Further Sharpened & Enhanced by Robert D. Morningstar
Using Modern CGI Enhancement
Thanks to President Donald Trump, the following photograph, released 3 years ago by NASA (June 2018), is the first true color photo of the Moon ever released to the public, proving this writers contention that previous NASA Adminstrations were engaed in and extended cover-up of Apollo era photos, data and information, radically altering the former while burying and and hiding the latter.

The photo below was orignally released through Time Magazine and released with the file name of “UNITED STATES.TRUMP ENHANCEMENT.jpg.”

Further refined by Robert Morningstar
Thanks to President Donald Trump, the following photograph, released 3 years ago by NASA (June 2018), is the first true color photo of the Moon ever released to the public, proving this writers contention that previous NASA Administrations were engaged in and extended cover-up of Apollo era photos, data and information, radically altering the former while burying and hiding the latter.

The photo below was originally released through Time Magazine and released with the file name:



M* Rebuttal to the “Moon Hoax” Conspiracy Theory

“The US never landed on the Moon.”

Refutation of the “Impenetrability” of the Van Allen Radiation Belts

For many years, a foolish and unfounded rumor has been resonating through the echo chambers of Anti-American mass media and social media propagandists who insist that The US never landed on the Moon.”

This silly notion, along with other ludicrous theories such as “The Flat Earth Theory,” has taken hold in the minds of many credulous people, with no scientific basis in fact. One of the most popular of such “Moon Hoax” theories contends that it was impossible to fly through the Van Allen Radiation Belts, which were once believed to be more highly radioactive and lethal than they have turned out to be.

Based on advanced space studies conducted during the early 21st Century, using advanced space probes with more advanced instrumentation, the Van Allen Belts, coupled with better spacecraft design have turned out to be far less dangerous or lethal to human travel than they were believed to be in the late 1950s and 1960s.

After many years of research and measurement with the most sensitive and sophisticated scientific instruments sent to fly through various regions of the Van Allen Belts, it has been found that the Apollo astronauts were exposed to the equivalent of 2o chest x-rays during their transits through the Van Allen belts. this was due to a finding that thee belts vary in the intensity if the radiation (with the inner belt being stronger than the outer belts), a varying in their intensity depending on their positions. Knowing this in 1968, tests were done by Russian space probes carrying living creatures to the Moon and back by both the united States and the Soviet union, all of which survived the outbound and inbound journies through the Van Allen Radiation Belts.

NASA scientists conducted similar studies of the Van Allen Belt and found that there were relatively weak and strong fields of radiation within the Van A;llen Belts depending on their positions relative to their latitudes in relation to the Earth’s equator where the strongest and most intense fields were concentrated.

Learning these facts before the first launch to orbit the moon, which was that of Apollo 8, NASA chose to navigate around the strongest regions by sending Apollo 8 along a more northen trajectory, avoiding the intense equatorial regions, and transiting through the thinner less intensely radioactive regions of the northern latitudes very rapidly (at 25,000 mph) so that Apollo astronauts were exposed for a minimum amount of time while passing through the weakest regions of the inner Van Allen Belt.

A recent article in (linked blow) stated:

“We study radiation belts because they pose a hazard to spacecraft and astronauts,” said David Sibeck, the Van Allen Probes mission scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, in an August 2016 NASA statement. “If you knew how bad the radiation could get, you would build a better spacecraft to accommodate that.”

Newer findings from the probes show that radiation in certain zones may be less harsh than scientists thought. In March 2017, the Van Allen Probes made a finding showing there is less radiation in the inner belts that previously theorized, which means less shielding is required for spacecraft and satellites in that region. The most energetic electrons residing in the inner radiation belt are there for less time than scientists thought beforehand. 

The following year, the probes discovered that some communications wavelengths (called very low frequency communications) emanating from Earth are sometimes a sort of a shield against high-energy particle radiation in space. This means that human activity has effects even in the near-space environment around Earth.’ “


A Final Question:

Why Did NASA Decide Not to Return to the Moon

And Maintained that Policy for more than 50 years?

An answer to that question will be given in greater detail in Communion on the Moon – Volume 2.

Suffice to say that very unusual and alarming things were observed and photographed by the Apollo astronauts, as well as, America’s Lunar Orbiter Moon Probes, which mapped the Moon in order to find landing sites for the Apollo spacecraft.

When the Apollo astronauts arrived on the Moon, they found an already established Alien Presence, and verified that a more highly advanced intelligence to whom this writer refers to as the LGA (or Lunar Governing Authority) made it clear to the Apollo astronauts, to NASA and the United States government that humans were not and are not welcome on the Moon.

The Apollo astronauts also discovered extensive signs of mining and other technological activities being conducted on the Moon. Other forms of life were also detected, observed and photographed by Lunar Orbiter Probes, which frightened NASA and eliminated any ideas NASA, the United States or the Soviet Union might have had to “colonize the Moon.”

It should be clear to all nations and Earthly power, which includes corporations, that “colonization” can only be achieved over territory that either is not occupied or one occupied by a weaker opponent, and NOT one already controlled by a superior force or by a more advanced form of intelligence.

Some of the most disturbing things observed were seen and photographed occupying and operating within, around and under the Crater Euctemon.

A catalogue of photographs demonstrating alien activities at that site is available with the purchase of the encyclopedic “Communion on the Moon E-File.”

An E-File is a folder containing text, video, audio and photographs clearly demonstrating many good reasons for not returning to that region of the Moon, not the least of which is the possibility of contamination of the Earth and its inhabitants with alien microbes.

More specifically, we must maintain great concern and due caution regarding the possibility that bacterial life or lunar viruses could contaminate either spacemen or spacecraft returning from the Moon, which if carried back, either by accident or by intention, could cause terrible and as yet unknown diseases, causing epidemics and pandemics across the globe, leaving Humankind (and animals) helpless, with no defenses if they were to be found to be transmissible to human populations, or animal, insect or even vegetable life on Planet Earth.

Details on how to order the “Communion on the Moon E-File” via payPal (or by check), as well as, its companion file “A Martian Revelation: The Four Faces of Mars E-file” (for the price of $19.50 each or both for $35,00) can be obtained by emailing the author, Robert D. Morningstar at:

Communion on the Moon

To be continued on

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Global Peace Media:

Nazis and the NWO

The Trail of the Fourth Reich


Steve Erdmann

Copyright, C, Steve Erdmann, 2013.
This article was previously published in the September 4 through September 17, 2013 issues of UFO Digest Magazine.
It is published here with permission. – 0905 – 0906
Reviewers and journalist can quote small portions as long a full credits are given to original article. 

Another version of this article can be seen at

Peter Levenda’s rather in-depth and scholarly work delved into the origins of Nazism which began far earlier than Hitler’s January 30, 1933 ascendancy.  Its origins wrest back to an early form of mysticism and perverted paganism; the Thule Society and German-Enoden, Theosophical, runic and magical concepts. Hitler was a “tool, a “creature” of the occultists. In the autumn of 1915, Hitler wrote a poem praising Wotan, the Teutonic Father God, and speaks of runic letters, magic spells, formulas, and esoteric paganism.

(Unholy Alliance, Peter Levenda. The Continuum International Publishing Group, Inc. 15 East 26th Street, New York. N.Y 10010, 2003, 423 pages, $16.95.)

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Hitler’s ascent was built on the belief that Germany’s failure in World War I was because of Capitalism, Communism, Freemasons and International Jewry. “If Hitler were in power, his listeners believed, he would throw out all these undesirable elements – by force of arms, if necessary – and the country would be right again.”


Hitler’s rise to power aligned with numerous occult beliefs and practices ranging from Rudolf Hess, Karl Haushofer and others promoting an universal Teutonic Lebensraum to additional occult influences of magician Aleister Crowley (in April, 1904, Crowley alleged contact with a spirit called Ainaz); The Golden Dawn; The Edelweiss Society; The Ordo Templi Orientis; German occult and sex-magic lodges; the Thule Society; Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff.

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Adolf Hitler Practicing His Speech-making

“Although the Thule Gesellschaft had died a slow death,” said Levenda, “Sebottendorff was back to revive it.”

The Germans were finally able to supposedly locate what had destroyed their country, said Lavenda, brought them into war, made them lose the war: a cabal of Jews and Freemasons bent on world domination.

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The Worship of the Nazi Reich

“Democracy. Freemasonry. Judaism. Secret Societies,” said Lavenda, “the Nazis were bent on removing all trace of any philosophical opposition to their cause, for they knew the power of ideas and – the quotation of Chairman Mao notwithstanding – it was far stronger than the power of a gun.”


Heinrich Himmler took control of the SS (Schutzstaffel, Guard Detachment) and created the medieval castle Wewelsburg, Chapter of the Order, built around the notion of King Arthur and the Round Table: the Inner Circle of Twelve Gruppenfuhrers who communicated with dead Teutons and other spiritual rituals (compare this to modern legends of the secreted Skull and Bones Society in America).

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Wewelsburg Castle

(The Wewelsburg Castle was alleged to be the site of a reversed-engineered crashed alien disc with occupants. The object appeared to be a multicolored ball or globe-shaped object which fell near a field near Czernich, Germany in the summer of 1936. The UFO was quickly cordoned off by SS troops from the Hirschberg SS Base, and the domed spacecraft was initially taken to a Base 211. It was also said that the disc was taken to the Wewelsburg Castle and examined by the Reich’s Study Group who applied Vril Technology to a new form of propulsion. It became known as the Tachyonator 7. Said Rob Arndt: “(It was) the first human product of reverse-engineering of non-terrestrial technology.”)

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Freiburg UFO Crash in the Black Forest in 1936.
Was Origination of the Nazi Tachyonator 7 Drive.

“These ceremonies were replete with sacred fires, torch-lit processions and invocation’s of Teutonic deities, all performed by files of young-blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryan Supermen,” said Lavenda. “Ceremonies that, according to my informants, had been revived in the Andean Mountains…at Colonia Dignidad in the 1960s and which were still being performed there was late as my trip in 1979.”

Nazi occult practices encompassed a long range of esoteric beliefs: The Nordic World-Tree, Yggdrasil, Holy Stones, The Serpent Nidhoggur, The Ahnenerbe, The World Ice Theory Division, the Thousand Year Reich, Thor, Nordic Mother-Soul, and The Holy Grail.


Through the efforts of Karl Maria Wiligut, Otto Rahn, and Heinrich Himmler, an Aryan Cult was created as a proto-Christian society over all Europe and Asia.

“To Hitler and his followers, capitalism was immoral and they equated it with the excesses of the Jewish financiers,” said Lavenda, “that, they said, had brought the nation to ruin during the First World War and depression that followed.”

Stripped of Jewish content, Nazi revisionists of Biblical Scriptures by German academics, people became receptive of Wiligut’s ideas; the SS belief that Christ was Baldor, and a Teutonic Sun God.  The SS became knights of a New Order.

“By claiming the Grail as their own the Nazis rob Christianity of a huge chunk of its popular mythology…as it is, history records no such discovery of the Grail by the Nazis or by anyone else.”


Documents revealed that “mind control” experiments of the Ahnenerbe at Dachau concentration camp consisted of mescaline, cannabinol, marijuana, and hypnotism. Dr. Franz Alfred Six. Ideological Research continued to work for “special forces” through his association with the Gehlen Organization – the spy cabal of ex-Nazis used by the American CIA.  Six had been selected to work on “the Jewish problem.”

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Nazi Mind Control Experts

Catholic Bishop Alois Hudal sympathized with Nazi propaganda, admired the Nazi teachings of Von Liebenfels, and became Procurator of the Oder of German Knights. He aligned himself with a “neo-pagan, pan-German, volkisch movement.” Hudal worked with the underground network and established Nazi escape routes.


Many of Heinrich Himmler’s Black Order “managed to escape and set up shop in South America.”

“Hundreds of files newly released by the Argentine government of President Menem,” said Levenda, “show that many more Nazis managed to flee to South America than had been previously imagined”; true believers of the cult of the Black Order.


The Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) and the Outer Head of the Order (OHO) continued in Europe and Switzerland. Elements were found in the Process Church of the Final Judgment, and Scientology.

(In addition to Lavenda’s comments, a 600-page report was discovered, which the Justice Department has tried to keep secret for four years, which provided new evidence about more than two dozen of the most notorious Nazi cases of the last three decades.

The report told of the government’s pursuit of Dr. Josef Mengele, the so-called Angel of Death at Auschwitz [part of whose scalp was kept in a Justice Department official’s drawer]. It also detailed the vigilante killing of a former Waffen SS soldier in New Jersey. It documented the government’s mistaken identification of the Treblinka concentration camp guard known as Ivan the Terrible.

Scathing disclosures came in revealing the Central Intelligence Agency’s participation with Nazi fugitives. Investigators and previous government reports had revealed the C.I.A.’s use of Nazis for postwar intelligence purposes. This report goes further by documenting the level of American cooperation and deception in the cover-up.

The Justice Department report described what it calls “the government’s collaboration with persecutors.” O.S.I investigators learned that some of the Nazis “were indeed knowingly granted entry” to the United States, despite government officials being aware of their pasts. “America, which prided itself on being a safe haven for the persecuted, became — in some small measure — a safe haven for persecutors as well,” it said.)

The creator of Hitler’s elite commando force, Otto Skorzeny, aided the escape of Nazi art treasures and fellow German colleagues. He made himself useful to American intelligence and West German industrials and reconstituted Nazi protection of the Organization of Former SS Officers (ODESSA) in the pipeline of Argentina, Egypt, England, Chile and various hideaways for an estimated 70,000 former SS officers; one of the most notable was the heavily armed estate of Colonia Dignidad. Fugitives such as Martin Bormann and Josef Mengele resided in the Dignidad village, as well as Nazi Baron Friedrich August Von Der Heydt.

Bolivia had a Nazi party called The Organization National Socialist Americans (ONSA); Chile had three Nazi parties. Argentina’s Juan Peron was blatantly pro-Nazi and pro-fascist. Most Nazi parties in South America were direct divisions of the greater Nazi party in Germany. Carlos Lehder, neo-Nazi, formed the Movement for Civil Latin National (MCLN) in 1983, and he extolled Hitler “as the greatest warrior in history” (p. 302).

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Argentinian President Juan Peron with Wife Eva in Buenos Aires in 1950.
 Peron Sold 10,000 Blank Argentine Passports to the Nazi Odessa.

This was Bogota, Colombia, but Gestapo Chief Klaus Barbie reached into Bolivia in 1951.

“There was nothing ‘neo’ about Klaus Barbie,” said Lavenda, “he was the genuine article. And there was nothing ‘neo’ about Colonia Dignidad, the latest in a long line of concentration camps and cult centers courtesy of the Third Reich.”

Colonia Dignidad was “a state-of-the-black-art-detention center.” In 1986, underground rooms where prisoners had been held and tortured were discovered and identified (p. 320). A United Nations report of 1976 spoke of electronic equipment where detainees were tied naked to metal frames to receive electric shocks.

“The colony has since changed its name from Colonia Dignidad to Villa Baviera (Bavarian Village), an innocuous-sounding title,” said Lavenda, “that never the less emphasizes its sinister heritage…”


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Villa Baviera aka Haciendeg Dignidad

Nazi occultism ranged at present from The Church of Satan, The Process Church of the Final Judgment, The Natural Renaissance Party, The Temple of Set, and others, such as the Universal Order. In Africa, it was the Afrikaner Resistance Movement. There was the Polish town of Nowa Ruba (Ruda) in the foothills of Fowl Mountains as a one-time Nazi stronghold. (More currently, members of the far-right group 1389 packed brochures on Kosovo and posters titled “Kosovo is Serbia” for their Warsaw trip on November 11 and 12, 2007: the group of 10 joined extreme right-wing organizations from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary at the far-right conference. The extremists organized a march in the streets of Warsaw carrying such slogans as “All of Poland will be white” or “Enough of Jewish occupation.”)

Throughout the United States, there were many off-shoot clans: the Silent Brotherhood, the Aryan Brotherhood, The Order, and others.


But Nazi connections extended beyond Lavenda commentary:  they extended to the topic of UFO reality.

South America is related to several Nazi syndromes: Nazism was spread throughout the country; Tercera Fuerza Nacional Socialism in Bogota, Columbia. The San Carlos de Bariloche Residencia Inalco mansion in Argentina was said to have been a hideaway for Hitler.  Brazil was also a good place to hide for the Nazis because the Mato Grosso jungle was a perfect place to disappear for Nazi fugitives who were hunted. There was also Tierra de Fuego in Argentina: It is suspected that U-boats U-530 and U-977 – along with 54 other German U-boats – “disappeared” after the war. Some allegedly relocated to the South Polar area. Hans-Ulrich Rudel of the German Luftwaffe was being groomed by Hitler to be his successor. “It is known that Rudel made frequent trips to Tierra del Fuego…one of Martin Bormann’s last messages from the bunker in Berlin to Donitz also mentioned Tierra del Fuego.”

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Hitler and His Reich had Hideouts in South America – This One at Nahuel Huapi Lake in Patagonia

A further Nazi hideout was said to have been the mystery villa Gustav Winter, a Nazi safe house in the Canary Islands, according to author Ernst Zundel.

Ernst Zundel recounted that a Japanese naval attaché told him in late 1943 that a German submarine was using an uninhabited island in the Falklands, and a mine barrier was placed in the lagoon entrance. It was suspected by the Japanese that submarine travels were made to the South Atlantic region and the Antarctic.

Suspected Nazi hide-a-ways range expansively throughout the world and even involve a fortress, Base 211, New Swabia, Neuschwabenland in Antarctica, a secret project by the German Special Bureau 13 connected with the “Third Reich Operation UFO.”

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The Nazi Bell Craft

“It is that thought, which reportedly drew Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in search of the opening to Hollow Earth,” said writer/researcher Mark A. Mihalko, “an idea that may be surprising to some people. However, it is also easily believable when looking at the different locations, Antarctica and Brazil, are rumored to contain entrance ways into this realm. In fact, like Mount Shasta, the Brazilian mountains are known for UFO and strange sightings.”


South America has been replete with UFO sightings and photos (i.e, Recife, Brazil, September, 1987, photo of domed disc with cupola) for many years, extent of the continent, from Monte Grande, Argentina to El Chocca in  the Province of Corrientes, to the San Clemente, Chile “UFO Trail.”

“If it’s drama you’re looking for then the continent of South America seems to be the place to look,” said, “the Latin American experience of UFOs is somewhat different to that of the rest of the world in that sightings here can take a very serious turn, often resulting in serious injuries or even death.”

In August 1970, Almiro Martins de Freitas, a security guard for Funil Dam in Itatiaia, Brazil, fired at a lighted hump-shaped object which blinded the guard with a bright red flash.  He was briefly hospitalized.

In 1977 the Brazilian island of Colares was under attack by UFOs which fired what appeared to be laser beams. Over 80 people reported being attacked, 35 with symptoms of radiation sickness and burns with puncture wounds and hair loss.  Two residents were thought to have died.

Recently, on April 14, 2013, Raymond Pool and Igor Geovani sighted and photographed a strange car-size aircraft in the Serra do Gado Bravo of the mountains of Senhor Do Bonfim, Brazil – the Chapada Diamantina Mountain Range north of Bahia. A similar craft was sighted on the 19th by Isaiah Domingos Cavalcanti near Caatingvinha.


On October 17, 2012, photographer Oscar Heredia spotted and photographed a greenish UFO between Mountain Cerro Michi and the Fangnano/Cami Lake in the Tierra del Fuego area. Residents of Tohuin said the object has been traversing the area for decades and always returned to the Mountain.

Said “….the region of Tierra de Fuego looks like a major UFO hotspot with a ‘UFO Base’….the UFO base is believed to exist beneath an icy plateau that lays between some of the island’s many peaks.”  Government scientists have monitored and recorded large luminous objects entering and exiting the plateau. A reported UFO appeared to crash in Tierra del Fuego on September 14, 2004.


“Hacienda Dignidad is a mysterious place, deep in the Chilean Mountains,” said journalist and researcher Ingrid Rimland. “Allegedly, it is a trading post for Nazi UFOs.” Ernst Zundel said: “…The Hacienda Dignidad myth is only a small piece of a puzzle that is much larger, much more mysterious, encompassing people all over the globe for at least 60, maybe even 70 or 75 years.”

Ernst Zundel, a flagrantly avid Nazi and publisher of Nazi-sympathetic literature, and also an ardent observer, relayed interesting tales of Colonia Dignidad. He related a story about visitors to the “fabled (Nazi) Shangri-La” in 1978 and 1979. The trip is described through the eyes of Willibald Mattern, associate and co-author, and Zundel’s German attaché Sepp.


Details given by Willibald Mattern and attaché Sepp described Hacienda Dignidad as home to Mercedes Benz vehicles, very modern tools and machines, state of the art hospital, dairy farm, German type buildings, Alpine-style architecture, European-type buildings, asphalt roads, and a “colony totally self-sufficient in everything; technologically equipped with their very latest amenities.” Meisterbetrieb.


Mattern said he saw strange aerial activity going on by very strange aircraft. He was later discouraged from investigating the ‘whine’ of what seemed to be “jet engines.” When the convoy arrived at the Hacienda, they were confronted by Aryan blonde men in trench coats and their Mercedes Benz. They were taken into custody, investigated for several days, and then released with the admonition that they were in a restricted area and not wanted. Their interrogators were clearly German. One man wore a forage cap used by German mountain troops in World War II.


According to Zundel, a reporter for the El Mercurio newspaper reported in the 40s and 50s that he did penetrate the Hacienda terrain via back roads through the mountains using pack horses “and that he did observe strange flying craft taking off and landing in some remote area of a valley away from the actual community.”

“Mattern was of the view that this place was a supply base for fresh fruit and vegetable picked up by ‘flying saucer,’”  said Ernst Zundel.  “He also felt that the colony served as a rest/recuperation and medical facility for German-staffed UFO bases further to the south, like Tierra de Fuego and even Antarctica proper.”


Founder of the village, Paul Schafer, Nazi, was arrested and sentenced for multiple crimes.  He died in a prison hospital on April 24, 2010. The decline of the village is murky. About 280 members, aged German expatriates, are isolated in the village presently. The Colonia now operates a German restaurant nearby.

Visiting the village one gets an uneasy feeling of crossing into some sort of Twilight Zone, said tourist and journalist Bruce Falconer, the way the villagers dressed, their haircuts: It’s like going back to Germany in the 1940s. 

Zundel, sometimes accused of alleged fabrication about UFOs, made substantive comments on his beliefs as late as 2002.


TheTrailof s-ANTARCTICUFOCLOSE-large300
UFO Sighted on August 10, 2012, over the Antarctica Neumayer Station

Explained historian Lawrence C. Wangler: “In March 1945, just before the end of the war, two German U-boats left a port on the Baltic Sea — reportedly taking with them top SS officers and key members of the flying saucer research team, plus saucer designs and plans for a gigantic underground complex. It’s widely believed that the submarines were bound for Antarctica.”


An amazing 2006 Russian documentary was recently translated into English disclosing hidden information about a U.S. Navy Antarctica expedition in 1946/1947.

U.S. Navy Expedition Helicopter Returns from Survey of South Pole Waters
Photos Extra Helicopter High Jump hj27

Operation High Jump

The task force was scheduled for a six month period for scientific exploration; it was officially called “The United States Navy Antarctic Development Program.” Its operational name was High Jump, and the naval component was known as Task Force 68. It was composed of 4700 military personnel and one aircraft carrier, the USS Philippine Sea—-one of the largest carriers of the time. Operation High Jump was to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV.


The Naval expedition was headed by famed polar explorer Admiral Richard Byrd. Byrd’s expedition ended after only 8 weeks. According to the press, crew members going through Chilean ports described “many fatalities”; Task Force 68 had encountered “a new enemy that could fly from pole to pole at fantastic speeds.”


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Artist Conception of Nazi Saucers over Their Polar Base

The intelligence report, gathered from Soviet spies embedded in the US, revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base.  Instead, the task force encountered a mysterious “UFO force” that attacked the military expedition destroying several ships and a significant number of planes.


Lieutenant John Sayerson, a flying boat pilot, said a strange aircraft attacked his ship: “The thing shot vertically out of the water at tremendous velocity, as though pursued by the devil.” The craft flew through the masts of the ship causing radio antenna to oscillate back and forth in its turbulence. A Martin Flying Boat from the USS Currituck was struck with an unknown type of ray from the object. Ten miles away, the torpedo-boat USS Maddox burst into flame and began to sink. John P. Szewach, radioman on the USS Brownson, likewise observed on January 17, 1947, the mayhem and destruction wrought by the attack. Researchers surmised that the purpose of the attack was to deter the task force and force it to leave but not to destroy the armada.

ThTrailof Depection nazi10
Artist Conception of Nazi Flying Saucers

Admiral Byrd admonished cryptically that this was a “new enemy that could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.” Byrd was quoted on March 5, 1947, Chilean El Mercurio newspaper about an “invasion of the country by hostile planes flying over one or both poles.” Byrd said: “I have to warn my compatriots that the time has ended when we aren’t able to take refuge in our isolation and rely on the certainty that the distance, the oceans, and the poles were a guarantee of safety.”

In the October 1947 National Geography Magazine in an article entitled “Our Navy Explores Antarctica,” Byrd referred several times to Antarctica as “the mystery land beyond the pole.”


Said author/investigator Jim Marrs in “Secret Societies that Threaten to Take over America: Rise of the 4th Reich”: “The Germans were defeated in World War II…but not the Nazis. They were simply forced to move. They scattered to the four corners of the world. Many of them came to the United States and penetrated what President Dwight D. Eisenhower termed ‘The Military-Industrial Complex’…they escaped with the loot of Europe as well as rocket science and even exotic technologies. Some of this technology was so advanced that it remains classified in the U.S government files even today…the very same self-styled globalists who created National Socialism in the first place.  Their agenda matches that of the Old Bavarian Illuminati.”


This publishing is dedicated in part to the late Jim Marrs who passed away on August 2, 2017. Marrs was a heroic and extraordinary journalist who exposed many elitist conspiracies and the machinations of the occult secret societies.  From Wikipedia:

Jim Marrs (December 5, 1943 – August 2, 2017) was an American newspaper journalist and New York Times best-selling writer of books and articles on a wide range of alleged cover-ups and conspiracies. Marrs was a prominent figure in the JFK conspiracy press and his book Crossfire was a source for Oliver Stone‘s film JFK. He wrote books asserting the existence of government conspiracies regarding aliens9/11telepathy, and secret societies.  He was once a news reporter in the Dallas–Fort Worth–Arlington metroplex and taught a class on the assassination of John F. Kennedy at University of Texas at Arlington for 30 years.  Marrs was a member of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth.

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Founding members of UFO Study Group November 1967 4-24-2017 1;25;37 PM.jpg new
Steve Erdmann – Independent Investigative Journalist – 1967  – to the Left
You can reach Steve Erdmann – at – – or –
You can friend him at Facebook –  – or – visit the Dissenter/Disinter Group – at –!/groups/171577496293504/.
His Facebook email is
You can also visit his articles at the following: – TheDissenter,,,,
Alternate Perception Magazine:,

TheTrailofthe Castle 69a9b014af1ca51d9ef097949ed308f8--castles-germany
Wewelsburg Castle

ThTrailof Depection nazi10
Artist Conception of Nazi Flying Saucers
Photos Extra Helicopter High Jump hj27
Operation High Jump
U.S. Navy Expedition Helicopter Returns from Survey of South Pole Waters
TheTrailof Die_Glocke
The Nazi Bell Craft
TheTrailof idea_sized-gettyimages-107707668
Adolf Hitler Practicing His Speech-making
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Villa Baviera aka Haciendeg Dignidad
TheTrailof History_Radio_Prague_Answers_Propaganda_Speech_SF_still_624x352
The Worship of the Nazi Reich
TheTrailof Mind Control tl-horizontal_main
Nazi Mind Control Experts
TheTrailof hitlerhideout2
Hitler and His Reich had Hideouts in South America – This One at Nahuel Huapi Lake in Patagonia
******* TheTrailof 4cf60489bfb3ff084a392012f8697f3f Freiburg UFO Crash in the Black Forest in 1936.Was the Origination of the Nazi Tachyonator 7 DriveArtist Conception of a Crashed UFO
TheTrailof s-ANTARCTICUFOCLOSE-large300
UFO Sighted on August 10, 2012 over the Antarctica Neumayer Station
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Jim Marrs, Journalist
TheTrailof Odessa article-2117093-0022189100000258-493_468x357
Argentinian President Juan Peron with Wife Eva in Buenos Aires in 1950.
Peron Sold 10,000 Blank Argentine Passports to the Nazi Odessa.

Another version of this article can be seen at

The Mars Pathfinder and Viking Missions to Mars – A Photo Comparison

The Mars Pathfinder


Viking Missions to Mars

A Photo Comparison

By Ron Gerbron, Andrew Currie

& Robert Morningstar

(Copyright 2020, R. Gerbron, A. Currie, R. Morningstar-All Rights Reserved)

Official Description of The Pathfinder Mission

From NASA History

Mars Pathfinder was launched on December 4, 1996 at 1:58:07 am EST on a Delta II rocket. After an uneventful journey, the spacecraft safely landed on the surface of Mars on July 4, 1997.

Its landing on the Ares Vallis plain was confirmed at 1:07 p.m. EDT. The air bag landing system, tested at Glenn’s Plum Brook Station in Sandusky, Ohio, performed well.

The first set of data was received shortly after 5:00 p.m. followed by the release of images at 9:30 p.m.

The Sojourner Rover, with three Lewis components, then began its Martian trek and returned images and other data over the course of three months.

After operating on the surface of Mars three times longer than expected and returning a tremendous amount of new information about the red planet, NASA’s Mars Pathfinder mission completed the last successful data transmission cycle from Pathfinder at 6:23 a.m. EDT on Sept. 27, 1997. Source:

Pathfinder “Imp Mania”

Robert Morningstar describes this discovery by Ron Gerbron as an example of “NASA DisInformation Technology”<NASA DIT>, namely, photo editing techniques intended to hide significant features and details that NASA wished to maintain obscured, or camouflaged.

This photo with the multiple rovers (dubbed by Ron Gerbron “Pathfinder Imp Mania“) is from one pan NASA released that they’d placed a Sojourner next to for all the “rocks” it visited.

Paradoxically, that is the only pan which wasn’t a crooked pile of mis-aligned patches <typical of “NASA DIT”>, so I took a piece from it where there weren’t any rover tags, just to show what the rubble on the ground looks like.

B &W “Half Dome” Pathfnder Image 
The colors in this slide have been computer enhanced in order to show the details of the martian surface. As a result, the colors shown here do not precisely represent those that a human observer would see on Mars.

32. Mars Pathfinder: Twin Peaks (19°N,34°W)

This image shows the view to the west of the Pathfinder landing site. At the bottom, portions of the spacecraft’s solar panels and airbags are visible. Pathfinder landed in the outflow region of the Ares Vallis, an outflow channel similar to Maja Valles (slide #24). Many rocks are visible in this image and may have been transported to this region by massive floods early in the history of Mars. A pair of hills known as “Twin Peaks,” located about 1 kilometer from the Pathfinder lander, can be seen on the horizon. It is thought that the Twin Peaks may be a small-scale version of the streamlined deposits shown in slide #25. The streamlined crater deposits in slide #25 are about 150 kilometers northeast of the Pathfinder landing site but are part of the same outflow channel system. As with the previous slide, this slide is actually a mosaic of many individual images, and there are some misalignments visible in the mosaic.
Mars Pathfinder image 81957
Right click here to download a high-resolution version of the image (3.52 MB)




Viking Lander Photo for Camparison with Pathfinder Photos

Utopia on Mars

The Viking Project, M. Dale-Bannister WU StLNASA

Explanation: The Viking 2 spacecraft was launched on the Road to Utopia in September of 1975 (30 years after Bing, Dotty, and Bob). In August of 1976, after making the second successful Martian landing, Viking 2’s lander began recording data used to produce this exquisitely detailed image of the Martian surface in the area of Utopia Planitia (the Plain of Utopia).

Visible at the lower right are the protective shroud that covered the lander’s soil collector head, ejected after the descent, along with one of the lander’s dust covered footpads. Seen near the center are shallow trenches dug by the sampler arm. Mars looks red because its surface is covered with reddish iron oxide dust (rust). This dust, suspended in the thin carbon dioxide atmosphere, also filters the sunlight causing surface views to take on a reddish tinge.

 The Vikings made the first successful landings on Mars 20 years agoWhat does Mars look like today?

Our Mars assicate, Anrew Currie contribued this unusual discovery found in the high resolution Vicking 2 photo above:

Source: APOD – Astronomy Picture of the Day


Ron Gerbron: A short bio

Proudly uncredentialed polymath with a proudly uncredentialed and deeply interested in the study of archeology, Ron was raised on a farm in Pennsylvania collecting arrowheads as a child. 

Ron found the programmatic aspect of education too limiting after attending a famous Quaker school in PA. Ahead of his studies and his time, he attempted to contort himself into attending college; before he gave up on academia and moved overseas. In all that time, he has focused his core attention on the metrology of our paleo history, particularly on other planets, especially Mars.

Ron is a member of The Enterprise Mission Imaging Team and a regular guest on Richard Hoagland’s radio program, The other Side of Midnight (@


The Hidden World of Saturn


Omar Faizi

Destructors 94333458_240723800670349_4540418376249376768_n

Omar  Faizi

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Part Two


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FRI, JUL 03, 2020 | UPDATED 02.18AM IST

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Saturn and its Effects on Humans

Read more at:

“The effects of Saturn on human beings are many-fold. Shani i ..
Read more at:”
Above quote from the below article:
The below videos may not appear to sight because of Chrome problems (though you can hear them by clicking on them); you can see them clearly on a Foxfire system.
“For more than 200 years, this book concealed the arcane rituals of an ancient order. But cracking the code only deepened the mystery.” COURTESY OF UPPSALA UNIVERSITY
“THE MASTER WEARS an amulet with a blue eye in the center. Before him, a candidate kneels in the candlelit room, surrounded by microscopes and surgical implements. The year is roughly 1746. The initiation has begun.
“The master places a piece of paper in front of the candidate and orders him to put on a pair of eyeglasses. ‘Read,’ the master commands. The candidate squints, but it’s an impossible task. “
Above quote from the below article:
The below videos may not appear to sight because of Chrome problems (though you can hear them by clicking on them); you can see them clearly on a Foxfire system.
“Peoples that remembered early tragedies enacted in the sky by the heavenly bodies asserted that Jupiter drove Saturn away from its place in the sky. Before Jupiter (Zeus) became the chief god, Saturn (Kronos) occupied the celestial throne. In all ancient religions the dominion passes from Saturn to Jupiter. In Greek mythology, Kronos is presented as the father and Zeus as his son who dethrones him. Kronos devours some of his children. After this act Zeus overpowers his father, puts him in chains, and drives him from his royal station in the sky. In Egyptian folklore or religion the participants of the drama are said to be Osiris-Saturn, brother and husband of Isis-Jupiter.”
Above quote from the below article:
The below videos may not appear to sight because of Chrome problems; you can see them clearly on a Foxfire system.
“Your natal Saturn sign will show you how you face your fears, how you set boundaries, what kinds of limits you tend to encounter, and what parts of your life demand you to be more disciplined.”
Above quote from the below article:
The below videos may not appear to sight because of Chrome problems (though you can hear them by clicking on them); you can see them clearly on a Foxfire system.

“Saturn has been one of the most dominant figures in occult history, major religions, and political powers since the earliest days of human civilization. Jordan Maxwell details many of the secrets of Saturn that have not been made known to the public. From the earliest of calendars to modern day secret societies and discoveries by NASA, the powerfully influential aspects of this mythological character become apparent.”
Above quote from he below article:
“The influence of the Saturnalia upon the celebrations of Christmas and the New Year has been direct. The fact that Christmas was celebrated on the birthday of the unconquered sun (dies solis invicti nati) gave the season a solar background, connected with the kalends of January (January 1, the Roman New Year) when houses were decorated with greenery and lights, and presents were given to children and the poor. Concerning the gift candles, the Romans had a story that an old prophecy bade the earliest inhabitants of Latium send heads to Hades and phota to Saturn. The ancient Latins interpreted this to mean human sacrifices, but, according to legendHercules advised using lights (phos means ‘light’ or ‘man’ according to accent) and not human heads.”
Above quote from below article:
The below videos may not appear to sight because of Chrome problems (though you can hear them by clicking on them); you can see them clearly on a Foxfire system.
“A saying goes ‘where there’s smoke there’s fire,’ and the concept of newborn porn must surely have its genesis in actual events, if not the fantasies of certain twisted individuals.  Unfortunately, some of these certain twisted individuals have the financial backing to make their fantasies come true – it would seem.  At least this is what ‘A Serbian Movie’ was telling us.  But is it true?
“Are children being murdered in the modern world for the sexual or ritualistic pleasure of well-paying people or groups of people?
“The answer is:  Yes.”
“‘Variation in radio waves controlled by the planet’s rotation is different in the northern and southern hemispheres,’ NASA wrote in 2014. ‘The northern and southern rotational variations also appear to change with the Saturnian seasons, and the hemispheres have actually swapped rates.'”
Above quote from below article:;
“Later commentators have compared the accounts of child sacrifice in the Old Testament with similar ones from Greek and Latin sources speaking of the offering of children by fire as sacrifices in the Punic city of Carthage, which was a Phoenician colony. Cleitarchus in his ‘Scholia’ of Plato’s Republic mentions the practice:
“There stands in their midst a bronze statue of Kronos, its hands extended over a bronze brazier, the flames of which engulf the child. When the flames fall upon the body, the limbs contract and the open mouth seems almost to be laughing until the contracted body slips quietly into the brazier. Thus it is that the ‘grin’ is known as ‘sardonic laughter,’ since they die laughing.
“This reference also seems to clarify that the statue itself was not made to move by the flames, but rather the burnt and shriveled body of the victim was contorted by them.”
The above quote is from the below article:
You can reach Steve Erdmann at – Or –
You can friend him on Facebook – Or – visit the Dissenter/Disinter Group at!/groups/171577496293504/

His Facebook email is
You can also visit his articles at the following:, – TheDissenter,,
Alternate Perception Magazine:,
Steve Erdmann – Independent Investigative Journalist
Steve Erdmann – Independent Investigative Journalist – 2010

